why fallout 2 sucks (spoilers) (no I don't like fo3-4)

I do agree with @jschmo6766 about the graphics. again I usually don't give a fuck about graphics, but fallout 1 looked so crisp and clean and the buildings had nice edges. fallout 2 just looks muddier in comparison. especially wannamingos.
This is a roleplaying game, characters are tailored to different types of playthrough. Narg is supposed to be an unarmed/melee type. Don't complain you suck at guns, if you picked a character, without checking what kind of character it is first.
small guns are a tagged skill for narg and upon reaching 100% with them, they were still useless until I got to san fran and bought the gauss rifle (which required me to get a few things from each of my 3 party members' inventories until I had 21k caps worth of items to trade for it which was a major pain in the ass).
You see, Armour in the game reduces damage, on top of stopping attacks, however powerful hits can pierce through that damage reduction(especially critical hits)

So, the reason they are going from 0 to 20, is because one attack was better than the other attack.
0-20 is acceptable. but when an enemy can be either one shot or take 10 rounds of attacks to down, that's a bit TOO random, it's silly territory. if I'm standing right next to someone with a sawed off shotgun and roll a crit on their HEAD, I don't expect it to do 0 damage, ever. the fact that it can is a design flaw. I don't believe that it's so hard to program it in such a way that if 0 damage would ever be dealt, the game instead changes the roll to a miss. then, instead of reading: "you were critically hit in the head for 0 damage, the bruise will make good party talk," it would simply say, "tough alien missed." sounds a lot less ridiculous to me, even if one implies you're strong enough to take the blow and the other implies that you're evasive enough to dodge the blow, it's still better. if you still want the flavor of endurance vs agility in there, then have such crits do a minimum of 15 damage, so that anything rolled below it is automatically increased to 15, doesn't sound too hard to me. sounds like a few IF, THEN lines in a program file.
So, the reason they are going from 0 to 20, is because one attack was better than the other attack.
0-20 is acceptable. crits shouldn't be 0-213 though, sorry, see my last point. that's simply TOO random. it's already random whether or not a crit is rolled so when a crit's rolled it should maybe do 40-200+. that would be nothing to complain about.
And yeah, the fights with low-level creatures are kind of tedious, but you can't just expect rats and wolves to only appear in parts of the world where it's beneficial for them to appear, that would just be bad worldbuilding.
really? how about a faction so evil that they wipe out most lower life forms almost entirely at some point later in the game? like, maybe the enclave? after this event is triggered, I can see meaningful quests coming out of the scenario too, how's that for world-building AND fixing the stupid problem? no more packs of goddamn radscorpions, thanks. less than a minute's worth of thought solved this, what's black isle's excuse?
Games back then didn't hold your hand 24/7. They required you to think of ways to solve problems.
but it didn't require me to think of it at all. I clicked on the mine cart and the text box said something like, "if only there were a metal pole attached to this cart, you could attach dynamite to it and push it into the debris blocking the entrance." it was given to me, I didn't have to "think," that's why I mocked it. the irony is that this is a roleplaying game, it shouldn't tell me what "I" think. I should never have gotten to sarcastically type something like, "so there's this mine cart at one point that 'I' had the brilliant idea to use in combination with a metal pole and dynamite like a retarded MacGyver to gain access to the military base." I'd have never done something so stupid, I'd have just set the charges near the debris.
Yes every quest is accomplished by clicking, well done, you have described every single game ever.
I've gotten this a few times and haven't bothered to respond b/c my other points explain why it's more of a problem in this game. 1. randomness to a stupid degree. 2. combat is way too long. 3. you only control one of upwards of 15 chars which makes your actions less impactful during combat - your clicks effectively do so much less. other games require timing, accuracy, and/or critical thinking b4 you click. look at Hitman. after "deciding" to do a quest here, there's no conscious thought - you know exactly whatneeds to be done. or you click on an npc who tells you exactly what needs to be done, same thing.
Calling us "Diehard fanboys, with hard ons, that should be calling there doctors rather than playing this pile of shit", is the kind of thing that makes people think you are a troll.

Don't call us trolls, when this line was almost certainly intended to be aggressive.
no it was simply worded with emphasis and hyperbole in such a way as to motivate someone to actually feel the need to prove me wrong. if I had worded it like bill nye the fucking science guy, would ppl have googled my name to see what they could find on me? no. neutrality is met with neutrality and is boring. antagonizing, well... makes me an antagonist in your eyes and essentially gives you ppl a "quest."
Has it not occured to you that many of those quests also involve skill checks, choosing dialogue carefully, making choices, ect.
"do the right thing or do the wrong thing" isn't a choice and doesn't require conscious thought, sorry. I dismiss fo2's "choices," along with the concept in general. you do what you're going to do based on your personality which you have no control over (among other things like beliefs, preferences, level of intelligence, pool of knowledge, none of which you have control over at any given moment in which you make a "decision," but this is another discussion which most ppl are too stupid for so I'm just going to say "fuck it" here). then next time you play the game, you do it differently just b/c you've already done it your way. either by "choosing" the 2nd closest thing to what you'd do, or the furthest away from what you'd do, depending on your preferences. really there's no such thing as choice. I believed there was in grade school, every idiot you meet does. don't be a tool. "choices in fo2" ultimately means that for each NPC, there's actually 2, but you'll only see 1 of them per playthrough and to see the rest you'll have to go through the game again. you call it "replay value," I call it "not significantly different enough to change the overall experience." I don't need to see what it's like when NCR is hostile towards me while the mob in new reno is friendly, I've seen the opposite and can imagine what that would be like. I don't need to see a hole where vault city is, I know the "difference" I've made, if you truly consider there to be a difference between a lifeless crater and a city. especially after you pass it. it's not like you're returning.
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there are small guns to be found, that will work throughout the game, and down all kinds of enemies. You just didn't look hard enough.
You played inadequately.

That is your pattern, as well as obsessive I-am-right-ism.
small guns are a tagged skill for narg and upon reaching 100% with them, they were still useless
(Because skills in classical Fallout don't cap at 100)
they were still useless until I got to san fran and bought the gauss rifle (which required me to get a few things from each of my 3 party members inventories until I had 21k caps worth of items to trade for it which was a major pain in the ass).
Gauss Riffles work off of the Energy Weapons skill, not off of the Small Guns skill. It's not that the game is flawed, it's just that you are using a weapon, and expecting it to run off an inappropriate skill.
0-20 is acceptable. but when an enemy can be either one shot or take 10 rounds of attacks to down, that's a bit TOO random, it's silly territory. if I'm standing right next to someone with a sawed off shotgun and roll a crit on their HEAD, I don't expect it to do 0 damage, ever. the fact that it can is a design flaw. I don't believe that it's so hard to program it in such a way that if 0 damage would ever be dealt, the game instead changes the roll to a miss. then, instead of reading: "you were critically hit in the head for 0 damage, the bruise will make good party talk," it would simply say, "touch alien missed." sounds a lot less ridiculous to me, even if one implies you're strong enough to take the blow and the other implies that you're evasive enough to dodge the blow, it's still better. if you still want the flavor of endurance vs agility in there, then have such crits do a minimum of 15 damage, so that anything rolled below it is automatically increased to 15, doesn't sound too hard to me. sounds like a few IF, THEN lines in a program file.
There are bigger fish to fry. This problem is so miniscule, it's honestly not worth complaining about.
really? how about a faction so evil that they wipe out most lower life forms almost entirely at some point later in the game? like, maybe the enclave? after this event is triggered, I can see meaningful quests coming out of the scenario too, how's that for world-building AND fixing the stupid problem? no more packs of goddamn radscorpions, thanks. less than a minute's worth of thought solved this, what's black isle's excuse?
Because the Enclave is going to actively go out of there way to shoot every single Radscorpion within a 100 mile radius.

Especially considering Radscorpions are going to die by the hands of there Modified FEV anyway.
but it didn't require me to think of it at all. I clicked on the mine cart and the text box said something like, "if only there were a metal pole attached to this cart, you could attach dynamite to it and push it into the debris blocking the entrance." it was given to me, I didn't have to "think," that's why I mocked it. the irony is that this is a roleplaying game, it shouldn't tell me what "I" think. I should never have gotten to sarcastically type something like, "so there's this mine cart at one point that 'I' had the brilliant idea to use in combination with a metal pole and dynamite like a retarded MacGyver to gain access to the military base." I'd have never done something so stupid, I'd have just set the charges near the debris.
It's a little moment in a dungeon, which requires you to posses items. This honestly is a minor problem at most.
"do the right thing or do the wrong thing" isn't a choice and doesn't require conscious thought, sorry. I dismiss fo2's "choices," along with the concept in general. you do what you're going to do based on your personality which you have no control over (among other things like beliefs, preferences, level of intelligence, pool of knowledge, none of which you have control over at any given moment in which you make a "decision," but this is another discussion which most ppl are too stupid for so I'm just going to say "fuck it" here). then next time you play the game, you do it differently just b/c you've already done it your way. either by "choosing" the 2nd closest thing to what you'd do, or the furthest away from what you'd do, depending on your preferences. really there's no such thing as choice. I believed there was in grade school

Dude, this is a discussion of a video game. I'd happily discuss whether we truly have free will until the cows come home, but it is perhaps not exactly that relevant.

Arguing that giving you choices in video games is bad because there not really our choices but rather the result of our personalities, is the same as arguing that video games are shit because life has no intrinsic value, therefore it makes the act of playing games existentially pointless.

It's technically true, but you are overthinking it. I play games for enjoyment, and don't expect people's opinions of games to be at all shaped by my philosophical worldviews.

If you reach a point where you take your own scepticism about the world so seriously, that you let it influence your opinions of video games, I would honestly say you need to get some help.

Oh and by the way, saying "This is a discussion which most people are too stupid for", makes you look like a pretentious twat.
I call it "not significantly different enough to change the overall experience." I don't need to see what it's like when NCR is hostile towards me while the mob in new reno is friendly, I've seen the opposite and can imagine what that would be like. I don't need to see a hole where vault city is, I know the "difference" I've made, if you truly consider there to be a difference between a lifeless crater and a city. especially after you pass it. it's not like you're returning.
You lack imagination to such a degree that you shouldn't be gaming. Like seriously, any fictional work whether films, books, games, whatever seems way beyond you.
it's been a while since I beat FO1, but I'm pretty sure these things must be true:

1. the map is smaller. this reduces the "watching a download bar" effect while traveling across the world map. plus I wouldn't have to load so often and watch the download bar again due to running into enemies that I stood no chance against, exponentially increasing the effect this has on

Actually, the Fo1 worldmap has exactly the same size as the one in Fo2. The only difference is that Fo2 has more locations and travel speed is tied to cpu cycles for whatever reason. Sfall makes it possible to adjust the travel speed, though, so if it feels too slow for you, change it yourself (probably has influence on the encounter frequency.. not sure right now).
(Because skills in classical Fallout don't cap at 100)

Gauss Riffles work off of the Energy Weapons skill, not off of the Small Guns skill. It's not that the game is flawed, it's just that you are using a weapon, and expecting it to run off an inappropriate skill.
Nope, it's a small gun. You're thinking of Fallout 3 and NV ;)

I think the problem is quite clear: He doesn't like classic roleplaying games.
there are small guns to be found that will work throughout the game, and down all kinds of enemies. You just didn't look hard enough.
You played inadequately.

That is your pattern, as well as obsessive I-am-right-ism.
I look too hard. I talk to every npc and check every shelf/locker. when the path branches out (rarely) I make a mental note of what I passed so I can see everything. the last instance of this was a ladder in the boat to san fran. there were two ladders and stairs but both ladders and stairs led to the same exact room. the one with the wannamingos and the woman in the corner. I've used every type of ammunition except for energy b/c my energy skill sucks, all ammo was worthless against enclave or master's army until I got to san fran. and until I got combat armor at vault 13 or 15, other encounters were crap shoots in the hands of rng gods. the difference in other turn based games is level of strategy, and while you could still play perfectly and possibly lose in plenty of them, you could significantly better your chances. I've already mentioned FF tactics.

I really hate how my long term planning through perks like swift learner and well educated was punished. what perks you pick, what skills you increase, and what weapons you use entirely determine your results in combat and I believe after playing this game that alternative allocations are somehow both less logical but more rewarding. I must have gone the worst route possible and that's pretty frustrating after having read each perk and each skill description b4 determining what to do while being outclassed by my other party members up until san fran.
Gauss Riffles work off of the Energy Weapons skill, not off of the Small Guns skill.
this simply can't possibly be true. actually, it looks like an energy wep... that's really disappointing. it out-classes every other gun that I've ever used and my energy wep skill is so low. that doesn't make any sense, my small gun skill is at over 135 now and this gauss for some reason does more damage than any small gun I've ever used. that's just messed up.
Because the Enclave is going to actively go out of there way to shoot every single Radscorpion within a 100 mile radius.
no of course not, they can use poison or nuclear weapons to wipe everything out, perhaps a war you cause between new reno and NCR could escalate to such a point, after which you secure powerful weapons from either the BoS or enclave for either new reno or NCR to use against each other, or help both of them at the same time, whatever. seeing as how we're already using energy weapons, it could be some kind of gamma ray pulse that kills everything near the starting regions, after which the enclave and master's army could fight for control of the region, flooding it with worthwhile enemies. special random encounters could give the opportunity to help and arm cannibal and/or wilder groups, just for sadistic kicks but also effectively strengthening them to the point where they're not only worth fighting but they could cause problems for city's - problems which you could be given the opportunity to fix. there are many ways this could work and they aren't mutually exclusive, lvl 1 enemies don't need to exist late game, sorry.

you got me with the nihilism though, sure it's as pointless as arguably everything else. I was sort of back and forth in that comment, wanting to get into it, not wanting to get into it, kind of doing both while pussy footing around it. the main point is simply that the effect of fo2 choices is just an insignificant change in dialogue and doesn't affect how the actual main quest is completed. the fact that you're on a quest to save your village and the only way to finish the game is to finish that quest makes it out of character to "choose" all but one thing anyway. being a total asshole who indiscriminately kills everyone or decides to help bad ppl isn't something that someone who's on a quest like this would do. especially since you're a descendant of the "hero" of the last game. do you really, really want to roleplay out of character?
how about a faction so evil that they wipe out most lower life forms almost entirely at some point later in the game?

"you were critically hit in the head for 0 damage. the bruise will look nice and make for good party talk."


"you critically missed and lost your next turn."

I'll just assume I completely missed... a lot harder than usual, then. right.

"tough alien was hit for 0 damage.
tough alien was hit for 20 damage.
tough alien was critically hit in the eye for 3 damage." (same person attacking it)

"tough sm deathclaw was hit for 2 damage.
Sulik missed.
tough sm deathclaw was hit for 0 damage.
tough sm deathclaw was critically hit in the head for 219 damage. the blow knocks him unconscious. tough sm deathclaw was killed." (b4 or after he was knocked unconscious though? oh, it doesn't matter? yeah, that's my point) (btw, same attacker again)

dice rolls are fine. 4-7 damage makes sense. 100-150 damage with another type of weapon against the same enemy makes sense. 0 to infinite damage doesn't make sense, it just feels random and ridiculous. applying status effects to enemies that die simultaneously regardless doesn't make sense.

- at any point in the game, you can randomly run into gangs of radscorpions/wilders/cannibals/golden geckos that do negligible damage... or run into massive amounts of master's army/enclave/fire breathing geckos that will kill a party member in one round before you get a chance to heal them.

-oh I'm sorry, that's not always a random occurrence, let me update that last point. sometimes this bullshit is actually SCRIPTED: at the military base for example, first you have to fight 12 wolves which entails WAITING for each of them to attack 3 times each (for 0 damage if they don't miss) b4 you can finally kill one of them (assuming your brain hasn't fried from watching and hearing "RAW-RAWF" 36 fucking times by then). then you must wait for the remaining 11 to attack 3 times each b4 killing the 2nd one, and so on.... UGH.

break for singing, sing it with me: 12 mobs of wolves on the screen, 12 mobs of wolves! first you wait, then you kill one, 11 mobs of wolves on the screen! 11 mobs of wolves on the screen, 11 mobs of wolves! first you wait, then you kill one, 10 mobs of wolves on the screen! 10 mobs of wolves on the screen, 10 mobs of wolves! first you wait, then you kill one................................................

a few thousand less hairs, an extra bag under each eye, and 3 more wrinkles on your face later:

then of course you look at the mine cart and "your" observation basically instructs you to do something that you'd have never otherwise done: attach the metal pole to the cart, then attach dynamite to the metal pole, b/c "you" thought that it was a great plan. stupid. then you're inside the military base and face packs of rats that also deal negligible or 0 damage. it's just as much of a snore fest. then the next level of this dungeon? 15 super mutants that kill a party member in a single round b4 you can act. even if you get to act, you won't be able to target a party member to heal them b/c they're entirely obscured by the mass of pixels that's supposed to be your enemy - which prevents you from clicking on your ally, which is for some reason the only way that you can target your ally. what a joke. I doubt the devs ever even played this game or that they had anyone playtest it. I HAVE AN IDEA! HOW ABOUT IF YOU HOLD THE CONTROL KEY, YOU CAN CLICK STRAIGHT THROUGH ENEMIES TO THE ALLY THAT THEY'RE BLOCKING? IS THAT SUCH A LOFTY CONCEPT?

-the combat is 95% WAITING for others to act, 4% clicking on an enemy to damage or ally to heal, and 1% praying. it's the worst combat system of any game I've ever played. by a lot. yet somehow I remember enjoying FO1. maybe random encounters didn't treat me so poorly or they weren't as random or there were more encounters in between ridiculously easy and statistically impossible.

-the quests consist of one or more of the following: A) talk to someone. B) run from point A to point B. C) kill something. D) acquire something. A through D are all "accomplished" by clicking and nothing more, ever.

-the weapons are either not necessary or they won't do significant damage b/c the enemies are either lvl 1 or 999999, only aliens and sometimes deathclaws are seemingly anywhere in between. what a shame that 90%+ of the effort that went into making this game was in variety of weapons when only a handful are viable against the only enemies that matter.

but what makes up for the worst combat of all time? the fact that by clicking through dialogue you can either make group A friendlier and group B hostile or vice versa, according to a rabid group of diehard fanboys that should be calling their doctors instead of playing this old steaming pile b/c their raging hard ons for it have lasted much longer than is healthy or anywhere close to normal. "consequence" you call it. simple change of text in reality. are you out of your fucking minds or what?


"choice," lol, bunch of dumbass believers in here, aren't you all? enjoy your silly, childish illusion of choice and suffer through this terribly designed game for it, you poor delusional clowns.

*Funny enough the crowd is also a pretty good representation of us as a community!
I look too hard. I talk to every npc and check every shelf/locker. when the path branches out (rarely) I make a mental note of what I passed so I can see everything. the last instance of this was a ladder in the boat to san fran. there were two ladders and stairs but both ladders and stairs led to the same exact room. the one with the wannamingos and the woman in the corner. I've used every type of ammunition except for energy b/c my energy skill sucks, all ammo was worthless against enclave or master's army until I got to san fran. and until I got combat armor at vault 13 or 15, other encounters were crap shoots in the hands of rng gods. the difference in other turn based games is level of strategy, and while you could still play perfectly and possibly lose in plenty of them, you could significantly better your chances.

Then HOW do I clear out the wanamingo mines at level 15? HOW?
And the San Fran tanker monsters, I can clear them out as a routine, with 4-5 different weapons. HOW is this possible for me, but as soon as you try, its an essay of impossibility. It's a "its not possible, because I'm right"-issue, all of a sudden.

You did NOT use every type of weapon, every type of ammo, because if you did: You woulda succeeded. Try again. Or give up and cry in a corner.

Your main challenge, in life, is to admit that you're wrong. But no - you're right, and EVERYONE ELSE is wrong. We ALL failed as much as you, we're just in denial about it, right?
I was kinda wondering about it, I usually beat the game around level 15 or so and while the wannamingos/aliens are tough, they weren't exactly an impossibility.
@jschmo6766, do you use aimed shots?
I don't even use aimed shots. Just shoot them a whole lot of times. I xp-grind though, which is why im usually 12-15 when I get to the mines. By SF I'll be 20-25
The mines, at that point in the game, are a serious challenge, and preparation is required.
The tanker basement, by level 20, is just XP-christmas.

Of course, my FIRST attempt at wanamingo mines didn't work too well.

But he cannot posssssibly expect to pwn the whole game during his first attempt? Can he? Can he?
I don't even use aimed shots. Just shoot them a whole lot of times. I xp-grind though, which is why im usually 12-15 when I get to the mines. By SF I'll be 20-25

Of course, my FIRST attempt at wanamingo mines didn't work too well.

But he cannot posssssibly expect to pwn the whole game during his first attempt? Can he? Can he?
I often go for turbo plasma rifle/pulse rifle and fry everyone's eyes. Luck is my dump stat, so I don't get many crits, but with 10+ action points and some perks you get two or more aimed shots per round, which is absolutely brutal.
Man, I remember my very first attempt at Fallout... Didn't understand the game, played Albert and tried to shoot way too much. Didn't go well.
I look too hard. I talk to every npc and check every shelf/locker. when the path branches out (rarely) I make a mental note of what I passed so I can see everything. the last instance of this was a ladder in the boat to san fran. there were two ladders and stairs but both ladders and stairs led to the same exact room. the one with the wannamingos and the woman in the corner. I've used every type of ammunition except for energy b/c my energy skill sucks, all ammo was worthless against enclave or master's army until I got to san fran. and until I got combat armor at vault 13 or 15, other encounters were crap shoots in the hands of rng gods. the difference in other turn based games is level of strategy, and while you could still play perfectly and possibly lose in plenty of them, you could significantly better your chances. I've already mentioned FF tactics.
The Floaters(Things that are immune to most kinds of damage) require Fire to be damaged.

I agree, it's tedious.
I really hate how my long term planning through perks like swift learner and well educated was punished. what perks you pick, what skills you increase, and what weapons you use entirely determine your results in combat and I believe after playing this game that alternative allocations are somehow both less logical but more rewarding. I must have gone the worst route possible and that's pretty frustrating after having read each perk and each skill description b4 determining what to do while being outclassed by my other party members up until san fran.
If you find a perk is worthless, you can always swap it out with "Mutation" OR level up until you get a new one.
his simply can't possibly be true. actually, it looks like an energy wep... that's really disappointing. it out-classes every other gun that I've ever used and my energy wep skill is so low. that doesn't make any sense, my small gun skill is at over 135 now and this gauss for some reason does more damage than any small gun I've ever used. that's just messed up.
Hass corrected me on that. It does rely on Small Guns.
being a total asshole who indiscriminately kills everyone or decides to help bad ppl isn't something that someone who's on a quest like this would do. especially since you're a descendant of the "hero" of the last game. do you really, really want to roleplay out of character?
You could decide to give Redding to New Reno, because you believe it would be better for them.

You could decide to side with one Reno family over another because you would believe it would benefit it, or not choose between lesser of two evils and purge the city from the face of the earth.

Not every decision is nescessarily "Nice guy VS asshole"
I often go for turbo plasma rifle/pulse rifle and fry everyone's eyes. Luck is my dump stat, so I don't get many crits, but with 10+ action points and some perks you get two or more aimed shots per round, which is absolutely brutal.
Man, I remember my very first attempt at Fallout... Didn't understand the game, played Albert and tried to shoot way too much. Didn't go well.

I suck at varying my character stats, the only serious variation I do is when I play as "Bobo", my INT1 guy :V
Which means, whenever I play for serious, I'll obsessively go for Fast Shot
But - H2H still gives you aimed shots, even with Fast Shot, which is fun, cus then I can do focus on crotch-hurt. I think there's a whole thread about that too, somewhere :D
I just like the idea of an unstoppable ball-puncher

@JO'Geran the floaters are also shredded up by the Bozar, although it eats a lot of ammo.
Narg is pretty good with melee weaponry - tagged skill, high strenght and endurance, he's melee fighter alright. Ripper can be more dangerous than small guns thanks to its Weapon penetrate perk, and there's a couple of free cattle prods in Reno too.
Super sledge sucks, though, it knocks back the enemies too much. But melee focus and power fist is an absolute beast. Case in point: @Atomkilla's Fallout 2 Let's Play that turned into a super evil murderrapefest.
Super sledge sucks, though, it knocks back the enemies too much. But melee focus and power fist is an absolute beast. Case in point: @Atomkilla's Fallout 2 Let's Play that turned into a super evil murderrapefest.

That's fucking hilarious, because on my first attempt in Fallout 1, I tried to do a Big Guns playthrough (might as well be labeled HARD MODE) and couldn't do shit. Next playthrough I did Unarmed and suddenly I was making Deathclaws explode. F1, F2 and New Vegas: Making Unarmed hilarious and fun to do.

this is making me want to go back into Fallout 1 and 2 and play again, but this time, go through the game as a Big Guns again...that or a revolver gunslinger/Tribal boxer again.