Resident Schizo Poster
I wouldn't put it past them honestly. I mean this game looks like its going to need a TON of mods to make it even remotely playable. Why wouldn't Beth try to work in that cash cow again.
I know Bethesda has to be somehow legally obligated to take these videos down, but I like to think it's also because they know how incredibly mediocre it all looks and they don't want to lose any precious preorders.
Bethesda's most dumbed-down game yet, ugh. The more I learn about this game, the less interested I become. And I wasn't that interested even from the beginning!
At this rate, Fallout 5 will LITERALLY just be Far Cry. And Bethesda's going to get paid. They're going to make Far Cry, call it Fallout, and they're going to get paid.
Bethesda's most dumbed-down game yet, ugh. The more I learn about this game, the less interested I become. And I wasn't that interested even from the beginning!
At this rate, Fallout 5 will LITERALLY just be Far Cry. And Bethesda's going to get paid. They're going to make Far Cry, call it Fallout, and they're going to get paid.
Fallout has become the Call of Duty of RPG's. There was never really any hope for it from the get go.
why does the flamer sound....familiar...is that...is that the old fucking sound file of the flamer's in FO3 and NV? Are they fucking serious? I personally don't care that they can't make the flamer actually be a real fucking flamethrower, seeing as that requires you to shoot burning jelly at enemies and that would probably make the engine (and Bethesda) explode.
Also, Where the hell does the Flamer go in the categories? Heavy Weapons? Automatic? So disappointed on the lack of specific perk options like Pyromaniac.
Bethesda's most dumbed-down game yet, ugh. The more I learn about this game, the less interested I become. And I wasn't that interested even from the beginning!
At this rate, Fallout 5 will LITERALLY just be Far Cry. And Bethesda's going to get paid. They're going to make Far Cry, call it Fallout, and they're going to get paid.
Fallout has become the Call of Duty of RPG's. There was never really any hope for it from the get go.
Bethesda's most dumbed-down game yet, ugh. The more I learn about this game, the less interested I become. And I wasn't that interested even from the beginning!
At this rate, Fallout 5 will LITERALLY just be Far Cry. And Bethesda's going to get paid. They're going to make Far Cry, call it Fallout, and they're going to get paid.
Fallout has become the Call of Duty of RPG's. There was never really any hope for it from the get go.
I like to think that the Fallout series ended with New Vegas and everything else after that never happened. Don't judge me it helps me sleep at night!
Bethesda's most dumbed-down game yet, ugh. The more I learn about this game, the less interested I become. And I wasn't that interested even from the beginning!
At this rate, Fallout 5 will LITERALLY just be Far Cry. And Bethesda's going to get paid. They're going to make Far Cry, call it Fallout, and they're going to get paid.
Fallout has become the Call of Duty of RPG's. There was never really any hope for it from the get go.
I like to think that the Fallout series ended with New Vegas and everything else after that never happened. Don't judge me it helps me sleep at night!
I already consider Fallout 3 and 4 noncanon.
A mediocre shooter game that is trying to pander to the Mass Effect, Borderlands, Far Cry and Call of Duty crowd and failing miserably.
Hell if I wanted to play games like those I would play those game and not a game that is trying so hard to RIP OFF!... I mean, trying to emulate them.
Hell if I wanted to play games like those I would play those game and not a game that is trying so hard to RIP OFF!... I mean, trying to emulate them.
It's a rip off of course.