Hey alec, good to see you back in the mix! Not to push a potentially sensitive issue or anything, but are you serious about 'water' - you're off the sauce?
I obviously choose beer as my champion among drinks. There are better drinks, more tasty drinks, but no drink so reliable as beer; it is good for virtually any occasion. You don't want to get drunk on cognac or whiskey, champagne is good but only a couple glasses or even the occasional bottle, but it's not something you want to bring as your sole drink of choice to a party every single week. So If I could choose my "drink of choice", I interpret the question as if I had to choose one drink that I would have to settle with for the rest of my life - ie, not the drink I find the most tasty in it's own context (like a fine cognac after a heavy steak dinner). Beer doesn't leave in the night; I've no fear that it might desert me.