
well... since this is a thread about racism after all... can we talk about how cute black guys basically don't exist?

i mean sure there's Donald Glover but outside of that? nothing.

i have this theory that that's why they evolved the big penis.

y'know... to make up for how butt ugly they be.
I always got the impression it was also a learned behavior. If you grew up in a racist family, you're more likely to be racist. But I guess that isn't necessarily true.
Yes, if the research is to be believed it's for the most part a behaviour that you're not born with. Quite the contrary even. However, prejudice isn't the same as racism and I think we all have some prejudice, it's nearly impossible to grow up without some.

As far as fear goes, I have no doubt that fear plays a role in it. But I think what is actually more dangerous is when people display aversions, a feeling of disgust. While fear is a very strong emotion that can lead to irrational behaviour when you look at what happend at pretty much any genocide is that the victim was always compared with some vermin, rats, cockroaches, a sickness or a nasty form of desease that had to be clansed. I mean we can have fear from something and still not get the idea to erradicate it, but once we see something as vermin, that is really starting to change everything. And suddenly, it's not a problem to throw unarmed people, women, children, elderly in camps or to round them up and shoot them throwing the bodies in some ditch. Fear alone, isn't geting people to kill infants or children.
i was an incredibly racist troll on the discord until they banned me.
Yeah, you pretend it was not only just that, but also ironically. Not sharing pictures of shrimp heads inside foreskins or being a blatantly self loathing faggot homophobe, spam, spam, antisemitism, spam, child porn, stringing in weirdos, spam.


[...]Fear alone, isn't getting people to kill infants or children.
I've always found curious how... well, not racists (even if it includes real ones), people on the skeptical stance regard "SJW" precepts regarding race, as in generally opposing racism even if in sometimes arguably inoffensive extents as fruit of manipulation, propaganda and generally unnaturally forced, with little to comment on the nature of racism itself. Considering religion covered for pretty much everything regarding larger and more endemic social conflicts in most of history until race specific slavery and white supremacy became a thing, it's pretty hard to see that as the true backbone of it all, when some argue racism as we know it nowadays didn't even exist until the 15th century, so much for "human nature" and how it's inherent or whatever. :shrug: Some even say that translation of texts of the time or older projected their own contemporary imperialist views on them, and may be even less old.

Then again, that stance generally just falls back into what I dressed earlier. As if those negative conceptions people have are not only inherent but inevitable, and no matter how true that really is, that it's necessary and otherwise delusional to reject any of it.
If true, that’s... infuriating.
In their defense, it's *really* hard for us humans to significantly empathize and understand things alien to ourselves so we just fill the blanks with what we do know to make sense of it all. It's hard to do it for some cultures that exist as of today, even! Let alone over two thousand years ago... You can just look at even the most hyperbolic and abstract piece of fantasy literature, we are unable to escape from our own sensibilities and tropes. We'll just have to see if we'll manage to be racist or not to the Space Mantis people when we finally meet them.

Captura de pantalla 2018-12-29 a las 2.50.12.png

Those filthy fucking BUGS deserve to be targeted.
Young Mantis People thugs threatening innocent Terrans, 2507:

(this all was setup an excuse to posting one of my favorite internet videos ever anyway)
Half of this thread is jokes and shitposting, the other half being actual discussion around racism, with a sprinkle of history lessons of The Past of Graves vs. Arnust on Discord as told by them themselves. I don't mind it. It's just funny to me.
Half of this thread is jokes and shitposting, the other half being actual discussion around racism, with a sprinkle of history lessons of The Past of Graves vs. Arnust on Discord as told by them themselves. I don't mind it. It's just funny to me.
@Black Rose is probably completely lost in the Graves vs. Arnust shit lmao.

In all honesty tho, I hope this thread doesn’t get vatted because I’m having way too much fun for this shit to end.