What kind of weapons do you want to see in F3?

The pics with the drag-queen on the rocket are necessery coz the armor looks cool

It's not necessary, we didn't need to know you think it looks cool. It was off-topic, which I think already defines as being unnecessary.

and its hard to explain how it looks without getting to close to the fast that you can see the lower half of the fags fake-tits.

Don't be a homophobe, there's nothing wrong with homosexuality.
I would like to see more of our wourld weapons but only weapons that could stand the test of time, like the k98 (my dad uses a 70 year old model to shoot deer with) the m1911 and weapons that would stand up to being nuked, dug down, rusted for 40 years dug up and used for generations. Ammo wouldnt be a problem for the survivors of the wasteland. They are crafty folks and as long as one can find a private handloading kit and a manual one can start turing out bullets. The game is set in America so i would see all american guns or typical souvenir guns (Like the broomhandle)
I think shotguns would be far more common than other guns as i belive the to be easier to build new ones than rifled weapons.
( and I love to walk the waste in leather jacket and two sawed off shotguns, mad max style)

I not a fan of the energy weapons, but i know that other people are so i would inclued the mots used ones in the series but also mad a fallout 3 signaturegun for late game use. Also would see a starter energy weapon, a civilian laser of some sort.

Another feature i would like to see is weapon degration, put a hundred bullet though a rifle and its not going to work rigth, could also get to use the repairskill a bit more often. or pay local smithies to get them fixed.

Melee unarmed and throwing weapons should be frequent but low power, maybe being able to cause more criticals.

In my view armors should be more limited to basic armors and not a lot of powerarmors, it should not be a given that you need a party of powerarmorclaid knigths to finish the game. But if you want one it should be there, but only in the end after a BIG quest.

miniguns should be limited to powerarmors knigths and mutants.

I would also lie to see a more space limited inventory, never carrying ten miniguns in a backpack etc.

Magazines, that you have to buy, would be a drag but would work wonders for a realistic feal to the game.

I would also have food drink and fuel back into the game.

im contemplating wanting a customizing armor system too, where you can use bits of your dead enemies armor to upgrade, replendish your own. Imagine taking a shoulderpauldrun of the dead enclavetrroper in Klamath.
I want to see new, original pre-war guns, that would make arsenal more diverse without compromising the setting.
Also I'd like to see post-war guns and gun manufacturers, perhaps maybe some new (post-nuclear) brands.
And you people DARE to talk bad about my ideas?!

Man... lets take the RL mix it with a nuke and those who survive the holocaust will LIVE Fallout 3. With all the RL stuff you can imagine!

RL guns are the worst idea you can have!

Go and play counterstrike... :wink:
I think that most of RL guns, especially full-auto military models are inconsistent with Fallout setting.
When I was playing F2 for first time I thought that all weapons like FN-FAL, G-11 and P70c are made up just like F1 weapons :lol:.
Dreadnought said:
And you people DARE to talk bad about my ideas?!

Man... lets take the RL mix it with a nuke and those who survive the holocaust will LIVE Fallout 3. With all the RL stuff you can imagine!

RL guns are the worst idea you can have!

Go and play counterstrike... :wink:

They said ORIGINAL, moron. What part of that is RL? And what about post-war? Hell, I doubt you even understand what "post-" infers.

Fuck it, your spree of stupidity has ended.

There are A SHIT LOAD of real life weapons in fallout 1 and 2. The whole argument about them not belonging in the fallout universe is bullshit because clearly they are already abundant. So if you said you didnt want any tatics like real life weapons but you wanted basically from the first two games, you are just contradicting yourself. That being said, no i dont perticuarly want fo3 the be filled with nothing but RL weapons, but if it is oh well.

What i really would like to see are some energy weapons with the burst function. The gattling laser is not enough. Im not saying they should simply take a turbo plasma rifle and add a burst function, but to create some new weapons with lower base damage which can be boosted by the burst function. Now we dont know what direction fallout 3 will take, so i cant argue or even know how this would fit in with the Fo3 combat system or if its really a good idea but that goes with practically every other suggestion here. But if you really want some justification, here is a very simple example: fast shot character, energy weapons. Impractical because the real strength iin energy weapons was the ability to get massive critical hits with aimed shots which are impossible to do with fastshot. If you added energy weapons with burst capability however, this avenue suddenly seems more apealing. There.
Mephiston said:
There are A SHIT LOAD of real life weapons in fallout 1 and 2. The whole argument about them not belonging in the fallout universe is bullshit because clearly they are already abundant.

Show me TWO RL firearms in Fallout 1. The only notable exception is the Desert Eagle.

The 9mm Mauser, 1) is unique and 2) can still be argued that it's not RL, as it's not named Mauser C96, but rather after the ammunition.

Get your sources straight, kid. Just because the following games in the series were warped in that aspect doesn't legitimize your lie in the above post.
Let's not forget that Mauser is a pre-50s gun (hence, it can exist in the Fallout universe), and the one in Fallout was clearly a vintage piece.

I don't know how Desert Eagle made it into Fallout.
ok here goes.





Grease Gun smg


Tommy Gun off the gangsters in new reno


h & k G11


Pancor Jackhammer


H&K caws


you already mentioned the desert eagle

SA80 shows up as XL70E3
rare can be found in game




The magnum....i cant find an exact variant but you know that revolver based on something that is real.

Red Ryder bb gun just because


and the gauss pistol was inspired by a .223 pistol which exists in real life as a modified m 16 chasis


you asked for 2 i gave you 12, some of these weapons are experimental some have failed to enter service, all of them exist or existed in real life and all of them can be found in fallout 2. 12 weapons doesnt make up half of the arsenal i know, but thats a substancial number, so i suggest before you call me a liar, to do some research yourself, and if you dont care to do such things, fine, in that case dont post.
Mephiston - asked you to

Silencer said:
Show me TWO RL firearms in Fallout 1.

And I even did so. And yet YOU post about weapons found in Fallout 2.

Are you even able to distinguish Fallout 1 from 2, or are you too inane to do even that? Take a few levels of Comprehension, then come back.

Fallout 2 was created by other people, and they introduced the weapons you write of - which was in conflict with the concept for the original Fallout game.

Mephiston said:
you asked for 2 i gave you 12, some of these weapons are experimental some have failed to enter service, all of them exist or existed in real life and all of them can be found in fallout 2.

There the fault lies, Silencer said "Show me TWO RL firearms in Fallout 1."

That's *ONE*, Fallout ONE, the game that actually got it right.

Fallout 2 skullfucked the setting in a range of creative ways (wanamingos? talking deathclaws? new reno?), real-life weapons are just another cog in the Fallout 2 machine of bad setting implementation.
That was idiotic on my part, its amazing how one number just totally fucked up my entire argument. Silly me he only meant fallout 1.

But given the fact that the fallout bible covers the events from both fallout 1 and 2, fallout 2 is still significant and it just so happens that it has all of those real world weapons you all hate with such passion.

And i just read kharn's post. At first i allowed myself to think that yes perhaps i didnt understand the setting well enough and i shouldnt make stupid suggestions but really it has nothing to do with that. Some people here not only have a very rigid idea of what fallout should have been like and absoultely will not accept any suggestions that stray frim that idea....
I don't hate them. At least, no more than I'd hate something that works to buttfuck a perfectly fine and immersive setting.

Think Phantom Menace. :D
Yea phantom menace sucked :(

I just dont think some things are such a big deal and i do belive fallout 2 and yes... fallout tatics are part of the fallout universe and both good games. that doesnt mean i have to be made to look like an idiot whose opinions aren't worth shit
I would love to see the good ol .45 as well as the 10mm varients. Less Fallout 2 like weapons, though. No Bozar, god forbid.
Mephiston said:
I just dont think some things are such a big deal and i do belive fallout 2 and yes... fallout tatics are part of the fallout universe and both good games.

Well they are a part of the Fallout universe, but in this way: Fallout2 where it does not contradict Fallout1 (RL guns, talking deathclaws etc.) And Fallout Tictacs where it does not contradict any of them (Hairy deathclaws, super lumps of flesh mutants, melted ghouls, a whole shiteload of RL guns, etc.)