Everyone has one of those favorite series that has been forgotten by time, or even abused in various ways until it is unrecognizable. I have often wondered why we have never gotten a Battletoads sequel for one. Especially with the indie scene picking up. Double Dragon Neon was a decent throwback to a long dead series, but we don't get too many of those. More downloadable titles like that would be good for bringing back those classic series that stayed in the 8 and 16 bit era.
Off the top of my head. I would like to see old school remakes or sequels for some of these classics.
Streets of Rage: This series never got as much love as Double Dragon and Final Fight. Probably because it was a Sega only thing. A decent remake in the vein of Double Dragon Neon would be excellent.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors: This type of game is perfect for 4 player co-op. It's probably one of my favorite SNES games aside from Super Mario RPG and Earthbound. They did a new Gauntlet recently which is similar in some ways. The original only had two players, but I think 4 would do just fine. Hell even two players would be okay. I just want a new Zombies game. Not that shit Ghoul Patrol.
Eternal Champions: The version for the Saturn was the best for this forgotten gem. It was a little clunky but featured some of the best death scenes in a fighting game at the time. Comparable to Mortal Kombat.
If Square could work with Nintendo and make another Super Mario RPG that would be great but that is highly unlikely. How about a Crystalis sequel? Another Contra similar to Shattered Soldier for PS2? I really miss Blood for the pc. That is a series in need of a boot. The dudes that did the new Shadow Warrior could do it. I'm just coming up with these off the top of my head, but there are plenty of games with decent histories that have a fanbase already built up, that wouldn't be hard to remake. Ducktales Remastered was a damn good example. The Mana series really needs a comeback. I loved Legend of Mana. I know many didn't care for it due to its differences from Secret, but that series needs more love. A lot like Mother. I wish they would do a part 4 of it too.
Which games would you like to see a remake of? Not a bastardised homage to the old games with all new gameplay mechanics. I'm talking a game just like the old ones, with hd graphics and some modern updates. Think Oddworld: New and Tasty.
Off the top of my head. I would like to see old school remakes or sequels for some of these classics.
Streets of Rage: This series never got as much love as Double Dragon and Final Fight. Probably because it was a Sega only thing. A decent remake in the vein of Double Dragon Neon would be excellent.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors: This type of game is perfect for 4 player co-op. It's probably one of my favorite SNES games aside from Super Mario RPG and Earthbound. They did a new Gauntlet recently which is similar in some ways. The original only had two players, but I think 4 would do just fine. Hell even two players would be okay. I just want a new Zombies game. Not that shit Ghoul Patrol.
Eternal Champions: The version for the Saturn was the best for this forgotten gem. It was a little clunky but featured some of the best death scenes in a fighting game at the time. Comparable to Mortal Kombat.
If Square could work with Nintendo and make another Super Mario RPG that would be great but that is highly unlikely. How about a Crystalis sequel? Another Contra similar to Shattered Soldier for PS2? I really miss Blood for the pc. That is a series in need of a boot. The dudes that did the new Shadow Warrior could do it. I'm just coming up with these off the top of my head, but there are plenty of games with decent histories that have a fanbase already built up, that wouldn't be hard to remake. Ducktales Remastered was a damn good example. The Mana series really needs a comeback. I loved Legend of Mana. I know many didn't care for it due to its differences from Secret, but that series needs more love. A lot like Mother. I wish they would do a part 4 of it too.
Which games would you like to see a remake of? Not a bastardised homage to the old games with all new gameplay mechanics. I'm talking a game just like the old ones, with hd graphics and some modern updates. Think Oddworld: New and Tasty.