Your opinion is worthless

If you don't like Bethesda's Fallout, don't play it.

I don't. Still gonna shit on them. :-)

Sucking a game's dick and shitting on it are both worthless to Bethesda. What matters to them is if they sold. So these people thinking only positive opinions matter are full of shit.
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"this subreddit is for ALL fans - except you!"
"I love other opinions, actually - that's why I want other opinions to fuck off to other forums!"

people tire me
The Fallout sub is a rotating wheel of various circlejerks followed by fanbase victim complexes and then the new circlejerk, et cetera. I got downvoted pretty heavily because I said I thought that the explanation for Bottlecaps in Fallout 76 was pretty contrived for brand iconography, someone said "It's not contrived at all" and I just simply responded "And I think it is. It's my opinion, equally as valid as yours" and I was downvoted massively for something as benign as that. On a different day I would have been upvoted.

Place is a mess.
I don't. Still gonna shit on them. :-)
Whoever wrote this is really insecure and jerked himself off in High School instead of developing a logical brain.
Don’t gripe about your worthless opinions on this subreddit.
and then:
This subreddit is for ALL fans, we don’t want to hear all of your complaints.
all in the same post. ;-)
Proof that this world is going to Hell soon if you ask me.

As someone who visits r/Fallout in boredom when something interesting pops up in the feed, can confirm that much of that subreddit is in fact that way. Mentally incompetent whiny fucks who place feeling higher than meaning. Or they place dumb things like modding on a high level and miss the whole point.
Gatekeep your fandoms.
But don't be a cunt about it.
Were they (classic fanbois) cunts about it?
I find it funnier that they take issue with complaints about certain aspects of some of the games or just certain games but then also says to quit making decades-old games your entire personality. But if you take so much issue with complaints about the games you like, isn't that making them too much of your personality? If you can't handle criticisms of games you like, it's probably because you identify yourself with your enjoyment of them too much.

Every one of these games has their own issues which should be subject to scrutiny. Sure, it's annoying when it's illogical/unreasonable shit like aping on about small changes in Fallout 4 instead of things like Super Mutants still being everywhere or how horribly written it is.
I find it funnier that they take issue with complaints about certain aspects of some of the games or just certain games but then also says to quit making decades-old games your entire personality. But if you take so much issue with complaints about the games you like, isn't that making them too much of your personality? If you can't handle criticisms of games you like, it's probably because you identify yourself with your enjoyment of them too much.

Every one of these games has their own issues which should be subject to scrutiny. Sure, it's annoying when it's illogical/unreasonable shit like aping on about small changes in Fallout 4 instead of things like Super Mutants still being everywhere or how horribly written it is.
If you wanna see some fallacious reasoning from a literal human spider, check out this redditor in particular. She frequents r/Fallout and is on a relentless crusade to make Bethesda Fallouts look like a gift from Heaven while invalidating the older games based off non obvious humor or jokes.

On second thought, I would recommend you dont check it out. I dunno if the self aggravation is worth it.
I don't have Reddit account and seldom use the site, but if the thread there gets derailed into which games are better and which aren't true Fallouts or whatever then I'd say it makes sense to clamp down on it?

Similar rules used to be enforced here when Fallout discussions were more common.
I checked out of sheer curiosity and burst out laughing when they claimed they liked story and writing and yet say the writing in Fallout 3 and 4 is good, and New Vegas and Fallout 2's writing is bad.

Fallout 2 even at its worst in terms of writing is far above 3 and 4. And when it comes to New Vegas, just the intro and Goodsprings is better than 3 and 4 combined. Comparing the rest of New Vegas's writing with 3 and 4 is not fair since it will just makes the latter two look even worse.

If this is how the Fallout Reddit is in general, glad i'm not part of it.
I checked out of sheer curiosity and burst out laughing when they claimed they liked story and writing and yet say the writing in Fallout 3 and 4 is good, and New Vegas and Fallout 2's writing is bad.

Fallout 2 even at its worst in terms of writing is far above 3 and 4. And when it comes to New Vegas, just the intro and Goodsprings is better than 3 and 4 combined. Comparing the rest of New Vegas's writing with 3 and 4 is not fair since it will just makes the latter two look even worse.

If this is how the Fallout Reddit is in general, glad i'm not part of it.
Yeah, glad you got some amusement out of it.

Many people on that subreddit just focus on the wrong things, ie Dead Money is a terrible dlc because of the speakers, or Honest Hearts is really good because of Joshua Graham. They do not look at the big picture. Just idiots in general that do not know why they like or dislike something and resort to describing feelings (Fallout 3 feels so dark! Its such a good game!).

Then there are fuckin weirdos like that person in that link....
More and more i'm appreciating how small this forum is because the chance running into people like that is far smaller. I mean, i don't care if they like the Bethesda Fallouts and don't like New Vegas, 2 or whatever, but their reasoning for that is so confusing and head- scratching to me. At least come up with something reasonable.

Also, i see Fallout 1 is still used as the "i'm gonna claim to like this game to make me seem unbiased when i say the Bethesda Fallouts are great and that also gives me the right to shit on New Vegas and Fallout 2" game. I have ran into this more times than i want to admit, even on this same forum.
The Fallout sub is a rotating wheel of various circlejerks followed by fanbase victim complexes and then the new circlejerk, et cetera. I got downvoted pretty heavily because I said I thought that the explanation for Bottlecaps in Fallout 76 was pretty contrived for brand iconography, someone said "It's not contrived at all" and I just simply responded "And I think it is. It's my opinion, equally as valid as yours" and I was downvoted massively for something as benign as that. On a different day I would have been upvoted.

Place is a mess.
Years of discussion with Bethesda apologists has really made me wonder what exactly they take "contrivance" to mean
I like to hang around r/asksciencefiction and it can be frustrating whenever someone asks a fallout related question. A lot of retcons and misunderstandings are taken as fact there.
Websites with a very large population in general are a complete mess. I remember going to this forum for a couple years and at the start it was alright. I could post my opinion with not much reprecursion. But as soon the forum got bigger and bigger, it started to have people that their whole schtick was to dismiss criticism of the franchise the forum was made around, basically be white knights to the company, thinking anything they do is reasonable and it shouldn't be questioned. Then more and more of these people showed up to the point they were pretty much the majority, or it felt like they were the majority.

I did tried to get back like last year, but it didn't take me long to notice the usual suspects trying to dismiss any criticism i had. Oh, and whining about "muh toxicity", because giving legit criticism is a sin to these people apparently. Unless when they do it, then it's fine.
The logic as I've seen is as long as it's explained in any possible form then it can't be bad because it's canon. It's a really really bizarre way of looking at things.

I see this attitude a lot, where a consoomer seems incapable of acknowledging creative decisions *behind* their fiction. It is as if their favorite fiction - or their relationship to it is SO fragile, any reminder that it IS fiction will cause a mental meltdown.

Protagonist A can never be a product of bad writing - ONLY a product of their own fictional decisionmaking within the fictional narrative. Any contrivance is ONLY evidence of a character's poor decisionmaking, and NEVER a reflection of ANY creative process BEHIND their favorite creative product. It would have been fascinating, if it wasn't so fucking boring and pathetic.
I see this attitude a lot, where a consoomer seems incapable of acknowledging creative decisions *behind* their fiction. It is as if their favorite fiction - or their relationship to it is SO fragile, any reminder that it IS fiction will cause a mental meltdown.

Protagonist A can never be a product of bad writing - ONLY a product of their own fictional decisionmaking within the fictional narrative. Any contrivance is ONLY evidence of a character's poor decisionmaking, and NEVER a reflection of ANY creative process BEHIND their favorite creative product. It would have been fascinating, if it wasn't so fucking boring and pathetic.

I had a discussion with someone about Marvel's What If, where I didn't like the premise of the episode that T'Challa being abducted into being Star Lord instead of Peter Quill as a kid would result in a hyper-intelligent morally upstanding hyper-competent Star Lord. I suggested that basically T'Challa would have had the same shitty space pirate upbringing as Quill and without the education, culture and family in Wakanda would have ended up probably pretty similar in terms of being a spacefaring lowlife.

The ensuing conversation was basically the "Patrick and the wallet" scene from SpongeBob:

"Yeah but in the episode we see that T'Challa ends up way better than Quill"

"yeah but I'm saying that's misaligned writing, he wouldn't have ended up the same as he is in Black Panther"

"yeah but that's what happens. In the episode."

"Yes, and they could have written it differently"

"But they didn't, that's how it turns out if T'Challa is abducted"
I had a discussion with someone about Marvel's What If, where I didn't like the premise of the episode that T'Challa being abducted into being Star Lord instead of Peter Quill as a kid would result in a hyper-intelligent morally upstanding hyper-competent Star Lord. I suggested that basically T'Challa would have had the same shitty space pirate upbringing as Quill and without the education, culture and family in Wakanda would have ended up probably pretty similar in terms of being a spacefaring lowlife.

The ensuing conversation was basically the "Patrick and the wallet" scene from SpongeBob:

"Yeah but in the episode we see that T'Challa ends up way better than Quill"

"yeah but I'm saying that's misaligned writing, he wouldn't have ended up the same as he is in Black Panther"

"yeah but that's what happens. In the episode."

"Yes, and they could have written it differently"

"But they didn't, that's how it turns out if T'Challa is abducted"

Indeed. There might have been a few changes, but unless T'Challa for example as a young child was already more trained and educated on levels surpassing Peter Quill the outcome would still not have been much different.

This almost seems to imply that genetics definitely are the deciding factor.