This ghoul has seen it all

Caesar's Legion could also be considered religious nuts, altho their figure of reverence is a man of flesh and bone.
(Don't even get me started on Harold)
Hell, even the BoS's reverence for technology and social structure has been described in game as "quasi-religious" on more than one occasion, unless I'm much mistaken.
Fallout in general is somewhat lacking in religious nuts of all sorts.
Children of the Cathedral?
Bright Brotherhood?
Mormons? (no offense to any members of the LDS Church)
Hell, even the BoS's reverence for technology and social structure has been described in game as "quasi-religious" on more than one occasion, unless I'm much mistaken.
(Don't even get me started on Harold)
The Harold piece was pretty much the only one I actually loved. Fawkes was also a relief, for being a non-retarded-all-I-want-to-ever-do-is-kill-shit mutant.
Hell, even the BoS's reverence for technology and social structure has been described in game as "quasi-religious" on more than one occasion, unless I'm much mistaken.
AFAIR, yes, even in Fallout 1 someone tells you they are fanatics who worship technology.
Caesar's Legion could also be considered religious nuts, altho their figure of reverence is a man of flesh and bone.
In a way, yes, but the legionnaires aren't really delusional like the Children of the Cathedral or Bright Brotherhood are. Caesar is a liar in the sense that he plays on the more gullible elements of his armies by making a small mythology around him. However those with a firm understanding of the Legion, or those who simply knew him long enough, are well aware that he is a man, just a very capable one. I doubt anyone in the Legion except for the lower ranks actually believes the "Son of Mars" thing, and if they do, they don't give it much importance. No, they follow Caesar for many more reasons than just religious belief.
I am currently way too lazy to expand that thought, but the most glaring comparison that came into my mind when seeing the legion in FoNV is with child soldiers.
All those very young people, stripped from their family, their village, their culture, forced into soldierhood, with no freedom, all those dogmas forced into them, and no possibility to think by themselves. It was especially glaring when you see the actual children having quite the same behavior as the teenagers that make most of the legion, people that have no clues of what they are doing. Of course, considering Bethesda take (mostly ESRB) about killing children, there is no way Obsidian could have used an actual army of children to fight agains't you, but if not for that, i guess we would have seen much more children within the legion ranks...