Fartmonkey said:How can it possibly be Wooz's birthday? It's my birthday. Really? Cool I guess, wooz is pretty cool guy. Happy birthday wooz and farmerk.
And once again, happy birthday to the both of ya!

Fartmonkey said:How can it possibly be Wooz's birthday? It's my birthday. Really? Cool I guess, wooz is pretty cool guy. Happy birthday wooz and farmerk.
A lot of things you take as constants such as family members or even pets you think will be always around you, and familiar places where you can always go back too such as your parents' house are suddenly no more there except in your memories and even those you don't always get right, instead having some idealized versions.
The closest family members I have left are my brother, his family, an aunt, and a sister I barely hear from. I do have another two aunts and an uncle, and several cousins and nieces that are related to me but which I only very sporadically see. So in many respects I am quite alone
I have been trying to fill that void with friends but that has not always worked out so well, partly because of my own communication problems and my autism.
And I still have the dream of becoming a game designer one day even though people have suggested that perhaps I should lower my expectation to more realistic goals.
*shrugs* whate are realistic goals? The only problem that I see really, is that game designer is still difficult to get in to - well the games industry in general, like compared to becoming a carpenter or plumber maybe. But I never understood why people see it as "unrealistic" to work with movies, games or music for example, if this is where your skills might be usefull and what you want to actually learn, then this is what you should at least try, because nothing is worse then to learn something that you really hate - been there, done that, it is soul crushing. Of course, what is more important is to be realistic with your abilities. You can't win the olympic games if you never run, if you don't exercise, in short, if you have never done any sport in your life before. Then a few months of training will not get you in the same place like people which are doing sport for the last 20 years or so. Realistic expectations are important, which steps can you take, and what can you achieve in a few months or years from now. There are ways how to achieve "most" of your goals, just dont get to obsessed on the super-stars of your industry/profession, they are super-stars for a reason, and despite of the attention they receive, a lot of the stuff you will do and people will ask from you in your job will be more, down-to-earth to say it that way. I mean I love graphic design for example, and many of us have this fancy idea of creating "designs" and doing something artsy. But that is simply very often not the reality. It is most of the time about advertisment, 90% of the work is creating flyers, sorting trough images and some retouching you would be surprised how often you get awesome pictures but they dont have the same colour, different lighting etc, or creating texts/logos/brands for new products (if you're lucky), and making layouts. The people creating super fancy design that sells for 10 000$ are the minority out there.And I still have the dream of becoming a game designer one day even though people have suggested that perhaps I should lower my expectation to more realistic goals.
No matter how many Dutch people I kill, they still seem to stick around.