Writers corner.

Atomic Postman

Vault Archives Overseer
Hello fellow authors/writers!

I thought I'd make a thread to see whether there are any other budding writers on this forum,anyway, let's talk!

What are you working on?

What is your latest/favourite setting you've created?

Any advice/tips?
Well, some time ago I was a "Dungeon Master" in a RPG session (it's in Polish though), I'm thinking about restoring it, finishing and turning into a full story (probably not a book, since we've used Planescape setting as a base).

But besides that, I'm actually busy with a book called "Nieuklękły" (which could hardly be translated as "Unkneeling one/The one that never knelt") about a frozen planet and it's inhabitants fighting with each other (which are three main "kingdoms"), the best description for this one would probably be a mix of Diune and Game of Thrones (meh). I think it's worth mentioning a fact, that I've created a whole language for one of the kingdoms; more than that, I also have translated first Surah of Koran into it!

"1.1 Isarrêat qabiccat ĉei añzallat atmeu leire!";
'1.1 In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.'.

"1.2 Isareara qin muþahiña, ajisi arribara,";
'1.2 Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,'.

"1.3 Qabicara ĉei añzalara,";
'1.3 The Beneficent, the Merciful.'.

"1.4 Azfeixi arji arribara.";
'1.4 Master of the Day of Judgment,'.

"1.5 Ĉeimatli zeiŝa zaminenin ĉei uŝtanara qin zeiŝa tageirnin.";
'1.5 Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help.'.

"1.6 Amean alruľeara peufinara asei‘id.";
'1.6 Show us the straight path,'.

"1.7 Alruľeara seaireani ateani acalurani teiladiltar, seimea iseairrêitu atean qeubi zu qadan, ĉei iseairrêitu atean deajicnaun.";
'1.7 The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.'.

You can also listen to the recording I've made.
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Very nice,things like that add a level of detail and believability which really brings worlds alive.

So is it a Science Fantasy? and if you don't mind me asking, what is the reasoning behind the title of your story?

The setting I'm working on is in very early stages, and needs some work.

The main premise of the world is that in the distant future, humanity is one of the founding species of the Tri-Galactic Union (they are the most advanced species in the setting)which consists of hundreds of alien species, but Humanity ends up caught in a war with an alien race that is determined to erase any sapient species other than itself, Earth is destroyed early in the war and the whole of the Human Empire (Except for a dozen small colony worlds which declared themselves as conscientious objectors) becomes one big war machine, every man,woman, and even child become soldiers, augmented and artificially mutated into being excellent warriors, to the point where they aren't recognizable as human anymore,this war lasts hundreds of years and almost the entire milky way galaxy becomes a warzone,many worlds belonging to other species are trashed and either become gigantic no man's lands or become radioactive wastelands (some are even totally destroyed and strip mined for materials), causing a growing hatred for humanity by most of the species of the tri-galactic union.

The people of the colony worlds that refused to join the war drop the name human as it is associated with the Eternal War, and take on the name Noblemen.

In the present day within the setting , Humans (Noblemen) are far and few between and are shunned by everyone,and the entire Milky Way Galaxy is a war zone, with the collective forces of the Tri-Galactic Union keeping the war inside it's borders.

All around the tri-galactic space, small portals are opening, from which meteors made of strange material emerge, inside these meteors are creatures from another dimension, early on they were just horrible beasts and were mainly kept quiet, but recently more intelligent and well armed creatures have been pouring through the tears in space...

The story follows a Courier/Smuggler/Pirate Nobleman with an entirely Nobleman crew, and he receives a prophetic vision from strange God-Like beings.

That's all I've got so far and I definitely need to refine it.
AlphaPromethean said:
Very nice,things like that add a level of detail and believability which really brings worlds alive.
I cannot disagree on that one; the language is actually called "Padmaran" 'Padmaranian' (right now I'm working on it's dialects, there will be seven dialects plus one standardized form of the language which can be seen above), I will most likely make two another languages for two remaining kingdoms (which will be called "Imfursa" 'Imfursian' and, well, the name of the third one isn't established yet, since I didn't introduce the third kingdom in the text, but it will probably be "Auresh" 'Aureshian'). I also would like to point out, that almost every language ever created for a book or movie (Quenya from Lord of The Rings, Dothraki from Game of Thrones, Klingon from Startrek or Na'vi from Avatar) are always really boring if it comes to grammar or writing-systems, most of the time they're also really primitive. If you want to, I may translate some of the presentation parts about Padmaran language for you.

AlphaPromethean said:
So is it a Science Fantasy?
Well, no. It is actually a low-fantasy story, there is no magic whatsoever, only visions of main characters, since some of them are taking drugs, which are consider as means to become closer with their believes, so there are quite large parts of the book which are simply reflections of persona about life (remember "melange" from Diune? That's kinda like that), often they have forms which could seem to be unrealistic, but I wouldn't call it SF.

AlphaPromethean said:
and if you don't mind me asking, what is the reasoning behind the title of your story?
Well, the main characters pretty much don't kneel before anyone; everybody is trying to defeat the others, and even when they're trapped in their own consciousnesses, they're always getting up. I know it may sound like it's just a story about Vikings on drugs, but hey, Lord of The Rings was about elves and dwarfs, so...

I really like your idea, it sounds pretty much original (as much as it can be nowadays at least); I guess it's in English - would you mind to send me some parts?
Unfortunately I can't send you any parts because they don't exist, at the moment I've just got lots of rough notes that anyone but me would probably not understand and the thoughts in my head,like I said early days.

I would like some advice on creating languages, as my setting is filled with hundreds of species and cultures, it would be stupid to not have at the very least one form of language.
Well, probably the best advise is just to get interested in linguistics. There are actually communities for people making conlangs (constructed languages), you can start there, people will most likely advise you what to do.

If you want some advise from me, well, it will all be about *how the language works* rather than *how it sounds* (because you'll always come across people telling you "this sounds like a mix of Hungarian and Japanese" or whatever). First of all: don't barrow any words from any languages known to you (neither from the ones you don't know xd), just make them. There is no chance words from a real language could appear in a fictional world, so there is no reason to doing so. You'll also have to think about it's grammar and that's probably the most important thing. I'll take my own conlang as an example.

Words in Padmaran aren't "working" like the English ones (or just the ones in European languages), they are derived from triple-consonant roots; all of the roots have their own meaning which *isn't* all that straight-forward, for example:
"C-Ñ-R" means something like "eating/drinking" (Padmaran doesn't have a distinction between these two things), but a root isn't really a true existing entity, it needs some grammatical-morphological alternations to become a word; and that's the part when it gets interesting, because from one root you can make a lot of different words (I kind of borrowed this system from Arabic though):
"Cañara" 'To eat/to drink';
"Cañurna" 'To be hungry, to be thirsty';
"Acñir" 'Food/drink';
"Nucñir" 'A man who eats/drinks something';
"Nucñira" 'A woman who eats/drinks something'.
And so on and so on.

One of the other things I came out with is that the nouns (which aren't different from adjectives in this language) have not only singular and plural forms, but also singulative, dual and nullar; what does that mean? I will give you some example:

Word "Algê" means 'Elephant'. If you want to say that some elephant is big, you'd say:
"Algê qaluran", you're simply using a singular number. Let's use plural:
"Algêan qaluran", this would mean, that some particular elephants are big. Now the dual number:
"Algêum qaluran", literally "Two elephants are big". Singulative number:
"Algêar qaluran", which would either mean that there is some group of elephants which are big, or that the elephant is big as it is, because elephants are big. And now the nullar number:
"Ilgêi qaluran", that would literally be "Zero elephants are big", which would simply mean, that there are no big elephants (which would be used in negations in the language, I won't really get into it).

Also some really interesting things like: word "Naqeum", which means 'Mouth', is actually a dual number of "Naqeai" 'Lip', just like word "Aŝqeaizum" 'Scissors' is a dual form of "Ŝaqqêiz" 'Blade'. Or even crazier things like: word for 'Horizon' is "Alrinateum", which is basically construction of "Alr" 'Ground', "Natea" 'Sky' and dual number. Also I have created a conscript for this language. I could go on with these.

What I wanted to show you is that the language get interesting when you start to talking about it's peculiarities.
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I do write, but I am stuck in a routine, and have yet to find the guts to try to send anything to a publisher. I know that the majority of my writings are too narrow for a broad audience, so I know that will allready be a hinder.
Another hinder is that I went overboard, and wrote a 5-book novel series of half a million words and almost 2000 pages, I am very worried that this will be too much, too weird, and yes, rejection frightens me, cus I wrote so much :D

This series is best described as a "space opera" or "military sci-fi" with a lot of dark humor to it.

Another book I finished recently is a dystopic-futuristic exploration of "what if" magic was real, and a few select humans could perform magic. I had to define magic, and decide what is possible and what is not, and it was very interesting.
However, everyone kept telling me to keep it short, to avoid another 500 000 words, but this only ended up ruining it, since I begun to condens and condens, and finally forced the story to end when it was "long enough". I would have much more prefered to make such a story into an "epic" as well, since it was a huge subject to tackle.
(And now I wonder why I take their advice anyway, since they only say shit to hear themselves talk. Make it shorter - I did, and now it sucks, and they're like "what book?")

I love to write, but it is discouraging when you live in a tiny little pisshole of a country, wrote everything in this language, and know that there is very little chance for publication locally, and even less a chance for translations abroad - if you havent sold squat back home. I'm not sure how it works, but I am quite pessimistic :D

For now, I am preparing (training mostly) to create a graphic novel. Part because I miss drawing, and part because graphic novels are much more marketable than actual novels, especially when it comes to weird, narrow subjects.

As for creating languages, this was interesting in both my space-sci-fi and my earth-dystopia. In both I had great fun with it, with the space one I would write mostly gibberish for foreign languages, but try to give them a fictious structure. For _one_ chapter I actually gave foreign dialogue meaning and structure, just to try it out. It was tons of fun.

For my earth-dystopia I had to imagine future versions of todays languages, which was also entertaining. I would play around with a whole list of languages, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Bengal, Hindu, Arabic, etc :D
Often using foreign language dialogue bits for flavor, humor or some kind of needed effect - otherwise limiting the use of foreign gibberish (since I fear it will be bothersome for a reader to read through too much nonsense, despite the fun it was to write it :D)
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I like to write, but I spend too much time on the conceptualization. I am sure I am a good writter, if not a good typographer.
My most recent memory of writting fun was when I took a cript writting class in the University for fun, you know how those classes go, every script was about drugs, mafia and the main character dying because most people in that class are pretentious fucks that only write "artsy" sounding stuff. I got stuck in a group with one such story, the guy who wrote it could barely write in goddamn spanish despite being his native alnguage and the story was pretty badly paced and the dialogue was.... shit to be nice. Dude also forgot to mail it to us.... for a week, so he emaled it to the teacher without us reviewing it because he was so sure about his script. The other memebers of the group inmediately gave up as they read the script, there was no way of fixing that shit on a single night... or was there? When we got to class the next day with the revised script the teacher had a nice copy of the original one with a huge 2/5 on it, and that was the teacher being nice. But we convinced her to read the other one and we pulled the calification back to 3.5 (they had to calculate the two scores and divide by 2) and then the super genius guy that wrote the original one proceeded to not do anything during the whole project because it was his super genius story and so he didn't have to contribute anything at all.

we got a 4.8/5 out the project, and by the end we were only 2 people wroking on it. So that was fun, but I wanted to make that idiot eat his own stupid mullet.
This basically me about writing: http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/aBKyboO_700b.jpg

I'm really trying to improve my writing skills but procrastination always get the better of me and when not, I can't put into words the histories I think. It's like I imagine a LOTR in space in my head but when i try to put into words I ended up writing bird poop.

Zegh: I would like to read your book.
I like to write. Mainly world design.

Kinda on a... thing. For a D&D game, in all likelihood.

Set around this peninsula that vaguely resembles Renaissance Italy. Greek Orthodox art, though. Lots of gold and frescoes. Though it's not gold, it's like reinforced steel, so they don't use it as coinage. Lots of conflict of interest between nations, and some international tension over currency. Drawing a lot from history, been reading up on Italy of this time period. Turns out the Swedes trampled them because of pike formations. Neat stuff.
Thinking I'll be having lots of Medici-type merchant/banking families running around. Kinda getting stuck on fleshing out why it's in this Renaissance-era, maybe foreign schools of thought or the dissolution of the Church.
Oh yeah, and then some ideas about inter-dimensional invaders. But that's not figured out yet.

Anyways, does anyone want to hear these ideas in detail? I could use a bouncing board, since most of my friends wouldn't be able to give very good responses.
This basically me about writing: http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/aBKyboO_700b.jpg

I'm really trying to improve my writing skills but procrastination always get the better of me and when not, I can't put into words the histories I think. It's like I imagine a LOTR in space in my head but when i try to put into words I ended up writing bird poop.

Zegh: I would like to read your book.

Write and post it on forums like this one. Get feedback. Look up some basic grammar laws; semicolons and colons and punctuation and fragments and run-ons. Easy stuff. Read some prose. Fill a notebook with notes and ideas; you can sketch out the world from that. Was that supposed to be a colon or semicolon there? Damn, I need to look through my notes.

Read. Write. Unless you don't care to write; don't then. My two cents.
With a friend we got this idea of making an RPG set in the modern world but with all the cliched fantasy races completely integrated into the setting. We are conceptualizing the dynamics of the distintic races in different ages of the modern world, it would be able to be set in any decade, from the 50's to the 2000's.
For shame! this thread is vacant. Absolutely not right. Walpknut, your idea sounds like Cyberunner. Is that where it stems from?

Oh, that being said. I have no other source of criticism, I need you. I wrote a poem, you see. If anyone would read it, I would appreciate it. Be harsh: it's wordy and dry.

"He is wrong in words in wrong in mind. Stir the pewter that stores his wine lightly, and you will hear his true and accurate thoughts; not gilded falsehoods or dithyrambic justifications.

The calculated mind is a gentle wind over salted wheat, but till not the soil. The salt is an alcohol that scrapes the flesh of your innards and rends it raw and pointless of tilling. Only continue the suicide-mantra of the mind and feed the gentle wind. This is the effect of ethos on pathos; the trail that leads only to dry shrub and faithful starvation. Feed the wind still; visit the mountains in endless obligation.

It is your apportioned duty to paradox-trinity: pay your due to this error of scaffolding and create raw steel, and the scaffold will support the ultimate construction that is birthed of flaw upon half-truth; twisted like iron rebar into an amalgamation of eventual and unavoidable error."
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No idea what is cyberunner but it sounds like cyberpunk and that is not what we are planning.
I am sure I am a good writter. [...] I took a cript writting class in the University[...]
Heh. Unintended irony. =D

Joking aside, I wish I could still call myself a writer (although given the chance in idle conversation, I still will, because what difference will it make for random people?) but I've been out of practice for too many years. My last novelization project was almost a decade ago, and it's been several years since my work was quite possibly forever lost when my external hard drive containing them broke down, on top of which I haven't really spent time doing any writing- outside of forum chatting -or world building etc in the years since. That being said, I suppose I could say I am a writer of at least decent caliber, if merely out-of-practice, in the same sense that I could say I'm an excellent dota pub player, just out-of-practice. XD

I always had a fondness for medieval settings, architecture, cultures, and customs, so much of my work would usually revolve around some form of a fantasy setting. I dipped in a little science fiction many years ago as a poor effort to create a fanfic (all fanfics are poor efforts, really) before I came to my senses about how poor practice it is to just make up nonsense deviating off of someone else's work. In college I started to try and combine my passion for illustration with my growing writing skills and work on a graphic novel series, a project that has been on the back burner for several years, but one which I've never truly abandoned, given the chance to spring it to life. Several factors led to me giving up working on it, chiefly work sapping all of my time and energy from my days, and once I got laid off, the depression that set in continued my lack of progress. Recently I've become a huge fan of several manga series, which I took note of having no commonality between the bunch except that they all shared having different artists and writers. One person created the world, the characters, and the story, and it was brought to life by the pen of another. The idea of those rekindled my desire to see my graphic novel realized, though I'd still have to deal with my depression to finally take steps towards this dream. At least a mildly smoldering ember of desire is greater than the snuffed out lethargy I was experiencing up until a few months ago.

Obviously, I take the opportunity to refine my writing skills in topics like this, when I can craft a few brief paragraphs, but that's a beast of a difference from full works. Harping on myself for proper grammar and correcting typos is one thing, but compelling story, contiguous written segments, engaging wording, and dynamic visual design (yes, even blocks of text have that) are a much more involved undertaking. The thing I miss most about actually working on my own written projects was just the artistic exercise for my brain, in the same way that sketching was a delightful escape from the daily grind while still keeping my wrist and fingertips nimble and precise. Stagnation really takes a lot out of you, if you don't combat it. It'd be nice to get back in the game, that's for sure.
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Everybody must be writing for this to be inactive.

I have been following Wumbology advice and I already created a full faction for my Fallout Seattle. It have a complete society and economy along with all sorts of little dark secrets.

After your post SnapSlav you sound like a veteran warrior who had lost it's touch.
I'm a published author. My last book was a book of poems, but I am writing a novel now. I am horribly slow, though, and to be perfectly honest I don't really like to write. I find it horribly boring to sit on a chair for hours on end, so you can usually find me writing in places you wouldn't expect (a personal favourite seems to be in front of the microwave, using the microwave as a support).
hey i like to think i'm a writer over the past couple years i have written a couple of fan fiction type things and the last one i was working on was in a medieval time but i'm very busy at the moment so i haven't had the time to focus on writing which is such a pity because i enjoy it