First time out of the vault

I'm getting the feeling that I should be avoiding Fallout 4. Which is a shame seeing as it's one of the very few reasons I would invest in a PS4
Well until I can afford a ps4 and can get the game pre-owned I'll just stick to 3 and New VegasIt shouldn't surprise you that you get a heavily anti-Fallout 4 vibe from this place - this is where people on the Internet who are disgruntled with the game are most likely to congregate, myself included.
You might enjoy it, there are plenty of people who sincerely do. But it's a very low quality game and I regret wasting money on it. I don't know how bad the performance issues are on the PS4, but they're allegedly horrific on the Xbone.
You might enjoy it, there are plenty of people who sincerely do. But it's a very low quality game and I regret wasting money on it. I don't know how bad the performance issues are on the PS4, but they're allegedly horrific on the Xbone.
Yeah I think I'll wait until I can get both the console and game reasonably cheap before playing it. Chances are Fallout 5 or the new Obsidian Fallout will be out before I get a chance to play 4I would argue people have convinced themselves they're enjoying it because of how hyped they were for it beforehand and because of the $60+ they spent on it. Nobody enjoys the game "sincerely".
Yeah I think I'll wait until I can get both the console and game reasonably cheap before playing it. Chances are Fallout 5 or the new Obsidian Fallout will be out before I get a chance to play 4
That sounds like a plan, it's a pity I don't drinkSave your money. Spend it on a better game or copious amounts of alcohol. Both are superior investments.
I'm getting the feeling that I should be avoiding Fallout 4. Which is a shame seeing as it's one of the very few reasons I would invest in a PS4
That sounds like a plan, it's a pity I don't drink
I'll stick to cheeseburgersA non-drinker buying alcohol is still spending their money better than someone buying Fallout 4.
The number of "characters" that you are *not allowed* to do this to in Fallout 4 is insulting.I am a little curious how the mechanist made it to Boston after I emptied a plasma rifle into his face.
I'll stick to cheeseburgers
EDIT: People thinking Far Harbour might be good need to remember it will still have the dialogue system.
After playing Fallout 4, you might do it.That sounds like a plan, it's a pity I don't drink
I find the correlation between "essential" NPC's and how annoying they are pretty trollish in nature.The number of "characters" that you are *not allowed* to do this to in Fallout 4 is insulting.
At this rate Fallout 5 is going to be a linear campaign with cutscenes everywhere in the spirit of Call of Duty where only the developers decide how the story unfolds.