This ghoul has seen it all

Wait,why 2 copies? If you buy it physical you get it digital.... Unless you are on console.... but the point still stands paying twice for the same game?
But I often feel that mods have made a part of the playerbase and Bethesda somewhat ... lazy? For the lack of better words. YOu know, why even work at the UI, they don't have to provde PC players with good controlls!? Why critizise Bethesda? Mods will gona fix it! And now the console might even get a chance on that with F4 as well ...
That's probably because half of it IS missing, if you can believe the modders. See civil war restorted, however that thing no matter how much effort he or she was puting in it could not rescue this cluster fuck of a quest line. It's like trying to fix a broken bottle, no matter how much glue and tape you use, it will still always leak somewhere.
I call the civil war of Skyrim a nice idea that was very badly executed. Not only does it NOT feel like a civil war - seriously? 8 people attacking a town of 20 citizens? And you call that a war? Give me a brake Bethestda. I guess an attack of 5 demons also counts as invasion. The civil war also makes not much sense for ANY race except the nords. Playing a dark elf? Screw you! They hate them all. Playing an Argonian/Khajit? Screw you! They are not even allowed really in the city. This really leaves as the only realistic option to play with the Empire. But it could have even worked perfectly, if they really allowed for some creativity here with the story telling, they could have give the player the option to work for example as spy if you played one of the other races, particularly a Khajit, or at least dialog for a mercenary type of character, anything that feels at least believable.
Wait,why 2 copies? If you buy it physical you get it digital.... Unless you are on console.... but the point still stands paying twice for the same game?
I know enough for me, and thats enough to warrant buying the game. Two copies in fact, one digital and one physical. I certainly wouldn't entertain the idea that I could tell someone else to buy it without seeing it, unless like me they have enjoyed Skyrim and Fallout 3. If they tell me they are big fans of Fallout and Fallout 2, but not so much Fallout 3, then I might suggest they wait until the game comes out and read the reviews. I might even let them come over and try the game first so they know exactly what they are getting.
I believe this because their engine can't handle that many NPC's at once. For example that Civil War mod causes a lot of crushes in mid/low pc's and even some in high end ones. So i think due to some quest/locations game gets way to unstable so they cut off these during the development.
As long Bethesda is focusing on 11 year old gamers as their main target audience we will never see any kind of depth added to their games, or not even a try for it and everyhing will remain binary.For that i wonder if we ever see a populous city or a big battle in their games?
You buy the season pass as well?
Don't know who marty is but whatever.
The main quest will probably be about trying to find our family (since hey, the SS survived 200 years, why not the wife too) and getting involved with faction shenanigans
the goal of Fallout 4 is whatever the player wants to be, so likely fucking around/exploring Boston and the cool places Bethesda set up for us in a kickass power armor suit like most will do.
The Amazing Fallout 4 Settlement building:
Merchant: Huh.... so 420Blazeitopolis.... uhmmmm what do you exactly have to trade? You are a Tree house with a garden..... Do you produce anything?
Random NPC: I dunno, the Mayor is never here....
Merchant: Then who organizes the town and manages resources
Random NPC: No one, but we got a couple turrets that kill those mentally challenged Raiders from down the Valley. Why are you even here anyway?
Merchant: I don't know, I just felt like some dude had midly above average Charisma and I was suddenly compelled to come here.
Random NPC: Wanna see our Dank Vault Boy neon sign? We have very little resources but putting the extra electricity and fuel into that abomination decorated with Flamethrowers is really worth it.....