Yes, I am against religion. Does that mean I am against jews? Stop creating a narrative that isn't there. Nice how you ignored the rest and concentrated on one single post. Isn't that ... kinda racist from you as well? What about christianity? Or Buddhists? *rolls eyes*
- For the case you missed it, when I say 'racist' I meant it sarcastically.
My point was that I have in some sense very strong and extreme beliefs - against religion in general, but what I am trying to say is that I KNOW(!) that those are strong and extreme views which should never ever be realized. I mean god knows Marxism sounds awesome on paper, but hell it is a flawed ideology after all! And I say that as someone who likes it, because I actually UNDERSTAND it, which is not something that you can say about the extreme left these days, because you can not force Marxism on others, or it would become opression, but that just by the way. You might have missed the times where I defended muslims in this forum, but that still does't change my stance that I hate Islam because Islam is a reactionary, outdated and barbarish idea/religion. You can not go and bash christianity, and give Islam a free pass for the exact same stuff! But I hate ideas, not people!
Muslims =/= Islam.
Judaism (religion) =/= Jews.
You know, that is the issues that I have with some discussions these days, particularly when it comes to the left - since this is the ideology that I follow. You criticise a certain opinion like what Israel is doing in Palestina, and you're suddenly an antisemite. You're saying that Milo has a point in some of his speeches, and you're suddenly a sexist, mysognist or what ever.
See, in my Opinion Vergil was a wanna-be nazi and I sure don't like Valcik. But they have EVERY right to their opinion just as much as I do, and in my mind I am of course
right, because it is my opinion. But that doesn't mean that I am necessarily
correct. And I would defend their right to express their opinions, and I would condemn any kind of violence against them, or even real Nazis for that matter! Because that is undemocratic. That's why we're having discussions, why we're having free speech so we're not bashing the skulls of each other. You can not force others to respect you. Just as how you can not force gender pronouns on others!