Witcher 2

Yeah, a shame she's made into a sex-doll in the promotial campaign. Hope the game will not do so - less sluttish outfit is a good start. Personally, the idea of promoting a virtual-generated girl in Playboy is silly, I mean come on - aren't we aiming for *real* maturity this time around?

Are the two mutually exclusive? TW1 had tits and wasn't shy about it, but had plenty of deep-ish moral questions as well. I can't blame the guys for trying to promote the game, cause tits sell. Now, if once the game is out, we find out that the rest of it's been compromised by the cash-making efforts, we can bash it all we want. Thus far, I'm content with almost everything I see (still a bit torn about the dialogue style).

As for the cash-making, it's just a bunch of special DLC items that come with preorders for premium and collector's editions. Nothing extraordinary, I've seen worse.

But I won't be able to run this game on my computer, that's certain.

Hmm, the system reqs don't look THAT bad, if you have a PC that's less than 2-3 years old, it should run the game on minimum. I mean, 2GB RAM and 512MB VRAM has been a set standard for games for a while now.
Ausdoerrt said:
Hmm, the system reqs don't look THAT bad, if you have a PC that's less than 2-3 years old, it should run the game on minimum. I mean, 2GB RAM and 512MB VRAM has been a set standard for games for a while now.

When you put in on paper, and compare it, I will be able to run it. However, considering that I still have problems with running The Witcher (on medium), I can only imagine what problems I would have with the sequel.
Even if I get it running, it will be a nightmare. I mean, I was never pissed off because I had to run some game on lowest details and resolution in order for it to work. Never.
But, it seems that The Witcher 2 will be the first such game.
However, considering that I still have problems with running The Witcher (on medium), I can only imagine what problems I would have with the sequel.

Hmm, TW1 had some bad problems because of the ancient engine and all that. I think my previous laptop could run Crysis 1 more smoothly on min/med than it did TW1. I think, how well you'll be able to run TW2 on min/med will depend mostly on how good of a job they did with the new engine, and how technically stable the game is.
Sure, many factors... I hope you're right Aus, I honestly do.
Anyway, I will get this game. Definitely. Even if the worst happens.
Though I will wait about 6 months or so, for the price to drop, some patches, maybe even DLCs? Who knows...
Dragula said:
You're all prudes.

Nah, but if there's one thing I wouldn't want to advertised with sex, it's computer games. That's what toothpaste commercials are for.

EDIT added a missing "what".

Also, I caught up for the last day to preorder the game, gonna get it tomorrow :)
Now this sounds pretty neat.

All The Witcher 2 DLC going to be free

"Let [us] announce that all our DLCs will be FREE," they write. "All of them. If anything will be for purchase, those will be expansion packs. First DLC (side-quest called "Troll Trouble") [launches] together with the game release."

Though I am actually curious to know where he makes the difference betweel "DLC" and "expansion pack" ? Will the former just simply be "more" ? Or as well offered on a "DVD" to buy in a store for like half the prize for example ?

Ah well. Lets hope for the best ! :D
Think of an real expansion pack - couple of hours of gameplay at least.

And damn shop will have my preorder tomorrow :/
First reviews are already here.

(From gog.com)

CD-ACTION (Biggest polish respected game mag) – 9+/10
[World first exclusive review so we should notice that it may be biased]

+ amazing graphic/audio
+ superb story
+ real mature game
+ great humor

- stealth sections
- game has ending (it’s not infinite – joke gripe)

PELIT (Finish biggest gaming respected mag) – 93/100

“Sexistic, humoristic, atmospheric and brutal,
Witcher 2 redeems all of my expectations.”

PC-ACTION (german mag) – Score: very good

+ Charismatic, totally cool hero
+ decisions have a major impact on story and gameplay
+ Brilliant graphics, dense atmosphere
+ Prima drawn characters

- Story is weaker towards the end
- 3 Act to short and poor in Quests
- combat control sometimes inaccurate ”

JEUXVIDEO (Fr magazine) – 19/20

- The Witcher 2 keeps it’s promises and even more.
- The rpg that’s cd project give to us is simply hallucinating.
- The devs give us an intelligent rpg, adult, beautiful and damn immersive.
- TW2 is higher than the first, and I even could say that it’s the best rpg i have ever played.

That sounds pretty neat, but I'll better wait for game itself to give my judgement. Game journalism these days :roll:
I hope GOG gets the chance to release more modern games in the future.

I live in Europe and got to choose another RPG (picked Gothic 2) and received $16 USD to spend on anything I want from their catalogue.

"What is GOG.com's Fair Price Package?

Gamers who are paying in euros are generally charged more for the games that they buy than gamers in the US. Even if they're charged the same number in euros, since the exchange rate favors them over the US dollar gamers in those regions are still paying more. That's not fair, and GOG.com believes that charging the same price worldwide for all customers makes more sense. Unfortunately, we can't just lower our prices on the preorder to be lower than everyone else in those countries, due to legal reasons. So instead, we've come up with a solution that lets us charge a fair price to everyone while avoiding giving the legal team here at GOG.com a heart attack."



So, it seems you start with basic knowledge of signs as well as fighting, unlike in TW1. And tutorial's much shorter. The combat system looks totally rad; if it plays like it looks, it'll be great: kind of like DMC or Knights of Templar, but with non-linear story and full-on RPG mechanics. Sweet.
I've seen Konrad Tomaskiewicz ( lead quest designer ) play the game for one hour in Paris last saturday ( there was a Witcher 2 event ) and was able to buy my collector edition that day ( waiting for activation now ).

The game looks RAD. I can already say that TES VI will look dated in comparison. Granted.

The new combat system is a bit more action oriented but it looked really fun and nervous yet with a tactical side.

They confirmed that all DLC's would be free.

The game looks like it has tons of choices and consequences ( you can choose between 4 different beginnings, you can choose whether VERY important character die during the beginning which has a heavy impact on the storyline, and you can finish the game without even visiting entire cities which is something I haven't seen since Arcanum ).

There will be a patch that allows you to play in dubbed Polish if you have a boxed version.

They are working on a Construction and Development Tools right now but they wouldn't say if they plan to definitely release them to the public.

They also gave away exclusive promotional posters and a Witcher 2 comic book to those who attended and bought the game. :mrgreen:
So people are bitching again at the "OMG A DEFINITE ENDING WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!!!" ? I've never understood that. If the developer wants to give the ending more weight, so be it. Is that so hard to understand? If those people read books, do they want bitch there too that the book has a last page? :roll:

The music in the above video (enviroment) is excellent, but why has this game so fucking high saturated colors? It's like watching a Mario game. As I don't think there is a a filter to desaturate I have to do it manually each time then to reduce my need to vomit at the screen..
I'm rather bummed my PC can't handle this game... oh well... maybe in a few years when I pick up a new PC...

Never-ending upgrades... the bane of PC gaming.
Surf Solar said:
Is that so hard to understand? If those people read books, do they want bitch there too that the book has a last page? :roll:
There our problems already start. You expect them to READ. BOOKs even. Get some common sense Solar :roll:

*you know I am not serious*
There will be a patch that allows you to play in dubbed Polish if you have a boxed version.

Bah, that's pretty useless to me. I tried to play TW1EE with polish dub, but I'm Ukrainian and Polish language sounds so weird to me it just cracks me up every time, even in the serious spots :roll:

The game looks like it has tons of choices and consequences ( you can choose between 4 different beginnings, you can choose whether VERY important character die during the beginning which has a heavy impact on the storyline, and you can finish the game without even visiting entire cities which is something I haven't seen since Arcanum ).

Haha, looks like multiple playthroughs. Completionists will freaking kill themselves, lol.
yeah well. That is what many reviews write here as well. Great story. Great characters. But the end-part of the game is "average/low". Or the third act to speak so has not the same attention like the other parts of the game. No clue how true that is though. I mean some gaming sides complained that Witcher 2 has a "clear" ending (meaning no open end stuff like Oblivion). How can that be a negative point ? That is just stupid complaining for the sake of complaining. Some games have an ending. Some don't. Where is the problem with that ?

The Witcher 1 was a quite big game. And the ending was a part where you had not much to do. Which was "ok" though. Hope the second game is similar with that.
Crni Vuk said:
So the Twitcher 2 is out now.

Buy? Yes or no ?

If you have a quad core and a (very) fast GPU yes, if not save yourself the frustration.

My computer is well above the recommended specs and the game still runs like poo. (I hope new Ati drivers will improve performance drastically)
