What in your mind would be the perfect Fallout game? I don't mean Fallout in the same sense that people say "Fallout 3 isn't a Fallout game." I mean what would be the perfect game in your opinion based in the Fallout universe.
Combat system? Turn Based, realtime, realtime with VATS?
RPG elements? What kind of skills? Depth of quests?
View System? Isometric? 3rd Person? 1st Person?
Personally, I don't like the beginning stories of all 3(main) games. I like the stories after you reach a certain point but the whole: We're dying, go out, find something, bring back, and save the day stories have gotten old. Replace "We're dying" with Dad left, and you have F3, personally, I love the factions fighting each other, pre-war history, Harold etc. However, this story needs to be revamped, I like what I'm seeing with F:NV which takes out about half of the old story elements and replaces it with new story elements.
I think the combat system should be realtime with VATS, or realtime with an option to do turnbased, but this is because the turn-based system pisses me off.
I think the skills from FO1 and FO2 need to be brought back. I think quests need a shitload of immersion because the reason I got an RPG is to roleplay. FO1 and FO2 did this wonderfully, especially being older games.
I think it should be 3D isometric or first person with the option to go third person, with WAY better animation on third person than Bethesda did.
I'd love to see factions, reputation, and all kinds of misc things in the game, these make or break games in my opinion.
Combat system? Turn Based, realtime, realtime with VATS?
RPG elements? What kind of skills? Depth of quests?
View System? Isometric? 3rd Person? 1st Person?
Personally, I don't like the beginning stories of all 3(main) games. I like the stories after you reach a certain point but the whole: We're dying, go out, find something, bring back, and save the day stories have gotten old. Replace "We're dying" with Dad left, and you have F3, personally, I love the factions fighting each other, pre-war history, Harold etc. However, this story needs to be revamped, I like what I'm seeing with F:NV which takes out about half of the old story elements and replaces it with new story elements.
I think the combat system should be realtime with VATS, or realtime with an option to do turnbased, but this is because the turn-based system pisses me off.
I think the skills from FO1 and FO2 need to be brought back. I think quests need a shitload of immersion because the reason I got an RPG is to roleplay. FO1 and FO2 did this wonderfully, especially being older games.
I think it should be 3D isometric or first person with the option to go third person, with WAY better animation on third person than Bethesda did.
I'd love to see factions, reputation, and all kinds of misc things in the game, these make or break games in my opinion.