This ghoul has seen it all

I think that's a more impossible pipe dream than Obsidian getting another shot. Avellone is just a freelancer, those don't get handled big name projects to lead and "Do whatever they want".
Not even new ones. Bethesda have had Arkane Studio as executives for years, and I'm sure they'd be delighted to work on a Fallout title. These guys can deliver a game with excellent level design, and a properly written script. Simple enough to be understandable by everyone, but with good narrative layers. I'd be very curious to see how the Fallout world would evolve into, in their hands.New writers. Hell, Bethesda can make it but god damn they need new writers.
While I understand why you think that, I, and most of us here never going to admit that Fallout 3's plot wasn't bad. When compared to the two official installments that came before it, and even on it's own merits, it is horrendously written.The main F3 plot wasn't soooo bad, boys
Really?, I think Fallout 4s factions are miles ahead on the stupidity chart.(although its Enclave is the most stupid faction i've ever seen in a Fallout game).
I never thought of that before! They wouldn't be geniuses or write the deepest stories but... they're more than serviceable.Not even new ones. Bethesda have had Arkane Studio as executives for years, and I'm sure they'd be delighted to work on a Fallout title. These guys can deliver a game with excellent level design, and a properly written script. Simple enough to be understandable by everyone, but with good narrative layers. I'd be very curious to see how the Fallout world would evolve into, in their hands.
Not even new ones. Bethesda have had Arkane Studio as executives for years, and I'm sure they'd be delighted to work on a Fallout title. These guys can deliver a game with excellent level design, and a properly written script. Simple enough to be understandable by everyone, but with good narrative layers. I'd be very curious to see how the Fallout world would evolve into, in their hands.
While I understand why you think that, I, and most of us here never going to admit that Fallout 3's plot wasn't bad. When compared to the two official installments that came before it, and even on it's own merits, it is horrendously written.
It's nowhere near Fallout 4 level bad, but in my view Fallout 3 is still incredibly dumb.
Really?, I think Fallout 4s factions are miles ahead on the stupidity chart.
No. I mean yes. I mean no. I mean... well he better not metaphysics the shit out of Fallout.You know, this also makes me wonder how Michael Kirkbride would handle with Fallout.
By the time Fallout 5 comes out most modders left will be the ones for nude stuff, make more textures for stuff ingame and cheat mode mods... There will be no one interested in remaking Fallout New Vegas in the engine. Also players will have to pay to get modsHow about, a wish of FO5 to have a better game engine with the come back of multiple dialogue option and skills just because so that we can port FNV to a 64bit game engine?
pretty much this. the chances of getting another good fallout are not fucking likely.kill this franchise already.
I will be honest, I don't even want another good Fallout game while Bethesda holds the IP. What it does is making people buy their next games because they get hopeful that Bethesda will make another good one after the actual good one was made. Then Bethesda keeps getting tons of profit and keeps shitting bad games... Once the sales go down they grab other developer and make them make a good one and just repeat the cycle (after they financially screw this other developer somehow, I know it happened with Obsidian and Headfirst Productions that made the Call of Cthulhu game and went bankrupt after it had "financial disagreements" with Bethesda. Who knows how many other Devs Bethesda just screw around and never come to public...).pretty much this. the chances of getting another good fallout are not fucking likely.
By the time Fallout 5 comes out most modders left will be the ones for nude stuff, make more textures for stuff ingame and cheat mode mods... There will be no one interested in remaking Fallout New Vegas in the engine. Also players will have to pay to get mods.
Fallout 2 is still modded because it is a great game and a good RPG engine. The same way Fallout New Vegas is still modded today while Fallout 3 modding scene is very slow and way less active than Fallout New Vegas. Modders usually mod for the love of the game and if the game is not as good the modding scene slows to a crawl and many times just dies.How many years since FO2 was out? Yet someone still making mods for it. So never say never, no matter how slim the chance is.
Basically, what Beth did in FO4 was shipping out a game engine with a half finished game, and expect the modder community to finish the job. They did it successfully in Skyrim and expect the same in FO4. Yet, Beth have shot themselves in the feet by the hard-coded 4 dialogue options and voiced protagonist as that makes modders really really hard to implement any good mod.
I have browsed NMA for a while and seeing you guys banging the main quest, the lore breaking, preference for turn base over FPS....bla bla bla for so long. I am totally agree with you. But, IMHO, most players probably don't really care about if the main story is crap or not. However, if the game is so heavily depends on modding community support but ended-up with nothing other than porn or gun porn (just like those mods we have in DAI or Witcher 3)? Good luck with that!