Irwin John Finster
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

At least they tried. New Vegas didn't even bother.That just makes it look like Bethesda had to write in a button to open the door to make up for their poor companion karma system.
"Shoot 3 legion guys in the middle of the wastes, no one around or left alive to see me do it" INSTANT VILIFICATION BY THE LEGION!
"At least they tried" is your response? Bethesda Softworks is not a mom-and-pop company struggling to survive. It is a giant development firm. They are perfectly within their financial and technical ability to make a better system than "Piper disliked you unlocking that door even though she does similar things." That kind of black/white morality is childish at best and just ends up making me dismiss companions for 5 minutes and go back for them. It's unlocking a F***ing door, not murdering the entire Commonwealth.
This is definitely worse than the previous system.
And New Vegas absolutely did this companion like/dislike better because it made some F***ing sense when Boone left you for fighting the NCR or Veronica liked the dress but disliked you destroying the Brotherhood. They actually accounted for those things in their writing and development. Now apparently all I have to do is shoot dogmeat and heal him in front of a bunch of companions and I'm a god.
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