Well, Being a player of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I have had some What-The-Fuck-Just-Happened moments;
One of them was when I was slowly pacing through Motor-Runner's vault 3, before taking off my Great-Khan armor, (Thinking it was safe..) and a fiend dashed towards me with a pool cue, screaming "Wanna be my boyfriend?!?!".
Second time was when I went on a killing spree in the NCR region of the strip. I ran into the main building, Obliterated everyone there, (Including Ambassador Crocker..) and then got the key for the cell inside.
Being quite humorous, I reverse pick-pocketed the Gambler and deposited the YCS-186 + 600 MF Cells. Having mods, I saved the game + dropped the key, before merging the two saves together.
Outcome? Being stuck in a cell with no weapons, no armor and a maniac firing a gauss rifle at me.
It wasn't pretty.