So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

I wouldn't want that.
If they're going to go first person then it should be a new IP, not Wasteland.
Wasteland's meant to be top-down/isometric. A strategy based game.
Maybe Vampire The Masquerade could work? Bloodlines was first person and real-time. Had a hub-based map, could expand it to be sandbox or at the very least semi-sandbox. Add in some crafting elements for creating weapons especially suited for werewolves and vampires. Could work.
I wouldn't want that.
If they're going to go first person then it should be a new IP, not Wasteland.
Wasteland's meant to be top-down/isometric. A strategy based game.
Maybe Vampire The Masquerade could work? Bloodlines was first person and real-time. Had a hub-based map, could expand it to be sandbox or at the very least semi-sandbox. Add in some crafting elements for creating weapons especially suited for werewolves and vampires. Could work.

Yeah, you're right, Wasteland should be kept isometric. I thought about it some more and I realized something like New Vegas probably wouldn't work too well in a Wasteland setting considering it's a 4 to 7 man/woman group. It's hard enough to control everyone in an isometric setting, I can't imagine the nightmare of trying to do it in a first/third person 3D one.

ah, I do love Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines so much. Considering more than 10 years after its release it's STILL getting both unofficial patches and mods, I'd say tons of other people do too. Now that Obsidian's (publisher? Parent company?) Paradox owns the rights to the entirety of the World of Darkness universe which includes VTMB, we can hope that Obsidian will make a new VTM game. I'd fully trust them to do it well.

Obsidian's handled so many things correctly that most people in the industry still don't seem to get. Politics and religion, for example, instead of simply being blown out of the water or completely shafted in the game, get excellent analysis and treatment by Obsidian. In Honest Hearts I loved both Daniel and Joshua Graham, and actually had a hard time deciding who to go with. Do I go with Joshua Graham's Old Testament vengeance and fire, or do I try to embrace New Testament tolerance and love with Daniel? And that was just DLC.

Considering Paradox has stated they want to breathe new life into the World of Darkness series, I'm hoping for the best. Considering Sawyer posted that whole thing about Louisiana then said it isn't Fallout related, I'm hoping for some sort of Southern-themed Vampire game. That would be my wet dream.
Obsidian has the respect of the Mormons, a notoriously judgemental religion that dislikes any incorrect notions. I know some myself, and it pleases me to see them praise a game where obviously a lot of love and care has gone into it. Not to forget how Obsidian handles gays and other minorities. They're not ignored but they're not cartoon characters.
Obsidian has the respect of the Mormons, a notoriously judgemental religion that dislikes any incorrect notions. I know some myself, and it pleases me to see them praise a game where obviously a lot of love and care has gone into it. Not to forget how Obsidian handles gays and other minorities. They're not ignored but they're not cartoon characters.

Oh definitely! Like Arcade for example. The first time I played through the game I didn't even know he was gay. You have to kinda scrounge to even find out unless you have the Confirmed Bachelor perk, and that's what I love. He isn't a stereotype, he doesn't come off as some flamboyant diva or anything, he's just a sarcastic doctor that wants to help people and just so happens to like dick.

I don't really recall other minorities in the game, unless you're referring to how ghouls have become synonymous with racial profiling. I think Obsidian handled it far better with their Jason Bright quest. First of all they're a ghoul faction seperated from everyone else, so you have to learn of why they want to leave through dialogue rather than seeing it, and actually have to talk in depth with them to figure out their motives. And there's the fact that Jason considers even Ferals a part of his flock and gets all sad when you kill them. Did you know that any ferals you don't kill in the main building will end up by the rocket ships with the nonferals when they launch? Actually I just realized Obsidian killed 2 birds with one stone with these guys. Not only do they represent a minority but they represent a religious minority as well to an extent. Well played Obsidian.

Meanwhile in Fallout 3 and 4 they literally beat you over the head with "GHOULS ARE A STAND-IN FOR MINORITIES IN AMERICA". I mean, for fuck's sake, every time Three Dog goes "And remember, Ghouls are people too" and immediately after says "Except the feral ones, shoot those on sight" I have to roll my eyes because it destroys the whole message first of all, and second of all, the only quest where you really help ghouls that are kinda being oppressed in Tenpenny Towers, the ghouls end up killing everyone anyway no matter what you do, which, in my opinion, would make anyone distrust ghouls quite a lot if they didn't before. It's just a convoluted mess, ESPECIALLY when fucking Three Dog chastises you for killing the ghouls even though we, the player, know the ghouls were planning to kill everyone in that tower. And when you DO let the Ghouls kill everyone in the tower, Three Dog's just like "Oh well, they were stuck up rich people anyway. Glad they're dead." Goddamn hypocrite. I'm sorry but that quest pisses me off, a lot.
I don't really recall other minorities in the game, unless you're referring to how ghouls have become synonymous with racial profiling. I think Obsidian handled it far better with their Jason Bright quest. First of all they're a ghoul faction seperated from everyone else, so you have to learn of why they want to leave through dialogue rather than seeing it, and actually have to talk in depth with them to figure out their motives. And there's the fact that Jason considers even Ferals a part of his flock and gets all sad when you kill them. Did you know that any ferals you don't kill in the main building will end up by the rocket ships with the nonferals when they launch? Actually I just realized Obsidian killed 2 birds with one stone with these guys. Not only do they represent a minority but they represent a religious minority as well to an extent. Well played Obsidian.

Well, there are plenty of characters from all sorts of ethnic backgrounds who are just people. Colonel Hsu, Manny Vargas, Ulysses, Raul, First Sergeant Astor, Sergeant Bitter-Root, Corporal Sterling... Obsidian never felt the need to make them racial caricatures
And remember the different ideologies. The Followers, who are not like WE ARE VERY REBEL AND INDEPENDENT YESSIR BUT WE WILL SIT OUR ASS AND MAKE YOU DO ALL THE WORK btw take a guy with you :), and you can see them try to help everyone just doing their thing. Or the Bright Brotherhood, same thing.
And remember the different ideologies. The Followers, who are not like WE ARE VERY REBEL AND INDEPENDENT YESSIR BUT WE WILL SIT OUR ASS AND MAKE YOU DO ALL THE WORK btw take a guy with you :), and you can see them try to help everyone just doing their thing. Or the Bright Brotherhood, same thing.
All the factions have good points and bad, which I find really admirable. Obsidian tried hard on this game, for sure.
Yeah, imagine they had like 3 years or even more time to make the game. Who knows what kind of ... Fallout game we would have seen. Chance are good it could have caused world peace, simply trough it's awesomness.
Not to forget how Obsidian handles gays and other minorities. They're not ignored but they're not cartoon characters.
Which is what separates talented writers at Obsidian from someone like Anthony "King Cucklord" Burch who just beats you over the head until you die of head trauma with one dimensional characters that are just fucking stereotypes.
Which is what separates talented writers at Obsidian from someone like Anthony "King Cucklord" Burch who just beats you over the head until you die of head trauma with one dimensional characters that are just fucking stereotypes.
I enjoy listening to you talk about Anthony Burch being a hack. Fucking hilarious. I like. :ok:
I enjoy listening to you talk about Anthony Burch being a hack. Fucking hilarious. I like. :ok:
Well it is universally accepted that Anthony "Cuck Lord" is a talentless hack who turned a once promising franchise into a outlet for his social justice politics. That and his over reliance on outdated internet meme "humor". Can't wait the 10,000 Deadpool memes that we are going to see in Borderlands 3! :puke:
Well it is universally accepted that Anthony "Cuck Lord" is a talentless hack who turned a once promising franchise into a outlet for his social justice politics. That and his over reliance on outdated internet meme "humor". Can't wait the 10,000 Deadpool memes that we are going to see in Borderlands 3! :puke:
Well there are some people I know that actually think the writing in Borderlands 2 is good sadly.
Deadpool memes? What makes you say that?
Well there are some people I know that actually think the writing in Borderlands 2 is good sadly.
Deadpool memes? What makes you say that?
Because there is a ton of Deadpool internet memes now and Anthony, The Cuck Lord, will be nothing without his internet meme "humor" in his games. If that happens it would be a disservices to Deadpool.