Cancer incarnate...
>shit on Obsidian when they launch with bugs
>praise Beth for launching with bugs
>shit on Obsidian when they launch with bugs
>praise Beth for launching with bugs
Want to kill some major quest givers, locking yourself out of a ton of content? Sure!
Want to kill some major quest givers, locking yourself out of a ton of content? Sure!
Umm... last I checked they actually prevent that in the majority of cases, especially in FO4 from what I've heard.
Want to kill some major quest givers, locking yourself out of a ton of content? Sure!
Umm... last I checked they actually prevent that in the majority of cases, especially in FO4 from what I've heard.
With Fallout 4 it's possibly the worst it's ever been. You can now not kill certain enemies if there is a scripted sequence for them later on. In an example of this, I did a job for a bartender in Diamond City that had me go ambush a drug deal. I had him flank left and I went right to create a crossfire, this also put me behind the main enemy, a ghoul named Alice (aside - are all of the organized crime bad guys besides Skinny Whoever ghouls? 4/5 Triggermen I've seen were ghoul and all of Alice's crew were as well). I killed the baddies and lit Alice up with about five shots from a shotgun at close range but after the second or third shot no damage was registered and she stayed on the ground in a seated position with about 5% health. This leads to the barman walking up and having a chat with her which somehow ends up involving me and giving me directions to some drug lab or something that I have no interest in pursuing at all.
This quest rewarded me with about 70 each of Mentats, Psycho, Jet, and Buffout.
A quest for Danse left me with ~25 weapon mix of Institute pistiols, Institute auto-pistol, Institute rifles, and shock batons in addition to over 500 micro-fusion cells. The game has a massive Monty Haul problem.
Weirdly enough, when you kill the barman you can still do this quest by reading the note in his pocket.
The ghoul was called Trish, though, and after I knocked her on her ass I was supposed to interrogate her. But shooting her again (and throwing a grenade at her) actually killed her. Not that it mattered for the quest, because she also had a note in her pocket telling me where to go next. How convenient![]()
Weirdly enough, when you kill the barman you can still do this quest by reading the note in his pocket.
The ghoul was called Trish, though, and after I knocked her on her ass I was supposed to interrogate her. But shooting her again (and throwing a grenade at her) actually killed her. Not that it mattered for the quest, because she also had a note in her pocket telling me where to go next. How convenient![]()
I'm terrible with names.
Were you able to kill her before the barman approached her and taunted her? I definitely nailed her two solid times when she was seated but before the barman left combat mode and entered cutscene mode and it just showed the same tiny sliver of health on her bar.
>shit on Obsidian when they launch with bugs
>praise Beth for launching with bugs
Gotcha. I didn't kill him until after the ambush. He made some crack like "no way they'll think I wasn't in on it, since I'm not laying here dead" so I cleared his name for him.The barman didn't appear at all because I already killed him when I agreed to help that dude whose alcoholic wife the barman apparently shagged.
Got the quest about the drug deal from his corpse.
Can't say i wasn't disappointing or not anticipating the absurdly high vertic for angry joe.
So, apparently a buggy game, horrible UI, forgettable story, with a terrible dialogue system gets a 8/10.
Yeah, Okay.
>shit on Obsidian when they launch with bugs
>praise Beth for launching with bugs
Gotta love how everyone conveniently forgets that you couldn't even finish Skyrim as it was released. There was a goddamn gamebreaking bug in the main quest! You couldn't even reload to a previous save and run the phase again, you had to start a new game! Despite the numerous problems New Vegas had NOTHING like that ever was in an Obsidian game, ever.