Why Fallout 3 is not as bad as most people on this forum think

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Barely literate Fallout 3 fans defending that pile of crap is par on course. The empty can rattles the loudest. Just another day on NMA.
So were they just pretending to be Fallout 3 fans to troll us, or not? If they were not, how is it trolling exactly?
They have no arguments because their brains are mush and they never actually played the original game.

The only way to hide their ignorance is to claim troll status, do a lot of "LOL"s and pretend they don't care... all the while continuously posting.
I've been a lurker for quite some time, but after reading this thread and the frankly stunning amount of hate thrown toward the NMA community, I finally had to jump into the conversation.

The thing is, like a lot of people, I had never played Fallout prior to F3. Honestly, as a console-only gamer, the only game in the series I'd ever even heard of was Brotherhood of Steel. So when F3 hit, with its aggressive marketing and rave reviews, I decided to give it a whirl.

And I hated it. A lot.

My initial response (both on a gameplay and a story/presentation level) was so negative that I immediately shelved it and let it collect dust for a few months. My first breakthrough came via the William Strife youtube guides. Even though I wasn't enjoying the game, I at least had a better grasp of the core mechanics.

No, my big breakthrough with Fallout 3 came through discovering NMA and seeing that (finally!) other people had the same issues with the game I did, but were far more articulate in expressing them. Furthermore, while reading the 'Negative Impressions' and 'Things we learned from F3' threads, I began to appreciate the game as an unintentional absurdist comedy. The gaming world's Plan 9 From Outer Space if you will. So while F3 is a mess, it's a mess I've come to enjoy mightily thanks to seeing it through your lens. So big time kudos to you guys and gals.
Dan, you actually made that game far better for me with that comment.

EDIT: And I really mean it. I want to replay it, now.
Re: Why Fallout 3 is not as bad as most people on this forum

Arin Matthews said:
You can have an opinion on which game you like. Most people, from what I’ve read, think they are good games.There are some “hardcore” fans that argue FO3 is cannon breaking and many of the things in 3 don’t make sense. Remember, there hadn’t been a FO game in over 10 yrs till 3. Bethesda had to reintroduce certain elements of the Fallout world that make it a Fallout game.Both FONV and 3 were mostly developed from ideas found in Van Buren, it’s just simple as that. The idea BOS expanding and moving eastward, Harold becoming a fruit tree, the New Plague and so on. FO3 is about giving the people of the CW a better world to live, P Purity is DC’s GECK, its hope for a better future. It is the same as the NCR arriving in New Vegas. During the time the LW is leaving Vault 101, New Vegas is just a haven for raiders. Mr House hasn’t made his presence known. There is no electricity. It’s just not a very “civilized” place. So with that said, here we go with some of the common arguments seen with FO3. You hear “its been two hundred years, shouldn’t be radiation” or “there is no food.” There is evidence the climate has changed, some places worse than others. In Fo2 Cassidy tells you the Midwest is nothing but a "radioactive dust bowel", Myron says its because of the "new climate" certain "veggies" won’t grow(aka drug plants) thus he invents Jet. In Van Buren, the legion can only get in and out of Denver at certain times of the year because of the high radiation levels, and in Tactics it states it hasn't rained in over a decade. In FO3 just emphases all this. There is plenty of food from the many hunters and scavengers and caravans. Even the leader of Arefu says that Brahmin milk was their "life blood". There isn’t much difference in the settlements you find in both games either. They all rely on trade, especially Goodsprings, and scavenging. Manny says Novac wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for scavenging REPCONN and Nash in Primm talks about “townies out scavenging for supplies.” They all have problems with raiders as well. Back to radiation, you find the same fallout radiation in NV as you do in 3, in the few places that were actually hit with nukes. Nellis up till 50 yrs prior to NV, Blk MT and Mesquote MT Crater are still highly radioactive. But MM Crater is very similar to what you find in FO3. If you walk down hill from the crater to CA Sunset Drive-in, you will find a creek, full of irradiated water and the only source of contamination has to be MM Crater. Irradiated water, just like in 3.

Another argument concerning 3 is the Enclave in DC. Many think they were wiped out in 2. My argument is the Shi Emperor tells you the Enclave are a large organization, so does AHS-9, Dr. Schreber threatens Dr Henry with a transfer to another Enclave facility, in Van Buren Gannon and his dad are Enclave soldiers at a research facility in Colorado and also there is an Enclave squad looking for Fort MacArthur. In 2, Meyers deserts the Enclave but states he never has been to the Rig. Navarro is a new installation, so he wasn't born there, thus had to have been born Enclave somewhere else or recruited. Chris at Navarro tells you he’s receiving fresh recruits from other Enclave bases in the area of operation.” Finally, Fallout Bible,"enclave retreated to various locations around the world." Next, FONV. It has great dialog and voice acting and improved gameplay, but the game isn’t isometric anymore. When you’re playing a first person open world game for 2-3-400 hours, you have to make it more interesting. No more hulled out RVs, dry lake beds, shacks, and lean to sheds, especially in otherwise empty desert trying to beat back the boredom while partaking in many, simple Rep boosting quest. But FONV has many first comparing it to the other FO games. It is the first not to have a player history, no random encounters, and the first to have people turn to ghouls, seemingly overnight, at Camp Searchlight, and the first to have an end game multi-factional choice – somehow reflecting badly on 3(but not 1 and 2? odd) and the first to have a worthless Karma system. Many think the Karma system is worthless due to the Reputation system but that’s not it because FONV uses the same system as in 2. What makes it worthless is you having the multi-factional choice (NCR, Legion or House). When you choose NCR, your basically choosing your"karma" as good , Legion is bad and Mr House is neutral. Thats why each one of these factions have the same last 4 quest. Thats why the Karma system is worthless in NV,its buried in the main factions! According to the morality of the prior games, FONV isn’t as “morally grey” as people think. Seriously, how can you see the NCR anything but good? They protect the roads and people in the MW. You hear this over and over. Sure there are signs of bureaucracy and oligarchy, but that comes with every democracy. In 1 when you reach Shady Sands and you see the tall stone pillar that “tells stories of peace and hope.” In 2, Dogmeat-one of the PCs most loyal companions- will attack you if your reputation with the NCR is low. So no, the NCR aren’t morally grey. Neither are the Legion, never in a Fallout game has a faction that enslaves people or kills children been thought of nothing other than evil. Sorry, these are the facts. Lastly, many say FO3 is just a remake of 1 and 2. I say it’s a continuation of 2 following the events found in Van Burens prologue. FONV has similarities to FO2, many of the same quests, but its story mainly comes directly from Van Buren except for Vegas itself and Mr House. This, Chris Avellone took directly from the video game Wastleland. In WL, Vegas is magically not hit with any nukes, many think its because the “house” always wins. Mr house was actually created from the character Faran Brygo from WL. Hell, he even looks just like him. And a lot of the same weapons like the proton axe are from WL. LOL. and the Robo-Scorpions at Big Mt are called Scorpitrons in WL.

They took a piss on the lore with Mothership Zeta. And they bastardized the concept of The Brotherhood!
I actually enjoyed Fallout 3, but thats based on personal enjoyment, not based on the issues and mechanics, ect. I agree it does kinda get too much flak on NMA. As long as its Fallout im down, Fallout 3 was kinda weaker than most of the series, though I still enjoyed it.
Re: Why Fallout 3 is not as bad as most people on this forum

Arin Matthews said:
You can have an opinion on which game you like. Most people, from what I’ve read, think they are good games.There are some “hardcore” fans that argue FO3 is cannon breaking and many of the things in 3 don’t make sense. Remember, there hadn’t been a FO game in over 10 yrs till 3. Bethesda had to reintroduce certain elements of the Fallout world that make it a Fallout game.Both FONV and 3 were mostly developed from ideas found in Van Buren, it’s just simple as that. The idea BOS expanding and moving eastward, Harold becoming a fruit tree, the New Plague and so on. FO3 is about giving the people of the CW a better world to live, P Purity is DC’s GECK, its hope for a better future. It is the same as the NCR arriving in New Vegas. During the time the LW is leaving Vault 101, New Vegas is just a haven for raiders. Mr House hasn’t made his presence known. There is no electricity. It’s just not a very “civilized” place. So with that said, here we go with some of the common arguments seen with FO3. You hear “its been two hundred years, shouldn’t be radiation” or “there is no food.” There is evidence the climate has changed, some places worse than others. In Fo2 Cassidy tells you the Midwest is nothing but a "radioactive dust bowel", Myron says its because of the "new climate" certain "veggies" won’t grow(aka drug plants) thus he invents Jet. In Van Buren, the legion can only get in and out of Denver at certain times of the year because of the high radiation levels, and in Tactics it states it hasn't rained in over a decade. In FO3 just emphases all this. There is plenty of food from the many hunters and scavengers and caravans. Even the leader of Arefu says that Brahmin milk was their "life blood". There isn’t much difference in the settlements you find in both games either. They all rely on trade, especially Goodsprings, and scavenging. Manny says Novac wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for scavenging REPCONN and Nash in Primm talks about “townies out scavenging for supplies.” They all have problems with raiders as well. Back to radiation, you find the same fallout radiation in NV as you do in 3, in the few places that were actually hit with nukes. Nellis up till 50 yrs prior to NV, Blk MT and Mesquote MT Crater are still highly radioactive. But MM Crater is very similar to what you find in FO3. If you walk down hill from the crater to CA Sunset Drive-in, you will find a creek, full of irradiated water and the only source of contamination has to be MM Crater. Irradiated water, just like in 3.

Another argument concerning 3 is the Enclave in DC. Many think they were wiped out in 2. My argument is the Shi Emperor tells you the Enclave are a large organization, so does AHS-9, Dr. Schreber threatens Dr Henry with a transfer to another Enclave facility, in Van Buren Gannon and his dad are Enclave soldiers at a research facility in Colorado and also there is an Enclave squad looking for Fort MacArthur. In 2, Meyers deserts the Enclave but states he never has been to the Rig. Navarro is a new installation, so he wasn't born there, thus had to have been born Enclave somewhere else or recruited. Chris at Navarro tells you he’s receiving fresh recruits from other Enclave bases in the area of operation.” Finally, Fallout Bible,"enclave retreated to various locations around the world." Next, FONV. It has great dialog and voice acting and improved gameplay, but the game isn’t isometric anymore. When you’re playing a first person open world game for 2-3-400 hours, you have to make it more interesting. No more hulled out RVs, dry lake beds, shacks, and lean to sheds, especially in otherwise empty desert trying to beat back the boredom while partaking in many, simple Rep boosting quest. But FONV has many first comparing it to the other FO games. It is the first not to have a player history, no random encounters, and the first to have people turn to ghouls, seemingly overnight, at Camp Searchlight, and the first to have an end game multi-factional choice – somehow reflecting badly on 3(but not 1 and 2? odd) and the first to have a worthless Karma system. Many think the Karma system is worthless due to the Reputation system but that’s not it because FONV uses the same system as in 2. What makes it worthless is you having the multi-factional choice (NCR, Legion or House). When you choose NCR, your basically choosing your"karma" as good , Legion is bad and Mr House is neutral. Thats why each one of these factions have the same last 4 quest. Thats why the Karma system is worthless in NV,its buried in the main factions! According to the morality of the prior games, FONV isn’t as “morally grey” as people think. Seriously, how can you see the NCR anything but good? They protect the roads and people in the MW. You hear this over and over. Sure there are signs of bureaucracy and oligarchy, but that comes with every democracy. In 1 when you reach Shady Sands and you see the tall stone pillar that “tells stories of peace and hope.” In 2, Dogmeat-one of the PCs most loyal companions- will attack you if your reputation with the NCR is low. So no, the NCR aren’t morally grey. Neither are the Legion, never in a Fallout game has a faction that enslaves people or kills children been thought of nothing other than evil. Sorry, these are the facts. Lastly, many say FO3 is just a remake of 1 and 2. I say it’s a continuation of 2 following the events found in Van Burens prologue. FONV has similarities to FO2, many of the same quests, but its story mainly comes directly from Van Buren except for Vegas itself and Mr House. This, Chris Avellone took directly from the video game Wastleland. In WL, Vegas is magically not hit with any nukes, many think its because the “house” always wins. Mr house was actually created from the character Faran Brygo from WL. Hell, he even looks just like him. And a lot of the same weapons like the proton axe are from WL. LOL. and the Robo-Scorpions at Big Mt are called Scorpitrons in WL.

Are you a troll? Because I swear I've seen your videos on youtube and I honestly want to punch you in the throat. I will agree with you that Fallout 3 was a pretty good game but its black and white main quest and highly linear storyline were annoying. It will never be any where near as good as FO 1 or 2
Re: Why Fallout 3 is not as bad as most people on this forum

The Lost Hills Paladin said:
Are you a troll? Because I swear I've seen your videos on youtube and I honestly want to punch you in the throat. I will agree with you that Fallout 3 was a pretty good game but its black and white main quest and highly linear storyline were annoying. It will never be any where near as good as FO 1 or 2
Arin most probably is a troll. He claims to be "video game scientist" working in Bioware. I have to believe he is a troll, otherwise I'd loose rest of my faith in humanity.
The intersting fact is, he didn't even wrote down these arguments, he asked another fanboy to do it for him. Pathetic, hypocritical keyboard warrior, but he surprisingly seems to have great knowledge of franchise (for a F3 fanboy of course).
Dienan said:
Oh, mayby that's why Fallout 3 sold more copys than any other game in the series..

You guys, Justin Bieber sells more copies than Queen and Led Zeppelin do today, this proves he's far superior to those bands. God, just move on you pathetic fags LAWLS!
DanTastic said:
No, my big breakthrough with Fallout 3 came through discovering NMA and seeing that (finally!) other people had the same issues with the game I did, but were far more articulate in expressing them. Furthermore, while reading the 'Negative Impressions' and 'Things we learned from F3' threads, I began to appreciate the game as an unintentional absurdist comedy. The gaming world's Plan 9 From Outer Space if you will. So while F3 is a mess, it's a mess I've come to enjoy mightily thanks to seeing it through your lens. So big time kudos to you guys and gals.

God, you could enjoy ANYTHING this way...
Wow, I have to say, I'm very diapointed with some of the people on this forum; I took about a year? break, because some IRL family issues came up, and now I return to see this? People getting pissy with a guy who points out that Fallout 3 *might* not be so lore breaking as some make it out to be? Get a friggin grip, why don't you? So much hate, just because one person says "Hey, I like FO3, and there's ACTUAL EVIDENCE that support much of the premises behind the way Bethesda portrayed things."

As for fucking up the BoS, no they didn't. In fact, they make it quite clear that Lyon's BoS is NOT THE NORM! They say as much, it's why the outcasts friggin left--they are on their way back to California, because Lyons "went native." I think most players can understand, from the NOT SO SUBTLE HINTS dropped in the game that Lyons is not representative of the BoS as a whole. And those who don't see that, weren't paying attention. That's not Bethesda's fault.

And before you start getting pissy with me being "another FO3 fangirl" let me tell I'm a fan of the original FO games as well, PLUS have read the FObible. I'm not stupid when it comes to the lore, and FO3 really ISN'T as lore breaking as people claim it is. Yeah it has it's flaws, yeah it's not *perfect* but neither is FO1 and FO2.
I would agree, FOvet, but there are far more problems. If anything, lore violations are the least of this game's problems.
THAT I would agree with, Wumbology. Like the unsolved glitches and shit. Honestly, as much as I do like FO3, the technical issues really pissed me off. I mean, for a fully released game (ie not a beta) there were a LOT of problems.
I may have forgotten a lot, but Fo3 doesn't seem do use most of the previous games canon.

They use their own Fev, their own Enclave/BOS chapter, and use the same background for the war. (Ho, and lame running instant ghouls...)

The rest is fortunatly new contents. Not that they make sense, but at least, it leave the ability to forget that Fo3 and other Fo are set in the same fictional universe.

If they manage to avoid any references to obsidians games, i could actually believe that there are to different franchises and universes, with the same name.
Just wanted to add my 5 cents as to why i dislike fallout 3, and its simply that bethesda made a linear FPS rpg, and then called it Fallout 3, wich means we will never see a true followup to the great series i played for years(and still do every now and then). the line is broken and if there is coming another fallout it will still probably be made by bethesda, into another shitty fps rpg, with dreadful dialogue and feel like a chore rather than amusement to go trough.
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