Yes, and beeing critical with anarchism is supressing freedom right? I don't see a problem with criticism towards movements and ideas, be it transgender, BLM or you name it, that doesn't mean that you want to see it abolished or something, or that your criticism or belief is always true to speak so - in that sense I am curious what your arguments are anyway. With saying this, I love how you both create some kind of narrative in your little minds, that was neither said in that video, nor something that I ever said here.
A society though, any society, has certain values, do I like them all? No of course not. Like religion for example. If I had the power, I would abolish it all tomorrow, christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, you name it. Let us get rid of it.
But here is the catch. This is an extreme view. And I am aware of it and that I hold an extreme view on that point. The moment you would make a law against religions, it would become a form of opression not liberation, even though I don't like it, I see the need for religious freedom to make a stable society possible. Just because you have acertain opinions, doesn't have to mean that it is the best thing to society since sliced breed. And this is what happens when certain groups inside the transgender movement demand that their gender pronouns for example fall under hate speech if you refuse to use them. I suggest that you guys go and look for some of Jordan Petersons opinions on that topic.
Expressing your self is one thing, forcing it on others is a whole different story. This has nothing to do with the huns, romans or what ever, but more a problem of postmodernism with the idea of "lets get rid of everything!" or "Everything is opression!" "Nothing is true or right anyway, so let us not even try!".
There are people which 'seriously' belive that transgender is some kind of evolutionary thing or something while it could be for the most part some kind of 'trend', that this movement of sorts is like the future of an open society or what ever. If that is true actually remains to be seen. And this is the issue that I have here, at least with some. See, many homosexuals in the LGBT community fought for decades to be accepted as normal human beeings in society and I would say, they succeeded in many ways. There is still a lot of work to do, but we're geting there. And then you have people that want to be unique, they seperate them self from society and the majority and alinating a large part of people that way. That for it self isn't a problem, but the kind of rhetoric that follows it, what you can hear with the extreme left today and some liberals/progressives. And just to say this, I feel my self relatively close to marxism and leftist, but I am shocked about what I can read and see coming from the left these days as it has nothing to do with rationality or logic but ideas that are close to anarchism in some cases.
Just to make this clear, if a homosexual would come out demanding a law that makes homosexuality 'special' I would also oppose. The idea should be that we're all equal in oportunity, not that we're all special snowflakes which have a right on priviliges simply based on our sexuality or skin of clour or what our feelings are.
Stupid shit euroPEONs say (at work):
"Trump only repealed Obamacare before it's named Obamacare. It's because of his ego."
"Our healthcare is great, so repealing Obamacare is stupid."
*sigh* clearly missing the finer points of the matter.
There's something interesting that I have read in an article once, about a survey they did about Obamacare.
They asked people if they support Obama care and I can't remember how many, but a substantial number refused it.
Then they asked the same people, if they would support the affordable care act, and the number of people that opposed it was lower.
Names, do matter. I am not saying that people which hate Obamacare hate it simply because of 'Obama' are racists, fuck I hate Obama as well due to some of his politics, he is a Neoliberal and there have never been as many Dronestrikes like under Obama and some progessives used him as their posterboy which turned out was wrong. He has broken quite a lot of his promises. But one should not base his opinion about the Affordable Health Care Act simply because it is from Obama. As Bernie once said, you want to replace it? Cool. But then come up with something that's better. Obamacare or what ever you want to call it, was at the very least a start.
Besides, the Republican version of Health Care or "Trumpcare" as how it should be called right
, has now gone trough the congress.
What surprise, elderly, poor and people with pre-existing conditions are the loosers