What suddenly no longer exists

What the fuck has the earth's magnetic field to do with evolution, anyway?
In related news: I don't believe in horses because most horse-believers think jet fuel can melt steel beams.
What the fuck has the earth's magnetic field to do with evolution, anyway?
In related news: I don't believe in horses because most horse-believers think jet fuel can melt steel beams.

They're both sciency evolutiony magneticy researchy illuminatiy stuff, can't you tell? :o
What's a dopezilla?
A city-wrecking bong?

/edit: Anyway, I think this thread is currently devolving into shitposting, so let's get back to the phenomenon of weird-ass science denial. You can find deniers for basically everything, everywhere. Some are just plain ignorant and uneducated, but some are really borderline paranoid delusional. And, of course, the postmodern deconstructionists who also have a tendency to be anti-scientific, as that's more or less what that shit is about.
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You have a hand that likes black balls and dislikes white balls, likes big balls, dislikes small balls. You start out with a grey ball in a jar that divides into two a few times per day, and every time it does one ball gets darker and the other one gets brighter, and one gets a bit smaller and the other a bit larger. Every day the hand takes a few balls from the jar and throws them away. Eventually you're gonna end up with a pair of big black balls.

Evolution works exactly the same, literally.

Hope this helps.

Also there are pairs of big black balls everywhere, evolution is true, QED.
You have a hand that likes black balls and dislikes white balls, likes big balls, dislikes small balls. You start out with a grey ball in a jar that divides into two a few times per day, and every time it does one ball gets darker and the other one gets brighter, and one gets a bit smaller and the other a bit larger. Every day the hand takes a few balls from the jar and throws them away. Eventually you're gonna end up with a pair of big black balls.

Evolution works exactly the same, literally.

Hope this helps.

Also there are pairs of big black balls everywhere, evolution is true, QED.

The only problem with making simplified examples (even if they are good), is that we tend to make them for simple people. Now he's gonna go do some experiment with balls in a jar, and come back to correct you, because, idunno, he picked red balls, and your example did not include them, or something
The thing is, reality is even simpler.

Things copy themselves. Very rarely they change very slightly. Things that are better at copying themselves will create more copies of themselves in a given time. If a finite number of things can exist, the things that are better at copying themselves will be selected. Naturally. The rest is details.
The thing is, reality is even simpler.

Things copy themselves. Very rarely they change very slightly. Things that are better at copying themselves will create more copies of themselves in a given time. If a finite number of things can exist, the things that are better at copying themselves will be selected. Naturally. The rest is details.

Yes. Reality is made up of a complex interaction of quite simple things.
In the end, it is still incredinly difficult to explain this topic - or any science topic, to people who have missed out on all the primary courses.
I once tried to explain why humans are not "destined" to grow bigger and bigger and bigger brains, and it took me a long time... In the end, I did a simplified example "Grab a bunch of people, measure their average height. Let's say we get 175 cm. Put them all in a pool, and fill up with 1.70m. of water, watch most of them drown. Now measure the average height of the survivors, now it's 1.80. Because of an external event, the average height of this population grew by 5 cms, they "evolutioned"."
(in other words, we need to start killing everyone with sub-average brain-sizes... (unless hydrocephalia becomes super-sexy, then we can rely on sexual selection I guess))
It wasn't "destiny", it was just a bunch of death and drowning, and a few lucky survivors. Usually there are no survivors, and that's why animals and plants die out all the time, which is also something I find a need to remind people who get stuck on "survival of the strongest" etc. An animal is always strong, it's always "the fittest", until its world changes, and the poor bastard suddenly just dies, regardless of how awesome it was just moments ago :D
Gustarballs1983 must be a troll, right? What is a gustarball anyway?
to also quote tandi: Finally someone who sees:D
so maybe i was trying to piss you all off a little, @Hassenknecht no i did not mean the reactions that are going on on the sun, when talking about my education, however, you asked for it, here it goes... as back in the days i was taught in school that the earth's magnetic field is based on singular magnetic field, based of magnetized liquid iron.. (guess it was updated in the theory and textbooks since I me and a couple of other people pointed that out). On the other hand the stuff that's going on on the sun is based off ionized gases in plasma state. Such magnetic field as well as the one induced in electrical conductors is usually shifting constantly because it's based off of movement and it's usually a rapid shiftng like at least couple of times per second, so basing on the current version of the teory the magnetic field should change poles like crazy or at least there should be some form of electrical current in the liquid iron wich is unlikely. Plasma in such amounts coudn't be under earth's crust, as I doubt there would be anything that would keep it there. such stuff is so hot that it would eighter chill during melting stuff while getting up to earth's surface or would reach the surface and probably cause a lot of havoc on the surface (that's why scientists can't maketheir own fusion reactor it's because of high temperatures that melt the reactor before it could generate high enaugh power to sustain the reaction by itself as to my current knowledge such reactors last only a couple of miliseconds)
I mean they try to keep the plasma inside the reacttor by external magnetic field however if such strong magnetic field existed on earth it would probably kill evrybody as it's intensity would be lethal..

and correct it's not survival of "the fittest" it's survival of "the luckiest" :p
so fallout designers did made a point in adding luck as a charactter stat :D
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to also quote tandi: Finally someone who sees:D
so maybe i was trying to piss you all off a little, @Hassenknecht no i did not mean the reactions that are going on on the sun, when talking about my education, however, you asked for it, here it goes... as back in the days i was taught in school that the earth's magnetic field is based on singular magnetic field, based of magnetized liquid iron.. (guess it was updated in the theory and textbooks since I me and a couple of other people pointed that out). On the other hand the stuff that's going on on the sun is based off ionized gases in plasma state. Such magnetic field as well as the one induced in electrical conductors is usually shifting constantly because it's based off of movement and it's usually a rapid shiftng like at least couple of times per second, so basing on the current version of the teory the magnetic field should change poles like crazy or at least there should be some form of electrical current in the liquid iron wich is unlikely. Plasma in such amounts coudn't be under earth's crust, as I doubt there would be anything that would keep it there. such stuff is so hot that it would eighter chill during melting stuff while getting up to earth's surface or would reach the surface and probably cause a lot of havoc on the surface (that's why scientists can't maketheir own fusion reactor it's because of high temperatures that melt the reactor before it could generate high enaugh power to sustain the reaction by itself as to my current knowledge such reactors last only a couple of miliseconds)
I mean they try to keep the plasma inside the reacttor by external magnetic field however if such strong magnetic field existed on earth it would probably kill evrybody as it's intensity would be lethal..
So you didn't know the current theory, still don't understand it and then completely get nuclear fusion wrong.
Just so you know: The magnetic field of the sun is (to our current knowledge) generated by the same mechanism as the Earth's magnetic field: A magnetohydrodynamic dynamo. Such a dynamo requires a flux of conductive matter. That could be plasma (as in the Sun) or liquid metal (as in the Earth's core). You could probably induce one in salt water, too. Obviously there's no goddamn plasma in the Earth. Read the goddamn theory, then get back to me. Since you claim to have a diploma as an electrical technician (is that the same as electrical engineering? I know technicians only as the guys doing the wiring, but they're usually don't have a university degree around here) the math should be nothing new to you as it's mostly advanced electrodynamics with added fluid dynamics.
Such magnetic field as well as the one induced in electrical conductors is usually shifting constantly because it's based off of movement and it's usually a rapid shiftng like at least couple of times per second, so basing on the current version of the teory the magnetic field should change poles like crazy or at least there should be some form of electrical current in the liquid iron wich is unlikely.
Lemme ask you, what do Maxwell's equations tell you about the time dependence of the magnetic field?

Yeah, you are a troll, but you are also seriously uneducated. That's why I called Poe's Law.
Obviously there's no goddamn plasma in the Earth.

That alone cracked me up... :D

See, these are the signs telling you that either you are in for a several-year discourse to educate this person - or you simply have to do what you ended up doing, send him off to educate himself :D
That alone cracked me up... :D

See, these are the signs telling you that either you are in for a several-year discourse to educate this person - or you simply have to do what you ended up doing, send him off to educate himself :D
Eh, you know how it is.
Arguing with a physicist is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. Sooner or later you realise they like it.
that theory constantly gets updated due to somebody noticing an error in it and it's actually called a theory not a hypothesis can you belive that??
and yeah Maxwell's equations look up the one from Amper's it's in an inverse relation to a shift in time, at least partially..

and yeah finishing a technical school around here gave a university grade proffesion education and college grade all around education a kind of hybrid that is now gone due to EU entry and education standarisation-reforms that were done round 10 years back by country's authorities during eu entry.
So you might say I'm uneducated.. maybe I am.. or maybe more than 12 years after finishing my education my knowledge got somehow outdated. Especially in evolution theory as I never paid too much attention to it, as at the time I was beeing taught about it, it looked pretty stupid/unrealistic. So the theory moved on.. big deal.. It's not that I'd need it anyway, however it's better for me to stay away from future disscusions like this.