brfritos said:
Or when I encoutered the BoS bunker in Hidden Valey, I was in the very beginning, level 8 or 9 I think and received the quest because of ED-E. It was only me and him, then that POS Paladin came crying orders and I thinked, "oh, this loosers from FO3, I'll show them". Not so fast Bozo, these are the fuckers from FO2 and the only thing I had with me was the reinforced leather armor, an upgraded Varmint rifle and the Weathered 10mm pistol (I was playing in hardcore). Oh yes, after a fews playthroughs you know where and how obtain advanced equipment, the various chems that can help you and so on, but this was my first playthrough in the game.
Needless to say, I was wiped out really fast. And I mean FAST!
And you people, do you have such moments too?
This reminds me of the first time I met the BoS in Fnv, I played the vanilla game then and had exploited the bug to get all humanoid companions, I dressed them all (and myself) up in advanced combat armor mark IIs and walked around owning everything.
So one beautiful day me, my buds and my fine robot head discovered Hidden Valley and the bunkers, I searched three of them and picked the locks so I could loot what little i found among the rubble. This is what happened when I entered the fourth one:
I entered it as I had done with all the others and first checked for traps and enemies, when I found nothing and no one dangerous I searched for some loot, don't quite remember if I found anything valuable though.
I walked up to the locked bunker door and talked into the speakerthing but got only silence in return. "Well I guess no one is home here either" I thought and started to pick the lock. After a couple of tries I got it open, and then some fucking siren started to shout and ULTRABLAM! I got hit by something and lost like 50 % of my hp!

And then I see a whole bunch of power armored boyscouts just blasting away at my crew who of course returned fire at those ambushing technophiles.
I'm thinking like "what the fucking hell!?" I was not ready for this at all, I didn't expect a thing, I wasn't even sure that the BoS would appear in the game and here they are, rushing out of some random fucking bunker with ultraweapons trying to blast us all the way to the moon.
The battle was fierce but short since I started to wats them with This machine and together me and my crew slayed every single on of those fuckers, but not before they succesfully took Raoul and ED-E with them into oblivion.
When it was all over 25 seconds later I was like "what the fuck just happened?"
Another thing I remember are from my first NV playthrough. I decided to travel to Novac and joined up with a couple of traders (a total of 6 npc:s) for safety in numbers. At first we're attacked by a pack of nightstalkers which we slay, then comes the legionarie raid of about 5 legionaries together with a legionarie assasin squad!
So half of the traders and guards are slayed and i only saved the day by spamming 40 mm grenades over them. But this isn't the wtf moment.
The wtfmoment apperas the second time I'm travelling here, I'm just strolling about casually around the place and then assasin turnes up, of course ED-E dies so I load a save and tells him to wait and then go forth towards the ranger camp next to Novac, it's actually a legionarie raiding part of 3 legionaries and an assassin squad again (talk about luck) I kill one recruit legionarie and fire some shots at an assassin and then runs for my life stragiht into the NCR Ranger camp, finds a nice spot and watches how about 8 legionaries, recruits and assassins storms in and slays everyone, I kill one assassin and then runs inside the house where the camp chief is.
When I leave the house I find the rangers dead together with a couple of legionaries, I start to search around for bodies when I see two legionarie recruits. They're sitting in the stols and coments about how "patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" WTF?! They had become the new rangers...
Weird... Then I shot them and looted their bodies. Damn infiltrators.