Zero Punctuation

Yathze can be a dick sometimes, but who isn't, but he often brings up points I have to agree with him on, even if I like the title he doesn't like.
I like his latest review, it wasn't as funny as normal but makes a point that I've been bitching about for years, not all games need to be as realistic as possible. I miss the days of Mutant Hockey, Mega Man Soccer, NFL Blitz, and Crusin USA (I target sports and racing games because those are the two genres which suffer the most from it IMO). Yes they're retarded and yes, they're a lot of fun.

Anyway, back to his review. I haven't played GTA4 but his complaints about it were the same ones I had about GTA3, the part of the game that I enjoyed was the sandbox part (ie driving around like a mad man, crashing into shit, and killing people. Lots of people [cheats were fun for this]) and I've never beaten the damn game (quit on the second island) because 95% of the missions aren't fun, least of all after you've done a dozen others just like them.

Also, someone needs to make the game Yatzhee described, I would buy it in an instant.
Becoming a Batman-esque super villain, out to rob people in wacky ways and use the profits to make some nutty doomsday device?

Yeah, that sounds okay.
Guess I should start of my evil super villain identity.

Hmm, I have a lot of anger towards the world and humanity so I will become... the Aggressor!

My aggression weapons turn people into violent maniacs that will hurt and maim each other for no apparent reason; yes sport channel broadcasts!

My doomsday plan will consist of hooking up every television channel in the world to sport channels for free, and then watch society collapse.
Fable II, haven't played it so can't say if the criticism is just, though it seems to be from what I heard. In any case, it's a pretty funny ZP, and a lot of the criticism would apply to Fallout 3 as well oddly enough
Just finished watching the latest ZP.

It doesn't excuse Fable II, but doing things for no reason other than for the sake of doing them is a plague that many games suffer from, it seems. I had some fun with Fable: TLC, and will probably have fun with Fable II (if it ever comes out for PCs), but just like the first one I doubt it will be particularly memorable or long-lasting.
It isn't paticularly long lasting at all. I'd already swept it under the rug less then a week after i had beaten it. It's an okay game, some good visuals, some funny humor. Horrible storyline and main quest though, and there are some game breaking glitches in the game.

I still think I actually enjoyed it a little more then fallout 3, but thats probably akin to watching a bad film and liking it, and then watching an unintentionally bad sequel to a film you enjoyed.

ZP's review was spot on with the gripes I had with the game, specifically the uselessness of the dog and the way marriage and family really meant nothing at all within the framework of the game.
I generally enjoy his reviews, even if they are too negative sometimes. He reviewed Fallout 3 today, and was more positive about it than in his MGS4 or Smash Bros Brawl reviews. Still, his main point seemed to be that it was better than Oblivion, and if you are comparing it to that game, then you're pretty much guaranteed to rate it well.
eh, the other topic (about his fallout 3 review) got locked before I could leave this post.

His reviews were funny for the first few, then they lost appeal like listening to every other critic these days.

Also, if your taking his reviews seriously then you are a forgettable government whore. Don't follow his word when he will not recommend something if he doesn't like it (he even tells you this, he makes these reviews for entertainment of flaming/trolling), it's just his personal opinion, and I hardly doubt you all have the same tastes as him.
I factor his reviews in somewhat when buying a game, but I never take them too seriously. They need to be taken with a gigantic grain of salt. I usually look at gameplay videos and try and play a demo if I can before I even consider spending money on a game.

I do think he went unusually easy on Fallout 3. Seriously, he usually nitpicks the hell out of the game, and for this one he just seemed to not bother looking all that closely at the problems.
The most obvious footnote to make on the Fallout 3 review by Yahtzee is that he hates RPGs

And that about says it all
BloodyPuppy said:
I do think he went unusually easy on Fallout 3. Seriously, he usually nitpicks the hell out of the game, and for this one he just seemed to not bother looking all that closely at the problems.

I was thinking the same thing.

It was a surprisingly un-brutal review on a game that deserved being torn down more than most.
Yeah. I'm genuinely dissapointed, and that isn't a terribly common occurence. I don't even hate Fallout 3 as a game (though I do as a sequel) but with all the glowing reviews of it Yahtzee should have taken it down a peg or two.
Not every over hyped reviewer will look into wrong things about games like you want them too on fallout 3. They are going to compare it too oblivion and it is a blatant improvement over that game.

And for god sake he's a "CRITIC", a comedic critic.

Brother None said:
The most obvious footnote to make on the Fallout 3 review by Yahtzee is that he hates RPGs

And that about says it all

That's JRPG's, western RPG's are fine for him apparently.
A fully modded (fcom) oblivion kicks the hell out of F3.

F3 direly needs some real community love in the modding department (which isn't going to happen any time soon unless they release the tools).
Hobo In A Box said:
That's JRPG's, western RPG's are fine for him apparently.

Nah, pretty sure he hates everything but action RPGs.

Which was kind of my point on why he'd like it.

I can't believe all these "disappointed" reactions to him liking Fallout 3. The fuck, guys, he's a comedian, not the last great beacon to save game journalism or the lone voice of dissent in the dsert.
The disappointment (at least on my part) comes from the commentary being surprisingly tame and unfunny.

He's funny because listening to someone stomp on and then piss all over games (complete with a slideshow) is generally entertaining. When he only glosses over a few issues in a surprisingly bad title; there's bound to be disappointment. It's the equivalent of summing up aotd5 with "well, the controls are kinda bad".
Some of it was funny, but it was definitely one of his tamer reviews. His reviews are funny because he's either ridiculously over the top if he likes a game or he completely destroys it. He did neither and ignored some obvious flaws.
Well it was actually a two episode review as some critisism was already in the fable 2 review, so no need to repeat all that (lack of quests, interest, impact, childkilling, karma etc.)