Vat dipped, grown and still oozing with perfection
Hi, I'm from the internet and I'm offensive.
I'm also a citizen of the United States of America.
I actually like racism, I know hold your applause.
Outside of most racism simply being words, other forms of racism provide avenues to actually solve problems between different cultures and groups of people. Instead of shaming and running away from racist conversations people should engage in the dialog, ignore it, or fucking laugh at how funny it is.
This thought control bullshit of the social justice warriors tyrannical fascist movement needs to stop. These snow flakes are beginning to hit the wall of reality and crumbling into pieces. "You mean I'm not special, unique, and everyone loves my entitlement?" Yup, you're a warm bone filled meat bag just like the rest of us! Who knew?
This is my mindset:
You got beef? Lets chat. If after the chat you still got beef, well that's fine, to each their own.
My perspective is that people are free to believe whatever nonsense they want and say what they want. I'm not you and you're not me, so if consensus cannot be reached, well hey we're individuals. Go figure, the world didn't end.
Therefore I support anyone speaking their mind even if others consider it hate speech.
Also this asinine gender/sex/racism collage of ultimate derpiness needs to end as well, no one care about how well someone flaunts their subjective perspective of how they think their genitals should be or what they think reality is.
Besides who wants to actually talk to npcs in real life, their often boring as fuck in games, what makes anyone think its acceptable to be one in real life?
Is this the real life, is this just fantasy...
I'm also a citizen of the United States of America.
I actually like racism, I know hold your applause.
Outside of most racism simply being words, other forms of racism provide avenues to actually solve problems between different cultures and groups of people. Instead of shaming and running away from racist conversations people should engage in the dialog, ignore it, or fucking laugh at how funny it is.
This thought control bullshit of the social justice warriors tyrannical fascist movement needs to stop. These snow flakes are beginning to hit the wall of reality and crumbling into pieces. "You mean I'm not special, unique, and everyone loves my entitlement?" Yup, you're a warm bone filled meat bag just like the rest of us! Who knew?
This is my mindset:
You got beef? Lets chat. If after the chat you still got beef, well that's fine, to each their own.
My perspective is that people are free to believe whatever nonsense they want and say what they want. I'm not you and you're not me, so if consensus cannot be reached, well hey we're individuals. Go figure, the world didn't end.
Therefore I support anyone speaking their mind even if others consider it hate speech.
Also this asinine gender/sex/racism collage of ultimate derpiness needs to end as well, no one care about how well someone flaunts their subjective perspective of how they think their genitals should be or what they think reality is.
Besides who wants to actually talk to npcs in real life, their often boring as fuck in games, what makes anyone think its acceptable to be one in real life?

Is this the real life, is this just fantasy...