The Grim Fandango manual points out that yes, characters in the game often smoke - but they are also all dead
Many games today don't even have a digital manual eitherManuals were pretty nice back in the day. I think they stopped as Companies realised it's cheaper to just have a digital manual.
Which from an economical point of view, I kind of get, at the same time, they aren't using that spare money to improve the game.
Manuals were pretty nice back in the day. I think they stopped as Companies realised it's cheaper to just have a digital manual.
Which from an economical point of view, I kind of get, at the same time, they aren't using that spare money to improve the game.
Yeah but it was nice to be able to have a separate manual for the controls that you could look up rather than having to go into the game's pause menu and accessing controls from there.
I also like how they could give you extra information about the game's story that wasn't critical, but interesting at the same time.
Many games today don't even have a digital manual eithermakes me sad.
there are actually plenty of quests in fo2 that require you to kill. while they might not be necessary for completing the game (some of them actually might be, I don't remember), it's still necessary from a completionist's (my) standpoint.what the hell are you even talking about... be sure to come back later and explain (?)
so then you would expect a critical hit "in a forceful blow" that leaves "bruises that would make for good party talk" to actually do more than 0 damage, wouldn't you? ridiculous is the word, yes.Random? Yes. Why ridiculous though? Some bullet would slightly scratch your balls without doing any serious damage if you are lucky enough, another one fired from the same weapon would hit your elbow and rip your arm off.
b/c he's dead, that's why. "he's unconscious. he's dead" that's stupid. worse than redundant really. it's one message: "tough alien was critically hit in the head for 213 damage and is rendered unconscious. tough alien died." paraphrased b/c I'm not looking it up again.Why not? A hit strong enough to render the dude unconscious may leave any character with low endurance separated from his senses and dying from massive trauma in seconds, whilst another dude with high enough endurance would recover badly injured after a couple of minutes.
it's a pretty big deal that I have to trudge through trash mobs late in the game in a SCRIPTED event, these aren't even random battles - it's 12 fucking wolves and then a gang of rats and molerats and there's no excuse. it's lazy, obnoxious, inconsistent with the next area of the dungeon and sucked so much I had to come here and let off steam for vengeance's sake.Yep, shit was designed before level-scaled console ports full of invulnerable heroes flooded the market. Big deal.
MY char might not be able to be attacked by more than 6 min-range only attackers, but each of my party members can be attacked by 3 of them. I get to act exactly ONCE for each time all of the enemies attack and b/c Sulik and Cassidy refuse to attack the same target, they don't kill one per round. it was excruciating. and b4 anyone says, "you can change how they attack in 'combat control'!" there are pros and cons to every option in there and so I have them attack whoever's closest b/c the only encounter that we don't either lose no matter what or win no matter what is wannamingos and deathclaws. and against those, I found that attacking whoever's closest works best. they don't even always do what I tell them anyway. I tell Sulik to use his best weapon and he changes back to the sword before long anyway. sometimes he'd burst for no reason even though I have him on "be careful not to hit me," even against enemies that can't be damaged by it. the ai can be so stupid and it's part of why combat REALLY sucks in this game.WAT
Your character cannot be surrounded and simultaneously attacked by more than 6 wolves since the hex-based grid won't allow this, i.e. you have to wait until only 6 enemies attack 3 times each before you can kill one of them. The same goes for your companions ofc.
The point is that you can finish the game without any kills.there are actually plenty of quests in fo2 that require you to kill. while they might not be necessary for completing the game (some of them actually might be, I don't remember), it's still necessary from a completionist's (my) standpoint.
Sadly, that stuff is hard to avoid without an actually sentient GM. In cRPGs, the computer is the GM, and there's only so much smartness you can program. It's not a single message, btw., but two consecutive messages. It always displays the critical effects first, and sometimes that leads to absurd statements like then you would expect a critical hit "in a forceful blow" that leaves "bruises that would make for good party talk" to actually do more than 0 damage, wouldn't you? ridiculous is the word, yes.
b/c he's dead, that's why. "he's unconscious. he's dead" that's stupid. worse than redundant really. it's one message: "tough alien was critically hit in the head for 213 damage and is rendered unconscious. tough alien died." paraphrased b/c I'm not looking it up again.
waiting for your turn in turn based combat would take 4 times as long in FF6 if you could only control one party member b/c there's 4 party members in your control in that game. in this game there are 12 enemies, 3 party members, and me. I can only influence the outcome 1/16th of the time b/c I only control narg, and in that situation and b/c my actions can be inconsequential due to RNG, I feel like it's just watching a really long, really boring movie. like citizen kane. if you like citizen kane, fuck you. the world would be better off w/o ppl who like that awful movie. the plot sucks, the dialogue sucks, and the characters suck. I'm ranting, sorry, but camera work doesn't make up for that.Yeah, so does every other video game.
Also, your complain about waiting for your turn in a game with turn based combat? What were you expecting?
waiting for your turn in turn based combat would take 4 times as long in FF6 if you could only control one party member b/c there's 4 party members in your control in that game. in this game there are 12 enemies, 3 party members, and me. I can only influence the outcome 1/16th of the time b/c I only control narg, and in that situation and b/c my actions can be inconsequential due to RNG, I feel like it's just watching a really long, really boring movie. like citizen kane. if you like citizen kane, fuck you. the world would be better off w/o ppl who like that awful movie. the plot sucks, the dialogue sucks, and the characters suck. I'm ranting, sorry, but camera work doesn't make up for that.
sidenote: I forgot about the graphics of this game, they're atrocious. I'm not a graphics whore, I'll play NES all day over PS4, it's not the technical aspects I'm talking about. a game can look gorgeous with the hardware of the SNES, look at donkey kong country, it's still astounding that they could make something that looks that good with that hardware. fo2 is ugly as fuck to look at and came out in 1998, what excuse does it have? I haven't even mentioned this yet b/c it's kind of nit-picking, sure I'll give you that, BUT if everything else about it is going to suck so hard it could at least be nice to see.
this is probably the most useful, enlightening post so far. I'm checking out the manual for sure. I guess there's some reasons that I never complained about mechanics while playing FO1 but I'm complaining about them this time around. it's been a while since I beat FO1, but I'm pretty sure these things must be true:Fallout 2 has the arrows... When there are bodies on top of eachother there are two arrows (left and right) that appear on the loot window that we can click to go to the next body that is under the one we clicked. We can loot everyone that just died over eachother very easily like that.
Fallout 1 didn't have the arrow buttons so it was a chore to try and get all the loot.
I noticed you made a lot of assumptions, like how you thought Narg was the obvious choice for a player for the first time, how you don't like to change default settings and then complain about combat being slow, how you complain about attack and damage, how you complain about no level scaled enemies, how you complain about combat being only healing or attacking and many more things (like the looting bodies over each other I mentioned above) but most of these things are because you assumed or refused to change things... Basically its complaining that an Android tablet does not download things from Apple Store.
Fallout 2 is a typical P&P inspired cRPG (it follows the P&P formula since the first RPG was created in the 70's and continued through the 80's and 90's and so on but adapted to computer and had to deal with technology limitations). It follows the P&P systems quite well and if someone is expecting something else (even though anyplace you can buy the game from has a description of the game and what it is) then it is the players fault for not reading what the game is.
Games back in the days had something "mythical" called Manuals, the manual would tell you and explain most things about the game and it's mechanics. It is not like today, back then you needed to read the manual to learn things before you played the game. The manual explains everything about leveling, XP, combat, characters, skills, how to make a character oriented to your playstyle, companions, etc.
Many of your complaints, assumptions and confusion are addressed in the manual and if you had read that you would have had much less problems playing the game. You also seem unexperienced with P&P inspired cRPG although you mention Baldur's Gate games (even in Baldur's Gate games you can only heal and attack enemies in combat so I don't understand your criticism about it in Fallout 2, it was also like that in Fallout 1 too and in pretty much any cRPG from 2 decades ago. You can cast spells but those are usually also just for damage the enemies or healing your party members).
What confuses me is that the game system and ruleset used by Fallout 2 is exactly the same as Fallout 1 and you seem to criticize Fallout 2 for it but not Fallout 1.
you don't seem to get my point. the topic was turn based combat. my point is that turn based combat can be passable, but if you only have the stage 7% of the time during turn based combat, it's boring as hell. so boring, that it's comparable to watching citizen fucking kane - the most boring movie I've ever seen. yes, I watched it like 3 times, every 5-10 years at one point, b/c I can't actually believe how bad it is for how much praise it gets. it's been years now, and I feel like I have to watch it again to justify this and make sure I just wasn't in the right frame of mind every time I've seen it. but I doubt it, I really doubt it. the problem is that it's so unmemorable that it's easy to think that maybe I'm wrong. if I remembered it better, I'm sure I'd be able to back the claims that the dialogue, characters, and plot completely suck.You start ranting about not being able to control part members (which wasn´t the previous topic) in a video game and then move on to rating about a movie you never saw. You can´t even keep yourself on the topic.
dude, you REALLY don't get it. the point was that I consider older games than FO2 to be beautiful. with better hardware at their disposal, black isle's failure to create anything worth looking at is on them. Ms Pacman for the atari 2600 is beautiful for what they were working with, the original pacman on the same system is ugly. I know whether a game looks good or not, fo2 looks like shit. I'm sorry if you don't know the difference between good and bad graphics. "it's old" isn't an excuse. I don't think I've mentioned a single game in this whole thread that was released after 1998 actually. and every one of them looks better than fo2. maybe not fo1 actually, MAYBE. they're so close though, but I do remember seeing a cathedral in fo1 and the inside of some military base filled with super mutants that I thought looked pretty good. I was impressed by cutscenes in fo2 but they don't really count.You say you don´t care about old games graphics but you still complain about them.
Just stop posting in this forum and go play F4, or Call of duty or Battlefield.
I think you misunderstand how the game works.dice rolls are fine. 4-7 damage makes sense. 100-150 damage with another type of weapon against the same enemy makes sense. 0 to infinite damage doesn't make sense, it just feels random and ridiculous. applying status effects to enemies that die simultaneously regardless doesn't make sense.
Actually no, different areas have different encounter tables.- at any point in the game, you can randomly run into gangs of radscorpions/wilders/cannibals/golden geckos that do negligible damage... or run into massive amounts of master's army/enclave/fire breathing geckos that will kill a party member in one round before you get a chance to heal them.
As I believe someone mentioned on your Reddit thread, it makes sense to have carrion eating creatures in a place where people have died.-oh I'm sorry, that's not always a random occurrence, let me update that last point. sometimes this bullshit is actually SCRIPTED: at the military base for example, first you have to fight 12 wolves which entails WAITING for each of them to attack 3 times each (for 0 damage if they don't miss) b4 you can finally kill one of them (assuming your brain hasn't fried from watching and hearing "RAW-RAWF" 36 fucking times by then). then you must wait for the remaining 11 to attack 3 times each b4 killing the 2nd one, and so on.... UGH.
break for singing, sing it with me: 12 mobs of wolves on the screen, 12 mobs of wolves! first you wait, then you kill one, 11 mobs of wolves on the screen! 11 mobs of wolves on the screen, 11 mobs of wolves! first you wait, then you kill one, 10 mobs of wolves on the screen! 10 mobs of wolves on the screen, 10 mobs of wolves! first you wait, then you kill one................................................
Games back then didn't hold your hand 24/7. They required you to think of ways to solve problems.then of course you look at the mine cart and "your" observation basically instructs you to do something that you'd have never otherwise done: attach the metal pole to the cart, then attach dynamite to the metal pole, b/c "you" thought that it was a great plan
Every single gameplay engine has its flaws. Fallout 2s engine was greatly improved over Fallout 1s in many ways.15 super mutants that kill a party member in a single round b4 you can act. even if you get to act, you won't be able to target a party member to heal them b/c they're entirely obscured by the mass of pixels that's supposed to be your enemy - which prevents you from clicking on your ally, which is for some reason the only way that you can target your ally. what a joke. I doubt the devs ever even played this game or that they had anyone playtest it.
Have you considered turning the combat speed up through the options menu?-the combat is 95% WAITING for others to act, 4% clicking on an enemy to damage or ally to heal, and 1% praying. it's the worst combat system of any game I've ever played. by a lot. yet somehow I remember enjoying FO1. maybe random encounters didn't treat me so poorly or they weren't as random or there were more encounters in between ridiculously easy and statistically impossible.
Congratulations on creating a vague concept that incapsulates every single quest.A through D are all "accomplished" by clicking and nothing more, ever.
Are you sure that you aren't just going to high-level areas too early?-the weapons are either not necessary or they won't do significant damage b/c the enemies are either lvl 1 or 999999, only aliens and sometimes deathclaws are seemingly anywhere in between. what a shame that 90%+ of the effort that went into making this game was in variety of weapons when only a handful are viable against the only enemies that matter.
To be honest, I have no idea what you are talking about here. But let me put it this waybut what makes up for the worst combat of all time? the fact that by clicking through dialogue you can either make group A friendlier and group B hostile or vice versa, according to a rabid group of diehard fanboys that should be calling their doctors instead of playing this old steaming pile b/c their raging hard ons for it have lasted much longer than is healthy or anywhere close to normal. "consequence" you call it. simple change of text in reality. are you out of your fucking minds or what?
Apart from New Vegas, it has more meaningful choices then every other game in the franchise."choice," lol, bunch of dumbass believers in here, aren't you all? enjoy your silly, childish illusion of choice and suffer through this terribly designed game for it, you poor delusional clowns.
"I pick the first option presented to me, and assume that is going to be catered exactly to my playstyle"it's nothing like picking barbarian and going all magic b/c I simply chose the first option presented to me.