Be excellent to each other.
Sorry I triggered you, dude. I didn't mean to start shit. I wasn't even referring to you in the original post.
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Even if it wasn't directed at me directly, it was directed at people like me that like lore consistency and get pissed when stupid crap like this DLC happens.I wasn't even referring to you in the original post.
I actually like Old World Blues and it's very zany and wacky. But i far as i know, it didn't break the lore in any major way. It didn't made an easter egg into an actual canon thing and have that thing actually influence one of the major events in the Fallout universe.
As far as i know, it explained how animals like Cazadores and Nightstalkers came to be. Even some of the zanier things are explained because the Think Tank are very smart. As long the game even bother to give me an explanation, even if just minor, i'm fine.
And you know what's funny? Obsidian mocked Bethesda for making aliens canon. They made aliens only being able to appear with the Wild Wasteland trait, which makes the world spawn crazy events.
For me, as long the game gives context to how things work, you can make the silliest things be able to be taken seriously. Because Fallout is its own universe and has its own rules. meaning these rules are most likely not compatible with the real world. Something can still be just for fun but still be able to be taken serious. Fun and serious are not incompatible things.The explanation for the mutant creatures is they were created by a bunch of centuries old brains in jars in a war with another brain in a jar who has long ago gone senile. I like Old World Blues fine but I go with the idea that taking it seriously versus Mothership Zeta is a hill made of quicksand.
Then again, I don't see why aliens are objectively sillier than ghouls made of radiation.
I've stated I'd like for them to have it revealed that the Greys/Zetans are a bunch of mutated humans living on a Vault on the Moon but I think that implies we have to take Mothership Zeta seriously. When, like comic books, some of it is just meant in good fun.
I'm sure that even without the easter eggs, Mothershit Zeta would still happen.
Or they would replace it with a DLC based in some Lovecraft story or something like that.
Jiang Shi actually but same idea. I can't recall if they hopped around like actual Jiang Shi though.Sleeping Dogs story which is set in an enormous zombie invasion
Jiang Shi actually but same idea. I can't recall if they hopped around like actual Jiang Shi though.
That would be fine if not for the fact that it was heavily implied that the aliens helped in one way or another to cause the Great War. The war that caused the nuclear bombs to be launched.Mothership Zeta may be "canon" but it's something that has no relevance to anywhere else in the Wasteland.
That would be fine if not for the fact that it was heavily implied that the aliens helped in one way or another to cause the Great War. The war that caused the nuclear bombs to be launched.
That's no longer fine.
There's a recording in the Zeta Mothership where a soldier says they are trying to probe his mind for the United States nuclear launch codes. Speculation ends when there's recorded evidence of them trying to get them.Except there's been multiple repeated references to many causes about the Great War.
It's also an RL joke about the urban legend UFOs almost caused nuclear war.
There's a recording in the Zeta Mothership where a soldier says they are trying to probe his mind for the United States nuclear launch codes. Speculation ends when there's recorded evidence of them trying to get them.
And again, aliens were a joke in the first two games. They could have easily just made the Zetan into some new mutated being, which would have been fine. But instead went with the cliched green aliens.
This DLC is just one of the many stupid things with Fallout 3. If this was just an isolated thing, fine. I would still not like it for breaking lore. But Fallout 3 is just a stream of nonsense, just piling one on top of the other. There's having fun with some sporadic hijinks and then there's just constant nonsense.
In that case, Zeta should have been a non-canon spin-off on its own like Blood Dragon, Undead Nightmare and even Yakuza Dead Souls rather than being placed in a mainline game without any way to remove it from canon. Thanks to Zeta, aliens did become canonical entities to the franchise rather than the easter eggs they originally were.That's a case of what TV tropes calls "Completely Missing the Point."
The game exists so you can fight aliens. Specifically, 1950s Conspiracy Theory Aliens like in Mars Attacks.
Making them mutants kind of ruins it, doesn't it?
Crapping all over the concept to ruin it so it fits "lore" kind of is like "Let's do Far Cry Blood Dragon except make it serious, not post-apocalyptic, and without cybernetics or the nuclear war aftermath."
In that case, Zeta should have been a non-canon spin-off on its own like Blood Dragon, Undead Nightmare and even Yakuza Dead Souls rather than being placed in a mainline game without any way to remove it from canon. Thanks to Zeta, aliens did become canonical entities to the franchise rather than the easter eggs they originally were.
Thanks to their inclusion into canon (alien cities under the Mojave could count and the entiriety of the Zeta DLC in 3 with no real way to exclude it from canon etc.), future writers would have to care.Is there any sign this wasn't just a silly romp? Do you think Bethesda actually cares about the Zetans?
Thanks to their inclusion into canon (alien cities under the Mojave could count and the entiriety of the Zeta DLC in 3 with no real way to exclude it from canon etc.), future writers would have to care.
I'd prefer if there was an option to make Zeta into a fever dream of the LW or fully lampshaped how the entire thing is a nonsensical romp rather than have it played completely straight like it does in the actual DLC.
It would be easy to ignore were it not for the treatment of aliens as fully canon ever since (wikis for instance don't treat the aliens like easter eggs like they used to) and FO3 GOTY edition downloads Zeta in by default so not downloading it is no longer an option.Yeah, they can ignore it like both games have since.
Well, I'd prefer to have it really happen because it's awesome. But if you don't want it to happen, we can just not download it.