Bethesda’s Pete Hines Fallout 4 interview

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Looks like they took more from Mass Effect than I thought. Not much of a surprise here. Curious if the ending of F4 will follow the same patter of A,B,C, with the appropiate colours of course ...
Now you don't have to read the dialogue, just spam one button and you get good/bad/neutral karma! Pete hines probably had his hand in this, since he can't be arsed to actually read the dialogues...
Instead of looking at other games for ideas, they should probably go back and play the original Fallouts again(at this point, I'm not sure they played them at all) to see what made them great.

No offence to the voice actor but his character was badly thought up and written.
Lore wise he was rather implausible and from a gaming point of few his only purpose was to give the player a quest, some information, and for the rest served little to no purpose that would make him memorable like Ian, Lynette (yeah she is a bitch, but at least there is enough to the character that you will remember), Harold, the Master, or new characters like Elijah, the Burned Man, Mr House.

Three Dog is not some iconic character that needs to re appear in future Fallout games or be referred by characters in new games. If anything I think adding omniscient DJs was a very bad addition to Fallout (though I don't mind Mr New Vegas who just seems to play records and tell general news in which the player can have a role or not)

He should just apply for other characters if he wants to do more voice work for Fallout.

I find it more annoying that Ron Perlman might not appear as the narrator, now he is iconic!

Mr. New Vegas was a stroke of genius. He was voiced by Wayne Newton(aka Mr. Las Vegas, a famous entertainer), the most soothing voice to hit my ears. Was also great that he was only an AI(I believe this was confirmed by a dev?) and played no part in any quest, he was just there to make you feel good and keep you updated on events in the Mojave. It was absolutely perfect, Obsidian hit the ball out of the park with that one. Only wish he had more lines in the game.
Has anyone seen this reddit post about the pattern in Fallout 4's dialog wheel?:
It seems like all four options match the four colored buttons in the xbox controller:

  • A is green (good)
  • B is red (bad)
  • X is blue (neutral)
  • Y is yellow (question)
And anyone expressing their option against this got downvoted, this is just insane.

You don't even know what you're saying until the guy says it.
So now is going to be like Mass Effect/Dragon Age Inquisition, where character customization is useless because a redneck, asian, black are going to sound like a white male/female, and dialog choices are color coded.


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Where has it been said that Ron won't be back for the intro? That would be beyond retarded.
The player character narrating the intro is in a leaked casting script:

It's a casting script from 2013, so it probably was used for audition purposes only. I hope.

Yes that is the article, thanks for finding it and putting it online.
I seriously don't see Bethesda above resorting to this, for the sake of 'immershun'.

Again I hate the fact that Fallout is being re invented for an audience who never gave a crap about it in the first place.
Bethesda should never have bought the franchise, I much rather would have it ended and instead that someone created a new RPG franchise and setting that could become just as beloved.
The player character narrating the intro is in a leaked casting script:

It's a casting script from 2013, so it probably was used for audition purposes only. I hope.

Yes that is the article, thanks for finding it and putting it online.
I seriously don't see Bethesda above resorting to this, for the sake of 'immershun'.

Again I hate the fact that Fallout is being re invented for an audience who never gave a crap about it in the first place.
Bethesda should never have bought the franchise, I much rather would have it ended and instead that someone created a new RPG franchise and setting that could become just as beloved.

You mean some other company, GOOD at what they're doing get it. That would have been preferable.
There was a tweet not too long ago from Ron Perlman saying he hadn't been contacted by beth for F4 -- not saying he couldn't still, but all signs are pointing to no.