What's Your Favorite Drink?

Subhuman said:
Belgium makes fantastic beer. Leffe Blonde is my favorite brew ever, followed closely by Bellevue Kreuk (because it's cherry-flavored). For less pretentious drinking, I usually go with Heineken or Corona.

As for mixed drinks, I likes me some Kahlua with coffee.
Heineken? Corona? Kriek?
You have no taste in real beers.
Sander said:
Heineken? Corona? Kriek?
You have no taste in real beers.

Did I mention it's cherry? I mean, think about that for a minute. Cherry. Beer. It's a match made in heaven.
No it isn't. Beer is supposed to be a bit bitter, not sweet like cherry.
But besides the Kriek, Heineken is the worst beer ever. It's almost water. And Corona is...well, not really a beer. It's more of a fad.
Seriously, go drink some real and good beer.
Oooh, hard cherry...

Sander said:
Seriously, go drink some real and good beer.

Recommend me something. I like Heineken and Corona because a) they're better than domestic shit like Coors or Molson, and b) they're more readily available to me than that trippy Belgian back-alley stuff you were talking about.
Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum and Coca Cola.

The drunker you get, the less you taste the rum!

Actually, I prefer coke by itself to drinking anything alcoholic at all, so I guess just coke would be my favorite drink.
Subhuman said:
Recommend me something. I like Heineken and Corona because a) they're better than domestic shit like Coors or Molson, and b) they're more readily available to me than that trippy Belgian back-alley stuff you were talking about.
Anything is better than American Domestics, but everything else is better than Heineken.

Check www.ratebeer.com
My personal favorite widely avaliable beer is Grolsch (you know, the ones you buy because of the nifty bottle).
And Pilsner Urquell is supposedly really good.
As for specialty beers, most Abbey and Trappist beers are quite good.
Sander said:
My personal favorite widely avaliable beer is Grolsch (you know, the ones you buy because of the nifty bottle).

Yeah, see, Grolsch tastes exactly like Heineken to me. Or any other beer on Earth, for that matter. There's really nothing special about it aside from the funky bottle. (It also scores a 23% on that link of yours, Mr. Lagermeister.)
Drink of Choice?

Have you ever wobbled home from the bar at 4am and got the sudden itch to play Fallout. Only to wake up at late noon with the whole town of Reno slaughtered? Anyways state your drink of choice and a funny story.

I will start with Jack n Coke, Irish Carbombs are cool too.
Meh. Better than a couple of weeks ago, but not 100% yet. I don't have to take Alpraz anymore, but I still have to swallow enough other crappy pills. Still, the Alpraz was responsible for turning me into a zombie, so I'm glad I don't have to take those anymore.

Thing is: I was starting to miss my virtual friends at NMA, so I decided to return. Don't expect heavy posting, though.

Another good drink: soya milk. With banana flavour. Yummy!
hat troubles me, is how does one milk a soya?

Or a coconut, for that matter.

Still we welcome some light posting, though :)
Hey alec, good to see you back in the mix! Not to push a potentially sensitive issue or anything, but are you serious about 'water' - you're off the sauce?

I obviously choose beer as my champion among drinks. There are better drinks, more tasty drinks, but no drink so reliable as beer; it is good for virtually any occasion. You don't want to get drunk on cognac or whiskey, champagne is good but only a couple glasses or even the occasional bottle, but it's not something you want to bring as your sole drink of choice to a party every single week. So If I could choose my "drink of choice", I interpret the question as if I had to choose one drink that I would have to settle with for the rest of my life - ie, not the drink I find the most tasty in it's own context (like a fine cognac after a heavy steak dinner). Beer doesn't leave in the night; I've no fear that it might desert me.
Whisky! Laphroaig's the choice of brand for me.

Usually I just pour down pints of beer, though.