Would anyone take issue with the Enclave in future games?

Walpknut said:
^Why? to make it as formulaic as possible?

Because moral choices definitely should be in the game. But for the overall quest, it's really more fun if you are set up the whole time like "These guys are really fucking evil!".

It's just my opinion. Don't let it affect you.
While I agree they've had their spotlight... I don't think we should just let them fade away. They are a big, if not huge, part of Fallout. Plus, is it not fun killing and farming on the respawning enclave troops in Fallout? Or just killing them anyway? I'd love to see some respawning troops/patrols of Enclave soldiers/Remnants. I've always had the idea of how to introduce them again. Not as antagonists this time. But as a lost battalion making it's way home to see the rest of the Enclave destroyed. :P
The Enclave returning in future games is fine. However, I don't want to see them with guns blazing power-armored armies supported by missile flinging vertibirds and the same "murder kill destroy" mentality.

If anything, they should be in a massive state of disarray, struggling just to survive as a faction while hiding from the BoS, NCR, etc. Also, getting nuked to oblivion thrice should get them thinking of a change in plans.
That's one of the major problems with the Enclave. The possibilities existed for nuances, but they've always been used as a cut-and-dried baddie and now, with them having been so thoroughly dashed against the rocks, there's not much left to branch out from.

If they return as a faction, I don't see many viable directions to take them in-- they could be the same old big bad stormtroopers (boring and increasingly less plausible as time goes on), they could be a splintered faction struggling to maintain their purity of intent under the ever-looming demands of the situation for compromise and adaptation (aka a redundant clone of the Brotherhood with slightly more assholes), or they could... yeah, I don't see many others ways that could go.

Now, if you scale back from faction-level, there might be some promise. A community of survivors and their descendents, maybe a mix of hard-liners and those looking to just keep to themselves and live their lives, tucked up in a corner of the map somewhere trying to avoid attention. But it would have to be handled well. And I don't know that it would be.
SealyStar said:
Walpknut said:
^Why? to make it as formulaic as possible?

Because moral choices definitely should be in the game. But for the overall quest, it's really more fun if you are set up the whole time like "These guys are really fucking evil!".

It's just my opinion. Don't let it affect you.
I find that a lot more boring. The only thing I find more boring than not having a choice, is having it, take the time to think of it, and then the game being indifferent to my choice.

Trying to be a little more objective about it, I think it's better for the FPS aspect and a lot worse for the RPG aspect. Personally, I like Fallout a lot better for its RPG aspects than for the (recently introduced) FPS ones.
Why not an enclave remnant/BoS alliance?

The failure of both Richardson and Eden to accomplish their goals reveals the incompetence of the previous command structures. Instead, the remnants ally with the NV chapter and other likeminded BoS chapters.

Now I am not saying they would meld their chain of command but they conduct joint operations/hit and runs on NCR forces, maybe forcing the war to a stalemate.
DarkCorp said:
Why not an enclave remnant/BoS alliance?

The failure of both Richardson and Eden to accomplish their goals reveals the incompetence of the previous command structures. Instead, the remnants ally with the NV chapter and other likeminded BoS chapters.

Now I am not saying they would meld their chain of command but they conduct joint operations/hit and runs on NCR forces, maybe forcing the war to a stalemate.

Why? BoS wants to keep tech from being missused, and I'm pretty sure that idea includes using it to rule. BoS doesn't want to rule anything, their sole mission is to protect tech. This idea directly conflict with the idea of an alliance with Enclave. In fact, since their most important advantage is tech they're expecting to control and NOT share, I doubt any faction would see them as a valuable ally. There are exceptions for specific battles, of course, like stoping the supermutants or siding with someone on the battle of Hoover Dam, but that's the limit. They involve the least they can.
Also, don't the Remnants state that the BOS helped in the destruction of the Enclave remnants after they lost the oil rig in the core region? Arcade dislikes them a lot and not only for their bullheaded obssession with keeping tech for themselves.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I know where you are coming from and I am absolutely not an Enclave hater (I liked them in Fallout 2) but the Enclave has played its role in the games.
Please move on and let them die.

I dissagree.. Kinda. I would not mind a game that took place around F1-2 with the enclaves around AND preferable a faction you can join/start of with. So 1 "evil" side and 1 "good" side depending on what you perfer.
Why not take care of a mutual enemy that neither could handle alone first?

BoS: Had the shit kicked out of them and currently on the ropes if not flat out KOd.

Enclave: Same, completely on the ropes almost but NOT KOd.

Sure they can both fight eachother continually till NCR stomps them both but that just seems so counter productive.
New Vegas has already established them as having faded away, the survivor's having died, been hunted down or integrated into the NCR.
Good riddance.
DarkCorp said:
Why not take care of a mutual enemy that neither could handle alone first?

BoS: Had the shit kicked out of them and currently on the ropes if not flat out KOd.

Enclave: Same, completely on the ropes almost but NOT KOd.

Sure they can both fight eachother continually till NCR stomps them both but that just seems so counter productive.

They're outnumbered. You can count Enclave remnants with your fingers. They're done. And BoS, IIRC the only surviving chapter is that small group inside Hidden Valley. If they are already just hiding to survive, 50 more people at the most will be of no help to switch tables. None of them can really help the other. If either one wants to survive, they don't need another techie faction, they need numbers. That's why they BoS lost in Helios One. Even a Lyons' crusade against the NCR might make more sense than a stubborn alliance of two practically dead factions to fight the biggest faction we saw.
All hope in Middwestern BoS. Seriously if any of "Power Armor" factions can survive and grow into power it`s Middwestern BoS.
IIRC in F3 it was said Midwestern BoS " is small chapter that gone rouge long time ago" which coresponds quite well to neutral ending of FT ( destruction of Calculator). Still Mid BoS were recruting tribals so I assume their numbers are far greater then those of original BoS or Enclave.
Actually, neutral ending for FT shows them as pretty big empire, with endless expansion.

And in FO3 it is said "There's also a small detachment in Chicago, but they're off the radar. Gone rogue. Long story."

CHICAGO! One city, not entire 2 commonwealths or 12 states (!) with lot of cities under them.

Also, after end of FT midwestern BoS changed it capital to Vault 0... so look at that map.


And take into account, that Caesar's Legion hasn't any fights with mid BoS over some cities etc. They just caught few BoS people from east, confirming that by 2281 they exist FAR east from Denver.

So everything confirms that mid BoS lost it capital, and therefore, judging from FO3 words, by 2281 mid BoS exist ONLY in Chicago, while having problems with manpower and everything (they're small, not empire like during F:T)... so they're pretty dying as a faction since BoS expedition to DC or rather few decades before this event.
I agree they are not the empire they once were. But location of Vault 0 was deep secret and I`m not sure DC chapter would knew were it is placed. They did know about Chicago cause that`s where most of Zeppelins crashed. Maybe only small group stayed in Chicago. We can`t know for sure.
They did know about Chicago cause that`s where most of Zeppelins crashed.
What? They didn't knew about Vaut 0, but knew where zeppelins crashed, from what source? Magic 8 ball?

Imagine BoS coming from Lost Hills to DC... and they didn't met midwestern BoS until(!) Chicago. Not in bunker Gamma or Epsilon, what proves mid BoS isn't wide and is only SMALL group in Chicago.

As for Vault 0, Caesar's Legion and it story only support above version, that mid BoS lost all it western regions.

But location of Vault 0 was deep secret

It is joke?

FT ending
The Brotherhood is quick to establish Vault 0 as its main base of operations, all though much destruction was wrought here it still represents a massive store house of knowledge and technology.
The ancient structure becomes the central hub of operations, coordinating between outposts far and near and reinforcing their supply lines and transport routes across the countryside. Ironically mimicking the original purpose of their defeated enemy.

If mid BoS would survived, I doubt Ceasar and his poeple would miss something like that under(!) his Denver. :wall:

Also, if mid BoS would prosper, not pass away, Ceasar would say more about them, than only this one line:

Some of the Brotherhood scribes we captured further East didn't even know the name of their founder, Roger Maxson.
Please no more Enclave in future Fallout games, even the remnants should die out after a while.
Just some former ex members who muse about the 'good old days' and what could have been.