world's first input device with always online DRM


Vault Fossil
I could not believe my eyes when I read about this. Apparently Razer has created the first ever mouse that requires always online DRM:

If you don't install the DRM software and aren't connected to the internet, most of the mouse's advanced functions like macro buttons don't work and you're left with just a basic and very expensive plug and play mouse.

Rumor has it that Razer is planning to include DRM with all of their future products.

Wow. The good people at Razer are true pioneers :shock: :? :| :crazy:
call me dumb, but I can't really fathom what the point of that is. to avoid bootleg versions and second hand sales, or what? :|
I don't get it either. If someone wants to make a copy of it, they copy it except for the software part and be done.
First sony patents a technology that puts intrusive advertisements in their products, and now this.
I wonder what society we're turning into, Robocop or Syndicate (the strategy game, not that EA abomination)?
I wasn't aware I could pirate a mouse from PB. Learn something every day.

More seriously this is just dumb, glad I use Logitech instead.
yeah, I know why I prefer logitech as well.

Though if they suddenly would start with such a crap then I guess it would be time to use a cheap usual mouse again.

Back to the roots!


Could you imagine someone in the late 90s would try to explain you that one day games will require always to be online. Single player games to say that. Or weven worse. A hardware like the mouse ...
I don't get it, are they pirating computer mouses now or does the manufacturer also want to ride the DRM band wagon?
My mouse is at least 10 years old. Logitech.

My razor surround sound headset is 3 years old and someone sat on it so it's broken all to hell but I can still tape it to my head. (which is what I do)

I have no idea where I was going with this.
mobucks said:
My razor surround sound headset is 3 years old and someone sat on it so it's broken all to hell but I can still tape it to my head. (which is what I do)
Ah, so that's what's up with your avatar
So, it's just mining, or what?

I have a Razer mouse, an older model without this kind of nonsense, and I do think they make good products, but uh....what?
It's kind of like how everything else in the world works these days Brother.

The philosophy goes something like:

"Let's see how far we can push them"

People buy brand new 400 dollar iPhones every 5 months.

[sarcasm] How is a DRM mouse not going to be successful? [/sarcasm]
Thank God. That sounds dumb as shit. Who would agree to such dumbfuckery?
From the article I linked:

The advantage is that your settings are no longer limited to the storage found in the mouse, so you can keep everything running a certain way and your settings are kept standardized across multiple pieces of hardware that are synced automatically. Since this is all done online, you need to create an account and authorize the hardware once in order for everything to work. After that you can enable offline mode, and not have to worry about losing your connection. The reports that claim the mice require an “always-on” Internet connection are inaccurate.

Reports that Razer hardware is being “bricked” if you don’t register the software are likewise incorrect. If you don’t like this system you don’t have to use the drivers at all; you can always stick to the standard Windows or Mac mouse drivers, although you may lose certain features. Still, many products don’t require software to adjust many of the settings.
So the story is false, ok?
34thcell said:
From the article I linked:

The advantage is that your settings are no longer limited to the storage found in the mouse, so you can keep everything running a certain way and your settings are kept standardized across multiple pieces of hardware that are synced automatically. Since this is all done online, you need to create an account and authorize the hardware once in order for everything to work. After that you can enable offline mode, and not have to worry about losing your connection. The reports that claim the mice require an “always-on” Internet connection are inaccurate.

Reports that Razer hardware is being “bricked” if you don’t register the software are likewise incorrect. If you don’t like this system you don’t have to use the drivers at all; you can always stick to the standard Windows or Mac mouse drivers, although you may lose certain features. Still, many products don’t require software to adjust many of the settings.
So the story is false, ok?

So it is true?! How could they do such a thing? :wink:
34thcell said:
The story is false. Apparently, it's an issue with the update servers or something.
Still doesn't make much sense. Why should your mouse's functions stop working because there is "an issue with the update servers or something"???
34thcell said:
you can always stick to the standard Windows or Mac mouse drivers, although you may lose certain features.
So the story is false, ok?
Except it kinda isn't? They're basically saying: "If you don't want our DRM, fine, but then we won't allow you to use certain features." WTF?
There is no offline toggle function. If you are online, then Synapse 2.0 is as well. There is no option to turn it off. If you lose your internet connection the software and mouse can freeze up while it transitions to offline mode when it doesnt detect a connection to the internet any longer. How does this possibly benefit the consumer?
This is depressing on so many levels.

- There are apparently people buying mice that look as stupid as these do without any shame whatsoever,
- There are apparently people shelving out a lot of cash for a bloody mouse,
- There are apparently people stupid enough to not see any gripes with business practices like this synapse bullshit.

You can't really blame Razer, though. If people are stupid enough to pay that much money for mice as stupid-looking as these ones, they're bound to be stupid enough to accept all kinds of data-mining and always-online-DRM-bullshit.

Welcome to the Apple future.
People get what they deserve when they support these stupid companies. Let's see what they say when their (Razer) profits take a hit. False or not, this is the future, and the future is now.. :roll:
Jebus said:
- There are apparently people buying mice that look as stupid as these do without any shame whatsoever,
- There are apparently people shelving out a lot of cash for a bloody mouse

Don't underestimate the power of a good mouse. I'm thinking of unloading a lot of money in a mouse and a pad.

Serious gaming can't be accomplished on a pad that has cigaret burns on it and a mouse full of cat hair.