World Cup 2010 South Africa

Not necessary. They lose anyway. From Belgium. Which will win. In the end.

Just saying.

Chile - Spain should be good Sander. Chile finished group qualifying second, one point behind Brazil - and Humberto Suazo was the top scorer in group qualifying.

Too bad that Chile will run into either Brazil or Portugal on the second round.

Whatever - I'm gonna go to the bar and cheer for whoever and enjoy some good football.
The Vuvuzelas should be banned altogether from football. The noise is simply unbearable. I've resorted to watching the match with the sound turned off ffs.
It's not that bad. It was worse during the Confederations Cup. You'll get used to it. The biggest problem with the constant sound is that the reaction to goals and other events seems smaller.
Not quite the results I cheered for in these first games, oh well.

South Africa played well enough against Mexico, considering that it had scored 3 goals on italy before the official games. Shame its defense failed and they took a goal. I'm kinda rooting for them to advance into the second phase.

As of now, France is tying with Uruguay. The latter had some good chances and couldn't score, but by the end of the second time Lugano got a red card, and Uruguay suffered several attacks from France. Still, it ended even.

I'm now expecting England vs US to be quite fun. And of course, Brazil starting off easy with North Korea on Tuesday (not so much for the match, but more because I'll be dismissed earlier from work :P ).
Yeah, I'm going to be dismissed as well haha

I think Brazil x North Korea can be fairly entertaining. I'm expecting Jong Tae-Se give us some trouble, and I hope he will.

Pff, and I'm sad with France x Uruguay results. People were putting such a hype on Uruguay, that I was expecting something better.

Tomorrow I'm curious to see if Maradona have done a good job with Argentina.
aye ...

where was all the action !

I am surprised Juan Román Riquelme isn't in the Argentinian team. Seems that he will not be playing for Argentina as long as Diego is the coach.
Anyway, something is telling me that this world cup wont be as half as interesting as the last world cup.


alec said:
Not necessary. They lose anyway. From Belgium. Which will win. In the end.

Just saying.



Disappointing World Cup so far. Sucky matches yesterday, Korea - Greece was decent, but that's Korea-Greece. And both Argentina and Nigeria were disappointing, really. Messi was very clearly the best player on the pitch and easily the most dangerous, but Argentina was sloppy and lacked an organisation.
Now, US vs England was a whole lot of disappointment for me. I cheered for England which scored at 4', but even with everything under control, Green had to miss that ball and let the US score.... 2nd time was just cold and it seems both conformed with 1x1.
Hausen, we always suck at football. Not so much from lack of teamwork (well okay there is that) but we're just plain boring.
Brother None said:
Oh Frith Germany-Australia is painful to watch.

What an embarrassment.
At least one side is playing well. That's proving to be an exception for this Word Cup.
USA obviously deserved to lose if that was the only way they could score against England. What a pathetic goal. Nigeria lost too. If they get knocked out I'm shifting my support to Côte d'Ivoire.

Hey BN, that dutch girl is pretty hot. If I were Joran van der Sloot I'd definitely kill her. :D
UniversalWolf said:
USA obviously deserved to lose if that was the only way they could score against England. What a pathetic goal.

Yeah totally. Just like Germany deserved to tie because all the goals were made easier by Australia's crappy play. Oh wait, that's stupid.

UniversalWolf said:
Hey BN, that dutch girl is pretty hot.
