Why is Fallout 3 so hated?

Languorous_Maiar said:
Is it exactly like the originals no, but its close enough to it for me to enjoy it.
But when some fan of FO3 (and FO1 too) would say something like this about Fallouts, I'm sure you will disagree with him.

6) Less Railroading/more personal choice. FONV (and probably FO2, haven't played it) have this as well. I get to choose what factions I support. Hell, I can even join the Raiders if I want to. I can even work with the Master Mutant and eff over humanity. I can do -what I want to do-.
Sadly, at the ending level FO2 doesn't have that choice. You are against Enclave, and there's nothing you can do about it. However, it kind of makes sense with the plot as it is written, since they've got (and are killing) your tribe. Even being a selfish badass, you were raised there and you went in a quest that might have had you killed for them. It makes sense then that you side against whoever try to kill them. In the case of the Master in FO 1, if you agree with the Master's vision you probably feel you are making your kin a favour by helping the Master. In New Vegas, you have no siding at the start, so it makes sense you choose at the end of the game, in FO 3 you have been outcasted from the vault, your only likely (obvious) siding is your dad, and you might as well hating him for leaving you in the vault and for being the cause that got you outcasted.
He wasn't saying only about end choices...
Duh, you even played Fallout 2?
Because you actually HAVE choices. Vault City or Gecko? Vault City or NCR? Specific family in New Reno? And so on... Not even mentioning thousands of ways for completing specific quests. not like in FO3 "Go there, kill that, bleh bleh".

That's why I explicitly said "at the ending level", lad. That's the only thing compared in my post.
And, yeah, Fallout 2 is the one I played the most, it's my favorite; one of the killer features for me are those choices, and the fact they have all (or maybe almost all, I might be overlooking something) consequences showed both in game and in the ending slides. You can check quite a few posts of mine both in RP for FO 2 and in FIXT for FO 1 threads, to make sure I've played those.
As a matter of fact, what I pointed out is basically why it is OK that you have no choice about siding pro or against the main antagonist in FO 2 but it's not right in FO 3. Enclave is not directly harming your dad. If he wouldn't get in the way of their plans, they wouldn't give half a s*it about him. And your dad makes his choice of overloading the system, not the Enclave. Arroyo tribe? Enclave is directly experimenting on them, with lethal viruses, so I can see why is not an option to side with them.
Ekans22 said:
1) Awesome main antagonists.
Lots of people hates 3 because antagonists are sucks.
At 1,2,NV, antagonists are human, they have their own ideal, reason and emotion not like just a meaningless monster like fo3.

two, you're fighting other human factions.
Ekans22 said:
But in FO1, you're fighting something thats non-human, and that adds an 'extra scary factor' by default. Combine that with the fact that FO1 takes place the closest to when the missiles flew (when humanity was at its weakest/least civilized), and you feel like you're truly fighting for the human race. It made the entire game epic.
Mutant of Fo1 is still a human! not non-human. They want unity becasue they are human. not like idiotic Enclave of Fo2,3 but Enclave of Fo2 are not just legion of monster, they can speak to you, they have imotions. Think about meaning of "war never changes"

Ekans22 said:
2) I liked how FO1 was harder/more difficult than FO3 and FONV.
Nope, Fo1 is very easy game. for combat, NV and 3 is far harder than 1. and 1's puzzle isn't that challengable.

Ekans22 said:
3) Time limit.
Good point. too bad second limit was removed because lots of people doesn't like tight game...

Ekans22 said:
4) Realistic combat. In FO1 power armor actually made me feel epic. Guns couldn't get past my DR, and it made 'sense'. Head shots were deadly. I probably don't need to say much here - its beating a dead horse - how realistic combat is in FO1 compared to FO3 and FONV is, I think, pretty obvious.
But for combat, actually bad. still better than 3 or copy of Fo's combat but has some problem. Fo2 and Arcanum tried to fix some point but they got same problem which 1 also has. it seems like FOT has fixed well but... genre is changed: quest RPG->strategy game.... lots of people love Fallouts not because for their combat but because its well made quest RPG.maybe because its one fo the reason why FOT is hated..

Ekans22 said:
5) Overhead traveling map/empty wastelands. Threw both of these together. I much prefer a map that lets me travel (and takes days) to get from one place to the other. In FO3/NV, I understand what they're trying to do - and to some extent its effective - by providing a huge-ass world that you can walk around without ever having to consort a travel map. But I've hated that stuff since TES - because I felt like it made the world feel - "smaller", not "bigger". Just take the fact that you can walk from one end of FO3 wastelands to the other in about an hour or so....
I wonder why there's no game has simillar world map game...(like Arcanum and NWN2: SOZ)

Ekans22 said:
Also, while were on this topic - I loved (some may disagree) the fact that FO1 was mostly 'empty'. FO2, FO3, and especially FONV feel a bit like amusement parks to me - there's an eventful building/place around every corner. While that may be entertaining, I prefer a game thats more realistic - FO1, the wastelands are surprisingly empty - and I love that feel.
wrong point dude. Fo1 isn't empty. there's nothing to do in wasteland. you should go human community to find something to do and informations you need. even Fo1 there's planty of buildings like cathedral, hub and factory of bone yard.

Ekans22 said:
Now an interesting question is if you approach FO3 with the caveat that its NOT an RPG, its an FPS with an RPG touch - then how many of these points are forgivable (at least moreso)? Maybe 2 and 5. Maybe even 6. Definitely not 1, or 4. COD has them beat on those points for crying out loud. And definitely not 3. In -any- genre, -ever-, 3 is not justified.
For genre, difference between 1,2 and NV is just combat. turn-based combat to FPS.
But as a RPG, nothing changed: Quest RPG to Quest RPG. But for fo3, it's dungeon RPG not quest RPG. quests are just spice for Dungeon crawling.

Actually Fo3 and NV is RPG with a FPS touch like Alpha protocol is RPG with TPS touch.

If you enjoyed Fo1, than try Fo2, Arcanum, and wasteland. These three has lots of better point than Fo1.
Not to stray too far off topic, but in regards to XCOM, I'd have to echo Darkcorp.

You might not like a lot of the changes done to the new XCOM, and I totally agree, its been somewhat 'dumbed down' (hate how easy it is to exploit alien aggro for example), but at its fundamental core - is it still a turn-based tactical game? Yes. Its in the same genre.

FO1/FO2 fans have it worse, because FO3 and FONV are a completely different genre. At least imo.

Oppen, you just ruined my dreams. I wanted to -join- the Enclave... so this means, in no FO game, am I allowed to join the Enclave?! Awwww, man! Was totally planning on doing this - thanks for heads up - gonna redesign my FO2 character concept.

I feel like of all FO games (excluding 2, haven't played it), only NV has good companions. I've got Cassidy now, and her quotes just crack me up. (Sneaking; "Ssssshhhh.........................were hunting shit heads). Vulgar and to the point - yep, fiends and legion slaver scum do fit that description.

About that, you could actually be just a spy for the Master. They [BOS in FO1]are aware of the supermutants problem, IIRC, and they didn't stop to think that maybe you just sent supermutants (resistant to radiation) to pick up something from The Glow, and that you can be a children of the cathedral. They should be making sure of your intentions, not only of your resourcefulness.

Exactly. The whole building reputation process to join BoS in FO3, at least for me, did feel more ongoing and believable. Suspicion is less likely because you're not even asking to join - they're recognizing you on their own initiative.

That's why I explicitly said "at the ending level", lad. That's the only thing compared in my post.
And, yeah, Fallout 2 is the one I played the most, it's my favorite; one of the killer features for me are those choices, and the fact they have all (or maybe almost all, I might be overlooking something) consequences showed both in game and in the ending slides. You can check quite a few posts of mine both in RP for FO 2 and in FIXT for FO 1 threads, to make sure I've played those.
As a matter of fact, what I pointed out is basically why it is OK that you have no choice about siding pro or against the main antagonist in FO 2 but it's not right in FO 3. Enclave is not directly harming your dad. If he wouldn't get in the way of their plans, they wouldn't give half a s*it about him. And your dad makes his choice of overloading the system, not the Enclave. Arroyo tribe? Enclave is directly experimenting on them, with lethal viruses, so I can see why is not an option to side with them

Omg... all this talk of FO2 is only making me more excited about FO2. I felt instantly drawn to it. Must just be personal preference; but for some reason, that game just sounds awesome. Maybe its because I like the Enclave and NCR so much, and they're -both- in it.

Quick question - I've got a steam version of FO2. I hear FO2 is really buggy. Will steam's version have most of those bugs worked out? Or do I need to install a custom mod somewhere to work out the kinks? Maybe I've misheard, but I hear a lot about FO2 being super buggy/glitchy.

Mutant of Fo1 is still a human! not non-human. They want unity becasue they are human. not like idiotic Enclave of Fo2,3 but Enclave of Fo2 are not just legion of monster, they can speak to you, they have imotions. Think about meaning of "war never changes

If I had played FO1 -before- playing FO3, I would have shot Fawkes without talking to him. FO1 made me really hate super mutants. Maybe I'm just bad :P

Nope, Fo1 is very easy game. for combat, NV and 3 is far harder than 1. and 1's puzzle isn't that challengable

Maybe I suck at FO1 then. Most of it was easy, but the fights at the end at the mutant base were hard for me.

In FO3/NV, I always take END 1, AGI 1, and wear cloth only to make the world feel deadlier and make the game harder - and I still feel like its too easy.

wrong point dude. Fo1 isn't empty. there's nothing to do in wasteland. you should go human community to find something to do and informations you need. even Fo1 there's planty of buildings like cathedral, hub and factory of bone yard.

I didn't mean in terms of total content - I was speaking on the fact that most of the squares on the map are empty. Wheras in FO3/FONV, you can't travel very far without running into 'something'. Personally prefer the empty squares though, since on a travel map, wasn't a big deal anyway, and added realism to the wastelands.

But as a RPG, nothing changed: Quest RPG to Quest RPG. But for fo3, it's dungeon RPG not quest RPG. quests are just spice for Dungeon crawling.
Actually Fo3 and NV is RPG with a FPS touch like Alpha protocol is RPG with TPS touch.

Interesting point, though for some (myself included), changing the combat also changes the feel of the RPG elements; combat mechanics and quest RPG is not 100 % separable.

I'd actually put FO3 as a 50/50 'hybrid' of RPG/FPS; which is a bit painful because there are both better FPS's, and better RPGs, out there. But, just being a hybrid, and combining the genres, is cool.

And yeah, totally digging FO2 right now. And you've mentioned Arcanum enough times to make me want to give it a go. And wasteland, since FO1's plot was apparently based on it.

Too many games, not enough time :/

Also, regarding the very OP of this thread, but slightly off topic; why do a lot of people who hate FO3 seem to not hate FONV so much? I understand bringing back the original writers/FONV had more possible endings/meaningful consequences, more well written, etc. But both FO3 and FONV are in that different genre of introducing FPS.


1. Multiple endings which would branch into sub endings, akin to the originals. For example, you have an epilogue about the powder gangers, the khans, the legion, ncr, bos, nv, house, etc. Each of those endings also had sub endings dependent on the PCs karma, major faction sided, etc.

2. You had super mutants and ghouls who were really fleshed out unlike the rare super mutant/ghoul in F3. When F3 was in development, screenshots showed ghouls and SMs with blank white eyes. Me and others explained that the eye is a window to the soul and a filmed or completely blank eye denoted SMs as mindless orcs and ghouls as zombies.

3. I really cannot rememer something equivalent to the inane ending in F3 where you had a SM in your party but could not send him in to the super rad room at the end.

4. Quests were well written, made sense, and were solvable in multiple ways. Most importantly, they often affected the ending one would recieve. Do you kill the powder gangers? Get them to surrender to NCR? or convince them to work with the Khans? Do you do these quests before or after you decide what the khans will do? Will the Khans the gangers be joining be with the legion, strike out on their own and make their own empire?

5. It resonated with the originals such as finding Marcus, talking to that one recruitable lounge member and him talking about the bishop kid sired by the chosen one, the children of the apocalypse, klamath bob, navarro, ncr, etc.

I could go on and on.
Also, regarding the very OP of this thread, but slightly off topic; why do a lot of people who hate FO3 seem to not hate FONV so much? I understand bringing back the original writers/FONV had more possible endings/meaningful consequences, more well written, etc. But both FO3 and FONV are in that different genre of introducing FPS.
well, there is one important fact.
FO3 has thousands of plot holes, FNV nope.
The reason I hate fo3
1.Bad FPS
smalll and meaningless choice of weapon, shitty systems(SPCECIAL, skills etc), unbalanced VATS(acually it's good method if it is well balanced), horrible design of enemy, weapon, combat.

2.Bad dungeon RPG
Actually, beth's game isn't good for thier quality but quantity neither do fo3. for quallity, games like Larian's Divinity, Arcane's Dishonored and Darkmessiah, Obsidian's Deadmoney and Lonesome road is far better than fo3.

3. Bo~~~~~~~~~~~ing background and atmosphere
Lots of people defence with it's looking good background an atmosphere. But same background for whole play and still a good background? are you mad? I was refreshed by Mojave since there's lots of different backgrounds(like Redrock canion, Jacobs town, campguardian ETC).

4. lacking of comprehension
Supermutant are not Orcs. Ghouls are not zombies. and enclave isn't army of devil.
They are just humans not just a monster to kill.

And most important part of Fallout is rebuild of Civilization not just living idioticly.

And skills and SPECIAL isn't just for combat or stupid minigames. they are method to solve various situations for various reasons.

and Fallout isn't dungeon crawing RPG. it's quest RPG. even TES, Town is important place to find informations and quest but they abandoned town and make player just following arrows.
5. shitty story
6. more shitty endings
7. idiotic DLCs
8.Fxxxing quest markers and lack of interaction
Are there any meaning in solving easy problem with all the answer is given and only 1 or 2 way to solve and little different ends? it's just meaningless.

9.disconnection between 1 and 2
without NV, there's no reason 3 shares same world with 1,2.
There's little connections like some factions name but it can be ignored thanks for weak logics.

10. lots of displaceable games
For atmosphere and FPS, there's stalker series
For RPG there's NV
there's no reason to choose fo3

11. Idiotic fanboys
I wonder they have brains.

12. Ruins TES
Actually TES was ruined since Oblivion by quest markers. but thatns for fo3, they abandoned rumors and towns. hell yeah.

13.Lacking of freedom
Fxxx underground, there's no other wat to cross.
and way of solving problem is too little.

14.horrible design
visual design might be good. but other designs?
combat system. skill system, item, quest, placing quest, etc designs are sucks.

For me fo3 is one of the worst shitty game in whole life.
I really dislike that FO3 spawned a thousand variations of this:

well ... I think this would have happend withouth Fo3 either way. Its like fascism, its always easy to say latter, man how could we? But well. You did. Yes you did.
To be fair, if FO3 hadn't come out, the fallout series in general might have remained more obscure - reducing the probability of spawning said ponies. Or maybe they'd still do it.

I didn't even know they had FO ponies. Thanks for scarring me.
This is a quote I found on an argument over which is better: New Vegas or FO3. This was an argument for FO3 and one of the reasons why I've grown to hate it

"the environment is better and so are the feels"

I want to find the person who invented the word "better" and murder him. This is the word EVERYONE uses to say that they're favourite thing is superior. The word has lost all meaning to me because it just allows people to say "NO IT'S BETTER" without elaborating. Ever.

And what the hell does "feels" mean? What, emotions? I didn't care for any of those idiots in FO3, for idiots they were. That girl collecting nuka cola for example. How is she alive? If she's "struggling for survival" then why is she collecting useless crap, next to a raider camp, protected alone by a man who wants to rape her. Little Lamplight is a settlement of children living next to a SUPER MUTANT BASE. HOW ARE THEY ALIVE?

And if they're talking about Dad, or Liam Neeson, because that's the furthest extent of his character, and the only reason people grew attached to him emotionally (BECAUSE LIAM NEESON MY DAD!!!!) his sacrifice was one of the dumbest I've ever seen.

Autumn: "Switch on that purifier. We want to purify the Wasteland"
James: "No, I want to purify the Wasteland. And I'll die before you can!"

The logic behind this. Why trust the BoS over the Enclave? Both are douchebags in power armour trying to take control of the Wastes. To be honest I'd probably trust the more technologically advanced non-genocidal Enclave than I would the incompetent outmatched idealistic BoS. Sigh, I just hate this argument of emotional value when, in the end, and when you look at it (without screaming "NO LIAM NO"), there is none.

And environment? There are better games for that. Hell, that one level in COD 4 in Chernobyl was more interesting environment-wise. Besides I don't think you can really use environment as an argument when it's entirely subjective (personally I prefer deserts anyway)
well the environment in Fallout 3 has its moments. So does the art direction. So much for sure. I think Bethesdas concept artist did nail down that "Fallout" stuff in many cases, while going totally overboard in others, like the constant 50s references everywhere. I never had the feeling Fallout was so much about the 50s but more the 50s vision of the future. But you can forgive them that easily.

So yeah ... with some of the visuals. Fallout 3 is awesome.

But at the end of the day? thats all there is for me. Wandering around a wasteland, with destroyed buildings and all some ruined world. But thats just the bones. Where is the meat? Where are the interesting, deep characters any good RPG should have? Choices and Conquences would not hurt either. Blowing up Megaton, while some mega event was not really a good C&C event. Every little consequences the player might have to face with Megaton can be easily avoided by donating money to a church or giving water to every beggar you come across.

And on top of that, walking down the wasteland you realize that there are eventually 20 or 30 raiders out there for every "normal" person.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Earth said:
Little Lamplight is a settlement of children living next to a SUPER MUTANT BASE. HOW ARE THEY ALIVE?

Well, duh? Kids in FO3 are immortal.
but should that not actually be even more reasons to get them? Imagine the possibilities.

1. Unlimited food source. You cut away an arm or leg or two or some organs, they dont die. It seems to come always back.

2. Cheap and unkillable labor force. Nuff said! - The slavers in F3 seem to get that though!

But ... the Super Mutants in F3 seem to be pretty dumb though.
Well, you can't really hack off their arms. They're not only immortal, they're invulnerable :D
Of course, you could just give them weapons and let them be your unstoppable extermination force. Finally a plan for the Enclave that doesn't suck!
The kids are cheap, too, you can just pay them in candy, they won't mind.
EnclaveForever said:
Gaspard said:
I really dislike that FO3 spawned a thousand variations of this:


My god...what version of FEV did this organism come from?
Well, it's good to judge a book by its cover huh.
I've read FOE and it's quite good actually, about 50 chapters/each containing about 60-80 PDF pages, not to mention FOE:PH and other spin-offs :)
Crni Vuk said:
So yeah ... with some of the visuals. Fallout 3 is awesome.

But at the end of the day? thats all there is for me.

That's what I'm saying. In the end, environment means nothing. Sure there are pretty visuals, but so what. Final Fantasy 13 had "pretty visuals" but did that make it good, or make people like it? Besides, the concept art looked far superior to what Gambryo eventually delivered. In ten years time (or even less) people will look back at FO3 wondering, my god those graffix are awful, how could I ever have liked it? They'll remember it with a couple of pleasant memories but they won't actually be able to elaborate on them. So in the end, even its visuals can't save it. FO3 is nothing, just more worthless trash in a huge collection of trash AAA games.