actualy I killed House cause he was arogant. If I am thinking about that was the main reason I also killed most of the centurions from the legion I came across. 

rxantos said:I sided with Dr. House. Because of all the factions he was the one side that could bring a better future for humanity.
- He had the knowledge to do so. Both the technical knowledge and the business knowledge.
- He has the interest of bringing New Vegas to its former glory. And even build rockets.
- He had no interest on conquering other lands. Nor imposing a system on the other towns.
Sure, he is an arrogant megalomaniac. But one with a vision.
The Legion was too evil for my taste, and would fall out anyway once Caesar was death.
The NCR was just the same crap as todays government. The illusion of democracy where there is none. And a sense of annexing anything they want without regard if people like it or not.
And YesMan was too dangerous. He could evolve into a Sky-net later on.
So overall of all the evils. House seemed like the least one.
- House may not have the manpower and influence, but that doesn't change the fact he's the only side that offers something new. Something that can work, instead of another rome or another pre-war US. Rome and Pre-war US failed miserably both and giving them another try is a waste of time to me.
Diomedes20 said:When i first started playing i was going to side with the Legion, on account of being a Latin student, but when i met the Yes Man i was like, "Wait! I can take over Vegas?" so I sided with him...[spoiler:dfc626a257]after i blew up the securitron army...[/spoiler:dfc626a257]
Thomas de Aynesworth said:I sided with the Legion. I admire them.
I am so fascinated with his "Pax Romana" speech; explaining his ideology, his reasons for doing what he does, his intentions. And he is absolutely right about it all. I really think Caesar is the last, best hope for humanity.
The NCR, this corrupt obstacle, reflecting pre-Great War governments, and Mr. House, this depraved individual, are the real evil factions. Prostitution, gambling, gluttony, venality, greed, envy, all this evil upholded by them that lead to the Great War in the first place. If the NCR or Mr. House have their way, there will be another nuclear war in a few decades. They represent all that is wrong with humanity (and all that was wrong before the Great War).
Vulpes Inculta is correct about Nipton. The mayor sold his own people, the NCR, the Powder Gangers and his integrity for caps (GREED). Typical pre-Great War human behaviour that must be extirpated. Nipton mayor = NCR = Mr. House.
Of course, the treatment of women in Caesar's Legion is despicable. That can be changed, though. The innate decadence and depravery of the NCR, Mr. House and the likes cannot...
PS: It is no coincidence that Caesar was with the Follower's of the Apocalypse. He was a humanist from the beginning, and still is, more than ever now that he is Caesar.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:The synthesis between the Legion and the NCR that Caesar speaks of would be really, really interesting I think.
And, uh, one makes the other impossible?Thomas de Aynesworth said:(notice how even the NCR uses "democracy" when allegedly it is a republic?)
Pretty much. Do you live in the USA? It is not a republic.Hassknecht said:And, uh, one makes the other impossible?
Diomedes20 said:When i first started playing i was going to side with the Legion, on account of being a Latin student, but when i met the Yes Man i was like, "Wait! I can take over Vegas?" so I sided with him...[spoiler:91f6588b33]after i blew up the securitron army...[/spoiler:91f6588b33]
Thomas de Aynesworth said:You don't need a global thermo-nuclear war to see how totally depraved and evil Western democracies are.
Of course not, where did you get that from?Ausir said:You do realize that when people say "democracy" they mean representative democracy, and not pure democracy, which is simply not feasible on a state level?
By Mars, somebody gets me. Haha.Lanius said:Of course not! I bet that our real life democracies are already more depraved and evil, than the pre-Great War nations were in 2077...