So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

If it is Bethesda, the different endings would depict a different slideshow depending of the player-character appearance, but would keep the same recorded narration.
No-Bark Noonan should be the next main antagonist of the Fallout Series
No-Bark Noonan should be the next main antagonist of the Fallout Series
We can have an AIDs epidemic in the Wasteland. It can end with the main character in front of all the wastelanders giving a "Seriously people, stop being gay" speech.
Nah, it would probably be Harold that turned into a giant tree monster that spreads a corruption forest and can create mini-harolds to be his minions.
I think it would be quite interesting to have a nation that have been spared by the great war, that got a incredible technological edge over the whole world in 200 years, have billions of people in their own country, and starts to invade the USA. They could represent a society that is not bad per se, but could be damaging for the wasteland, as unfortunate consequence. So, you could have to fight them, convince them to leave, or help them to ensure their invasion of USA.
I would like them to be some kind of lawfull neutral. For intance, they have pretty great laws, but use robot as law enforcer, that kill outlaws on sight, even if it is just a misunderstanding. For them, as they are billions, and were raised to follow these laws, it isn't a big deal, but once they come into the wasteland, they could destroy entire city just for one man's little mistake. Or maybe they are carrier of disease that kill regular wasteland quickly, with no way to cure them, as they aren't sick themselves. Or maybe they are dogmatic in some of their laws that don't make sense in the Wasteland USA. For instance, if they are billions, they may not allow couple to have more than a children. So they would kill all children bar one, in families that have more children, in the wasteland, which doesn't make sense in there, as they is an high death rate in the Wasteland. Other ideas like that...
We all know that, and want that; but I doubt they will throw away an asset that the company paid for... it's why they were in FO3... it's why ~everything~ was in FO3; (including bottlecaps).The Enclave is DEAD already. Even Bethesda made sure of that. We, or they, will do something different than the Enclave. If the rumors are true and it's going to take place in the "Commonwealth", then I have no doubt the main villain will be from the Institute (if not the Institute itself). Possibly continuing with the "Mad Scientist" ideal that was originally planned for the FO3 villain.
Well, if Vertibirds are only in prototype form, then maybe a group of Enclave personnel could already be there, in say a sizable group of assassins, maybe?
Maybe the Enclave could be good because you're an important figure of their organization? Think President Kimball or General Oliver for the NCR, and when you finally meet up with the bigger group of Enclave, you can have a moral option as to whether the Enclave could Mass Murder Chinese citizens, or arm them to fight back, or evacuate them.
We all know that, and want that; but I doubt they will throw away an asset that the company paid for... it's why they were in FO3... it's why ~everything~ was in FO3; (including bottlecaps).The Enclave is DEAD already. Even Bethesda made sure of that. We, or they, will do something different than the Enclave. If the rumors are true and it's going to take place in the "Commonwealth", then I have no doubt the main villain will be from the Institute (if not the Institute itself). Possibly continuing with the "Mad Scientist" ideal that was originally planned for the FO3 villain.
BlackIsle/Interplay invented it all and could see it come and go when appropriate... but Zenimax bought them, they are going to use them... perhaps indefinitely. IMO the BOS, Enclave, Supermutants and Ghouls, have all out-stayed their plausibility in the setting... but I don't think that they can see past them ~or perhaps they assume their new audience can't.