Witcher 2

Screens from Preview build. TITS!
Warning as they contain a few spoilers!(I've actually stomped into one pretty big :/ Stupid game-journalists)
Well, neve read cause I don't care much for fantasy outside of games. I just hope it doesn't get too dragon-agy.
Yeah, dragons were mentioned and one even travelled with Geralt(In human form, of course) :D They are extremely rare so I believe we won't see any more than this one.
well knowing that in the first game you had situations where the monsters have been more then just dumb enemies and would give you chances to have conversations like with any other NPC I hope the dragon will be much more then just a simple creature to kill in some epic boss battle.
I bet that there wouldn't be an option to kill this dragon. Even in books whole big group of people kinda failed, so... Geralt have no chance with such a creature. I'll be very dissapointed if they WILL implement 1person dragon slaying :|
Apparently there will be no more isometric perspective anymore :(.

After seeing all about the game: short dialogue version, too colorful graphics, arcadish-consolified combat and no iso-perspective. I don't think I'll be buying it.

I'd rather replay the first.
sea said:
I would appreciate an isometric perspective, but I can sort of see why they'd move away from it. Designing all the environments to be compatible with both a close-up third-person camera and a zoomed-out one would be hard (you'd need to make sure you could avoid camera clipping issues and level design oversights, and speaking from experience with Dragon Age, it's really hard to avoid issues where the camera can pull behind a wall and see through half the level), plus the new combat system does not lend itself well to the zoomed-out perspective at all.

They did it for first with out a problem. And while I understand that combat doesn't lend it self to isometric perspective, that's what I don't like. I don't really want to dodge blows and constantly thump on my keyboard and mouse. I want my character to do it. If I'd want that I type of gameplay I'd play combat games, or FPS or Tomb Raider or something, not an rpg.

It's what I dislike about the new Witcher. They are moving it towards more action and fast-paced gameplay and I don't like it. I didn't fall in love with the Witcher because of the action elements. From what I understand, there won't be a pause game button anymore, but a slow-mo instead.

But really, the graphics are too colourful? The Witcher 2 is one of the few games with actual colour in it that I've seen in a long time, that doesn't go for a cartoony sort of style. It's got a very mystical/fantasy vibe going on and I think it works beautifully

To each his own I guess. But this graphics look so ugly to me. From an artistic point (from what screens I've seen), TW1 looks much better to me. And the bloom, oh my, everything is so shiny.
Apparently there will be no more isometric perspective anymore .

Considering that it was absolutely useless in the first game, I'm not surprised. No really, I tried to play it zoomed out, NWN-style, it just didn't work.

TW1 was quite action-packed and combat-oriented, and from what i've seen the second one's just making the combat more interesting. I'd take a complex combo system over repetitive clicking any day.

Graphics-wise, I don't know what the problem is, since from what few trailers I've seen the game looks gorgeous and certainly isn't an example of going overboard with bloom. Plus I'm sure there'll be a plenty of graphics options to make the game look as dull and ugly as you'd like.

I always loved "living" world in RDR, GTA games and Gothic series. It might be really simple - like just travelling thru streets or making some simple task day after day. It adds so much to the overall immersion. Good that they pushed this feature into TW2.
Looks amazing. Impressive, indeed.
And if I'm not wrong, Geralt had few outfits changed during this presentation, or at the ending of it, at least. That's nice, considering you only had about 3-5 different outfits in the first game.

But I won't be able to run this game on my computer, that's certain. :(
The game does look great, but the gameplay... I am not so sure. We only saw generic fetch quests, the writing doesn't seem extraordinary so far and the combat now reminds me a lot of Assassin's Creed (especially in that sequence on the castle) and looks a bit on the easy side.

Didn't really like the first game anyway. This one will probably get bought after the price drops.
Huh? The combat looks nothing like AC, I'm not sure where you're getting that from. It looks more like what combat should've been in TW1 - same stuff plus a well-developed combo system.

Writing was good in TW1 and I'm expecting the same from TW2.
Writing was okay by my standards, though voice over wasn't so good. But would should I expect - the game wasn't originally made in English, right?

The only thing I really hated in The Witcher were the character models. They were awful.
I know it's an old engine, with limitations, but aside from Geralt, and 2-3 other characters, they were awful, which is in complete contrast to creature models, which were very well done, most of the time.
Atomkilla said:
And if I'm not wrong, Geralt had few outfits changed during this presentation, or at the ending of it, at least. That's nice, considering you only had about 3-5 different outfits in the first game.

You are not. In TW1 there was the plain shirt in the beginning, the standard issue leather jacket and 3 variations of the bad-ass ending armor, which gives us 5 diffrent outfits :D

Now, Geralt will have a lot of armors to choose from and all will change his appearence. Most of them are really well designed, too.
One thing I don't like is that they made a porn star out from Triss Merigold while Sapkowski tried to make her little different. In first games Triss was wearing low-cut dress which made her breasts more than partially visible. AFAIK in Witcher 2 she's gonna wear "less sexy"clothes than before. That would be more canon.
In books, there was a line where she told Geralt that she's never ever gonna wear low-cut dress again. And she had pretty strong reasons for that.

But yeah...



Pretty "nice" idea for game advertisement. ;)

Oh, and about suits - CD Project said that there will be many different ones this time. All because of players feedback. Well, there are even 3-4DLC's with additional suits from the very beginning :roll:
SmartCheetah said:
One thing I don't like is that they made a porn star out from Triss Merigold while Sapkowski tried to make her little different. In first games Triss was wearing low-cut dress which made her breasts more than partially visible. AFAIK in Witcher 2 she's gonna wear "less sexy"clothes than before. That would be more canon.
In books, there was a line where she told Geralt that she's never ever gonna wear low-cut dress again. And she had pretty strong reasons for that.


Pretty "nice" idea for game advertisement. ;)

Oh, and about suits - CD Project said that there will be many different ones this time. All because of players feedback. Well, there are even 3-4DLC's with additional suits from the very beginning :roll:

Yeah, a shame she's made into a sex-doll in the promotial campaign. Hope the game will not do so - less sluttish outfit is a good start. Personally, the idea of promoting a virtual-generated girl in Playboy is silly, I mean come on - aren't we aiming for *real* maturity this time around?

As for the clothes DLC - aren't those diffrent variations of bonus content depending on the version of the game you buy? That's what I remember from one of the interviews. The funny thing is that you can preorder the game here in Poland (dunno how it works in other countries) and receive two additional fighting techniques and some gadgets. Now that's what I call milking cash.
but sex is real maturity. Didnt you know ? Not complex plots, moral questions or even metaphysical approaches which might even make you doubt some parts of the world around you :shock:

Planescape was only played by kidz anyway !