First time out of the vault

More pictures by the spanish guy:
This is his opinion about the game's story so far:
Translation: If you liked Bethesda games, you will be very familiar with "dull" missions or with very little narrative justification (you get to a village and everyone wants your help without any justification; you finish few quests and you'll become a renowned member of a guild, etc.), coming from Witcher 3 or New Vegas, it can feel a bit "dum". If this is not an issue for you, I think It's impossible that this game would fail to impress the fans of this company.

This is his opinion about the game's story so far:
Si os han gustado los juegos de Bethesda estaréis familarizados con misiones algo "sosas" o con poca justificación narrativa (llegas a un poblado y todo el mundo requiere de tus servicios sin venir a cuento; haces cuatro chorradas y te nombran miembro superior de un gremio, etc.) que, viniendo este año de TW3 o de New Vegas, puede hacerse un pelín "simplón". Si esto no es un problema, me parece rozando lo imposible que este juego no encante a los aficionados de los juegos de la compañía.
Translation: If you liked Bethesda games, you will be very familiar with "dull" missions or with very little narrative justification (you get to a village and everyone wants your help without any justification; you finish few quests and you'll become a renowned member of a guild, etc.), coming from Witcher 3 or New Vegas, it can feel a bit "dum". If this is not an issue for you, I think It's impossible that this game would fail to impress the fans of this company.