So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Sure, say why then.Generally, I felt with rare exceptions, that the F4 Companions were just better. I'm happy to say why too.
Sure, say why then.Generally, I felt with rare exceptions, that the F4 Companions were just better. I'm happy to say why too.
>people call this man intelligent and take his opinions seriouslyYep. I generally prefer the Fallout 4 companions.
Generally, I felt with rare exceptions, that the F4 Companions were just better.
Sure, say why then.
>It's bad because it's not easyHowever, I think people tend to overestate the rest with Lily and Raoul being character whose quests are hard to actvate.
>it's bad because it's morbidRex's cyberdog quest was morbid and nonsensical (if we're replacing his brain, he's dead).
>what is while adorably lethal doesn't really have a quest and its inability to speak kind of undercut things a lot.
>it's bad because I could never complete the questI also felt like Boone's quest kind of "stopped" in that I never really felt it had the resolution it needed the way Veronica's and Cass' could.
Companions very rarely comment on your past life. You can't say they have an impact on how the Sole Survivor moves on, because it seems like most of them don't realize his/her backstory to begin have a great number of stories about helping your Companions decide on how to proceed with their new lives and helping them realize their goals
She doesn't seem optimistic, she just seems like she has the same attitude that everyone should have given that they've been living in these types of conditions for 200 years.she's a character who is consistently entertaining throughout and someone who really manages to convey optimism without being a Pollyanna. She's also got some realistic flaws in the fact she's an awful parent/guardian/sister to her younger sibling.
Cait was a stereotypical irish/scottish chick(And judging by Bethesda's choice of voice actors, they can't tell the difference).Cait does have an arc and goes in some direction I didn't really expect like the fact when she tells you about the murder of her parents, you think she's going to be glad given the horrible things they did to her but that it only left her cold and empty
The dialogue for romance in Fallout 4 sounds like it was written by a 12 year old.I personally felt Cait's romance was the sweetest, followed by Piper's.
The thing is, the way he always addresses you so formally as "General" serves as a constant reminder that he made you the leader of a faction within a day of knowing you.Preston Garvey, despite the ruining bug of the Radiant Quest, is also a sweet character as he's someone who has been suicidal the entire time he's known you but you've unwittingly been giving him reason to live. I was genuinely touched by the resolution with him where he talks about how he's going to keep going despite the fact it's a daily struggle for him.
"I don't care that you brought an army of raiders in to the commonwealth and killed everyone I ever knew, I still think you'll make a great general of the minutemen."The fact it can end with him deciding to leave you because you've made peace with the Raiders works wonderfully well as a coda for an anti-hero Survivor as well.
OK, we agree on that I guess.Then there's Nick Valentine who is just awesome.
Wow, totally destroyed me there. I love bethesda's shitty writing now!*eye roll*
>Fallout: New Vegas on PS3My favourite part of Fallout 4 was turning it off, connecting my PS3 back up and playing New Vegas.
>Fallout: New Vegas on PS3
I'm so, so sorry.
I just know the Fallout games (and Elder Scrolls apparently) run like ass on Playstation and have loads of bugs. I remember the first time I played Fallout 3 was on Playstation and that shit was abstract.I have it on the 360 and my Laptop as well.
It's just I hadn't really completed it on my PS3 at the time and on my laptop, it runs rather slow when getting my Pip-Boy up
Companions very rarely comment on your past life. You can't say they have an impact on how the Sole Survivor moves on, because it seems like most of them don't realize his/her backstory to begin with.
She doesn't seem optimistic, she just seems like she has the same attitude that everyone should have given that they've been living in these types of conditions for 200 years.
As for the awful guardian to her sister, that was a horribly done storyline. How come the entirety of problems that her sister is having revolves around Piper's journalism career. Like, couldn't they have at least come up with something a little more creative, to make the world seem a little less one dimensional.
Cait was a stereotypical irish/scottish chick(And judging by Bethesda's choice of voice actors, they can't tell the difference).
The only depth that gets added to her is her drug addiction, which is also handled so poorly. Like, she's a generic drug addict, at least make her addicted to one thing in particular and how it effects her life, rather than shoving her in a "Drug Addict" category, and assume every single drug ever made does it for her.
And her quest was horrible too. Like, you know they could have made it an interesting mechanic having a companion whose going through rehabilitation, perhaps make it so you need to constantly keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't go back, but nope, they instead made her entire quest revolve around finding a macguffin device which magically cures every addiction ever, because why not.
The dialogue for romance in Fallout 4 sounds like it was written by a 12 year old.
It is painstakingly cringeworthy, and upon romancing a companion, you basically lose any chance for companion banter, with your companions addressing you as "My love" or "Babe" every other sentence.
The thing is, the way he always addresses you so formally as "General" serves as a constant reminder that he made you the leader of a faction within a day of knowing you.
And his entire backstory revolves around him being in the Minutemen. 'I think you'll be a great general of the minutemen, I'm suicidal because of this event with the minutemen, You've done loads of great things for the minutemen.', it makes him feel incredibly bland.
"I don't care that you brought an army of raiders in to the commonwealth and killed everyone I ever knew, I still think you'll make a great general of the minutemen."
Why should playing an anti-hero have consequences for actions, when you can play it 100% safely, and still have Preston on your side.
Because not losing out on the Minutemen is 100 times more important than actual character development, and world-building.
Which is something that you can do only once. SO like he said, very rarely.Except if you visit your wife's grave with them.
This is 200 years after the disaster. Theres settlements and towns were people live fairly mundane lives, there multiple factions who are out to do more than just survive, she's not any more particularly optimistic about the world as many other "characters" (and with Fallout 4 I use that term very loosely). It's just that Fallout 4 does a piss poor job of showing this because like Fallout 3 they seem to forget 2 centuries have gone by and can't write believable characters and worlds for shit.I don't see how that's the case. In real life disasters, people murder and betray and kill each others for the slightest bit of gain. Piper thinks they can back together which is an almost unprecedented attitude to have and she's all the more admirable about it. Of course, if you don't believe humans will eat humans then you might have a lessened effect.
It's also one that's not really mentioned at all or presented as a problem. You're just reading into it and coming up with your own reasons to justify how one note everything is. If it really is such a serious conflict why can't you tell Piper to look after her sister and stop following you and dangerous shit around? They never try to present the player as bad for dragging Piper away from her sister, not to mention they just ignore that while you have Piper around her young sister is just chillin in Diamond City alone and that's not a problem for anyone I guess as they never seem to mention or show any concern about it.The issue is that Piper is constantly leaving her sister to go adventure and will probably die out there in the Wasteland. That's not a small issue.
She's also not Irish.It's Boston so I'm confused why there's not more Irish characters. Katy Townsend is also an awesome VA.
I'd hope they wouldn't have more Irish characters since they can't even get the single one they have in the game right.Katy Townsend "The Cheeky Scot" hails from Glasgow where she unearthed her passion in the theatre world.
Her every-single-drug addiction is treated as a major part of her story and a large part of her arc is getting her off of it. As far as the rest of it it's pretty Goddamn generic and is portrayed with all the wit and subtlety as everything else in the game, that is, none at all.I'm confused because did you play her characterization? Her drug addiction is a small part of a much larger story involving her parents, the Raiders she used to travel with, her history as a gladiator, and her death wish. You basically seem to have ignored the whole of the character.
Almost like there either needs to be a separation of gameplay and story or don't have a person's character trait revolve around addiction when there are multiple easy to find items that automatically cure addictions with no penalty so you have to come up with some bullshit as to why that suddenly doesn't work anymore.Almost like there's a way of cleansing addiction in-game which you've probably used dozens of time.
No, shitty and poorly made writing is bad. Saying that replacing any chance for banter or interesting dialog with generic and stereotypical phrases like "my love" is just lazy and comes across as very incompetent and like the whole mechanic was a second thought.Yes, because affection is bad.
Almost like immediately promoting you to head of the entire faction after knowing you for 30 minutes and finding out you don't know a single thing about the world around you isn't a good enough justification. Your character doesn't even know what a ghoul is and just woke up from cryo sleep a few hours ago but surely they'll be able to lead a dying faction in a world almost totally foreign to them.Almost you like you saved his friends and his life at great personal risk to your own for no reward then led them to a safe place.
No you're right. Everything about them and their character should revolve around that one event and there should be no other detail to his character for the whole game and all he talks about being the Minutemen throughout the whole game isn't bland or boring at all. That makes much more sense and definitely isn't a paper thin excuse for him being as one dimensional as possible.Yes, I bet traumatized soldiers should have backstories unrelated to their time as soldiers.
Which is funny because he is the one who orders you around. You can't even build the teleporter to the Institute until he gives you permission after freeing enough settlements.You're the general of the Minutemen, not Preston. He can hate you but everyone else is following YOU.
"You've led these raiders in to the minutemen. I won't travel around with you, but I'll still let you lead the Minutemen because reasons."Funny, how that's not what happens.
Which you can't.
"You've led these raiders in to the minutemen. I won't travel around with you, but I'll still let you lead the Minutemen because reasons."
Wow, such characterization, very consequences for actions.
Yea bethesda's incompetence can be pretty awe-inspiring.Which is impressive as it can actually break the game.
Except that Preston is always essential.If you continue, he turns hostile and you have to kill him.
Except that Preston is always essential.
And why is it an issue of "If you continue". You've brought a bunch of raiders in to the Commonwealth for no good reason. Isn't that enough to justify him being hostile immediately.
(He could very well have only known you for a day)doesn't feel any gratitude or friendship?