CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

I just noticed this. Care to elaborate which part NV retcons from previous games? Because this 'bunch of stuff' would mostly Obsidian having to put up and make due with what Beth have done.
I listed a bunch of stuff of which the Rangers were a part. The whole reason I mentioned them was as an example of "why retcons aren't a bad thing." Which kind of got in a weird place where people wanted to argue they weren't retcons and therefore my point was invalid.
But getting back onto the Fallout 3 is awesome train:
Honesty, I think Fallout 3 is where Bethesda really started to hit their crescendo in terms of making mechanics work with the game rather than compete with them. I think they did some truly great quests in the work like Tranquility Lane, the Wasteland Survival Guide, and the entirety of Vault 101's arc. Honestly, though, I think one of my favorite serious quests was the violin retrieval mission which didn't need any weird gimmicks but just was a simple tale of the Lone Wanderer going some place dangerous to preserve music.
I suspect I have a higher tolerance of the "wacky" in my Fallout because my ideal Fallout game is Fallout 2 versus Fallout 1. The strange stuff in the Wasteland is the appeal for me and I definitely consider Old World Blues the best of New Vegas' stuff with my biggest disappointment being the Weird Wasteland perk didn't add ENOUGH weirdness.