to also quote tandi: Finally someone who sees

so maybe i was trying to piss you all off a little, @Hassenknecht no i did not mean the reactions that are going on on the sun, when talking about my education, however, you asked for it, here it goes... as back in the days i was taught in school that the earth's magnetic field is based on singular magnetic field, based of magnetized liquid iron.. (guess it was updated in the theory and textbooks since I me and a couple of other people pointed that out). On the other hand the stuff that's going on on the sun is based off ionized gases in plasma state. Such magnetic field as well as the one induced in electrical conductors is usually shifting constantly because it's based off of movement and it's usually a rapid shiftng like at least couple of times per second, so basing on the current version of the teory the magnetic field should change poles like crazy or at least there should be some form of electrical current in the liquid iron wich is unlikely. Plasma in such amounts coudn't be under earth's crust, as I doubt there would be anything that would keep it there. such stuff is so hot that it would eighter chill during melting stuff while getting up to earth's surface or would reach the surface and probably cause a lot of havoc on the surface (that's why scientists can't maketheir own fusion reactor it's because of high temperatures that melt the reactor before it could generate high enaugh power to sustain the reaction by itself as to my current knowledge such reactors last only a couple of miliseconds)
I mean they try to keep the plasma inside the reacttor by external magnetic field however if such strong magnetic field existed on earth it would probably kill evrybody as it's intensity would be lethal..