Deleted member 116369
It is the game that introduced porn mod obsessed teens to the Fallout series, of course it's gonna be remembered.
It's like watching a drug addled buddy get better then relapse and forget even more of what he is.Funny that the first option has the most votes, but nearly 10 years later and it's easily one of the most criticized games in the series for being an harbinger of how much the series would be fucked. New Vegas gave the series a glimmer of hope that the series would bounce back and improve, but then comes 4 and pretty much fucks this series even harder than 3.
You mean the part where the Enclave, who were conpletely destroyed in the last game, shows up to fix the Purifier and your dad kills himself for no reason other than he doesn't want the Enclave to have credit?
Two guys in power armour are killed by the radiation, which a purifier should not emit, but col autumn returns later despite wearing only a trench coat. This is by far one of the most poorly written and mishandled scenes in the entire franchise. Yes that includes the final confontation with frank Horrigan.
FO3 is made for ten year olds.
My 8 year old brother loved it at the time.I honestly read that as that.
..."Fallout 3" (you have no idea how it pains me to write that digit after the word)...
Tagaziel is now fiercely defending fallout 4 in a Falloutwiki facebook community.I love how this thread just keeps on chugging along. Somewhat makes the whole thread pointless. This is where Tagaziel or someone else comes in and vats the thread for no reason, another thread pops up in response, and we all circlejerk for another year or two until the process repeats.
*Checks who created thread.
It's Tagaziel.
Is he quoting wiki pages edited by himself in said defense so far?Tagaziel is now fiercely defending fallout 4 in a Falloutwiki facebook community.
No, it was just a discussion about how Fallout 4 is awesome because F2 and F1 had 'issues' too and anyone who can't see this is just 'nostalgic' and stuck in the past, which I find ridiculous.
The reason why I even write this is because I hope. That the generation that was tricked into believing they like this shit will wake up and realize. When new corporations purchase and fuck up their favorite franchises now. That we were fair in our criticisms. And they will join our ranks.
And the TTW team is still trying to make it be beloved even after all this timeWell it's still a beloved video game a decade later.