First time out of the vault

Judging from what I've read one would assume the next "Big Bad" is gonna be some Commonwealth hot shot who's having the time of their lives oppressing da robots!!1!!
The Commonwealth angle not only sounds incredibly stupid, and will no doubt put the series out to pasture. Though also, it seems that Bethesda has a fascination with transparent villains who all engage in what we would consider authoritarian behavior, and therefore we as the savior of the wastes are compelled to fight them.
What's the next theme going to be, Fallout: Android Apartheid
Pretty much. As much as I'm a HUGE android fan (in general mind - the ones we've seen in the Fallout universe so far have been pretty fucking lame), and I am, at the very least, intrigued by the concept of the Commonwealth... I just don't think Beth would be able to pull it off.
The oppressed robot trope has been done to DEATH. I'm not necessarily against the next game being set in the Commonwealth. I simply doubt Beth would actually do something worthwhile and original with that setting. Seriously, if I want Blade Runner, I'll watch fucking Blade Runner - not play its retarded cousin.