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The new "Different Branch of FEV".

Why... why are people posting "impressed" gifs and response to it? Do they actually think this is impressive lore?
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I thought the whole point of Fallout 76 was to make your own factions with other players it's a bit unnecessary to have call backs to the Brotherhood in a game with no NPCs.
I love just how lazy this retcon is, as it such a Bethsoft way of doing things. All this does is given them an excuse to why the Brotherhood is gonna show up in EVERY new Fallout game, regardless of where it's set. Holy hell man.
It was better when it was just passively retarded. Like they couldn't give enough of a shit to make it make sense and they just wrote in the BOS because they didn't know better.

Now it's actively retarded. Like they are putting effort and they just can't help it being so bad.
Wow that explanation is pure gold. Why would the Brotherhood even go to Appalachia at that period of time? They've got enough shit going on with the Supermutant threat in California to go to fucking West Vagina for no reason.
It's such a classic Bethsoft way of doing things too.

"Why is the Brotherhood here again?"
"Because they have a satellite."

So in FO76 we get both the Brotherhood v.s Enclave, and Construction Power Armor.
Doesn't the satellite explanation also open up the question of why didn't the Mojave Chapter of BoS ask for support/help for the battle at Helios One from other Chapters (assuming they somehow built multiple of them that way)? Like then what happened to the satellite by the time FNV comes around? Did it just magically stop working so then all the BoS can't communicate with each other long distance. This explanation seems to open more holes than patching them up. If anyone has an answer to this I'd like to hear it.
This sets a precedent. If we ever get a Fallout game in Europe or elsewhere in the world there'll be BoS troops paladining the wasteland.
They better be! This is Fallout dammit! It's all about the Brotherhood of Steel! They have the cool armor! They even got their own game! C'mon! Why wouldn't it be about the Brotherhood?!
The BOS used "THE SATELITE" to Jehovah's Witness some saps in West Virginia into calling themselves the BOS and use Power Armor, and even craft the same type of uniform, but then those dumb assholes all got wiped out before the game starts.
10/10 writing.
The BOS used "THE SATELITE" to Jehovah's Witness some saps in West Virginia into calling themselves the BOS and use Power Armor, and even craft the same type of uniform, but then those dumb assholes all got wiped out before the game starts.
10/10 writing.
Best storyline ever. Totally pays respects to the original games.
Yeah, the more i think about it, the stupider it gets. And of course a lot of people are eating this up, because all Bethestards do.
Ah it is all explained with a dose of Bullshittonium.

While I could actually believe that satellites survived the great war Bethesda writers don't seem to realize that the BOS was never about spreading their... well ideals around and have other people form chapters in the rest of the country, and why should people in West Virginia decide to form a chapter of an organization whose members they have never met in person? (Bethesda "Welll because Maxson was very charismatic before the war and had many followers." Me "Bethesda, Maxson was a regular military officer in the army, he wasn't fucking Big Boss."

The BOS is about survival of their own members and maintaining their level of technology, hoping one day to outlive the rest of humanity and claim Earth for themselves.
They even stopped recruiting people several decades before the Vault Dweller came, mostly likely because they saw outsiders as inferior and did not want their technological secrets to fall into the hands of wastelanders.

You don't fix your mistakes by retconning lore.
What next if you have to explain the BOS presence in a region where they should not be. Well teleportation exists so you probably resort to that but lets also had time travel to that one; the BOS has a time machine. (why they don't use it to prevent the war in the first place is everyone's guess, or use it to secure useful materials and people right before the war)
Or long range mind control; the BOS controls the minds of wastelanders in another state and make them for another chapter of the organization.
Why would the "BOS" be formed within 20 years anyway?
I mean, they're military. One could say "ex-military" because the army is completely fractured but they're still a strong enclave of military personnel so they'd probably still consider themselves the military.

I mean, ok, so let's say you're part of the police or whatever and the nukes hit and you and other cops band together to form an enclave. Do you think that in 20 years you'd design a new logo and rebrand yourselves for no apparent reason?

Over a large period of time they'd probably be recognized as those steel clad men and be dubbed as something close to The Brotherhood Of Steel at which point they'd adopt the nickname as it is pretty much what the wastelanders identify them as.

But 20 years?

And why exacly would the people they are in contact with just suddenly go "yeah this sounds swell, I'mma be a knight too!"?

This is just such a fucking stupid excuse just to have BOS in it. I guess they won though. We have no previous lore that states they did not have a satellite. Satellites don't work forever so maybe the one they used started to descend its path down to earth and then eventually fell into the atmosphere and that's why they don't have it anymore. We have no previous lore that explicitly states they absolutely never contacted anyone through the use of satellites. Oh but what about Fallout 1? By the time of Fallout 1 it had been what? Close to a century since the nukes dropped? Why bother mentioning something that is so far in the past that it is irrelevant to the current situation (mutant threat)?

As stupid of an excuse of an explanation as it is. They won. They managed to find a way to retcon it to the point where we can't say it breaks the lore.
The early days of the actual formation of the BOS, apart from the departure of Mariposa and the reasons why, are shrouded in mystery.
Bad writing doesn't mean it is breaking the lore. It just means we got poor lore.

Bethesda has moments of being clever in their stupidity.
As stupid of an excuse of an explanation as it is. They won. They managed to find a way to retcon it to the point where we can't say it breaks the lore.
The early days of the actual formation of the BOS, apart from the departure of Mariposa and the reasons why, are shrouded in mystery.
Bad writing doesn't mean it is breaking the lore. It just means we got poor lore.

Bethesda has moments of being clever in their stupidity.

And an audience that will support them for it.

Writing and lore design in games has probably always been of unbalanced quality but these days the bar is lowered more and more as long as the writers are "clever".
Bethesda can make up all kinds of bullshit excuses why the BOS, Super Mutants, and Enclave will come back. "There were many FEV research centers." "The Enclave had bases and colonies all over the US."

Stupid and poor lore additions and changes for stupid people.
Also, if they had a satellite that allows communication over the continent :

-Why do the outcasts want to (and fail to) restore radio contact with the council of elders, when there's a way more efficient technology available ?
-Why didn't the council of elders call for backup when the NCR turned Maxson State into a graveyard ?
-Why does the midwest brotherhood can't simply contact the council of elders to inform them that the expedition east failed, and that there's a huge robot army coming from vault 0 ?
-Why does Lyons fails to contact western chapters, if they can communicate via satellite ?