This ghoul has seen it all

I always find it super suspect whenever someone discredits anything because of country of origin. Either They are just being edgy and stubborn or something darker is going on there.
Persona 3 had an emo look but not an Emo tone, altho that ones is too experimental for it's own good so none of the elements it introduced to the series that were later improved and refined really work that well, even the Tarot Motif is a little too on the mainstream side with the big Villain being the Death Arcana and all. Characters were the usual SMT fare, which sees darker and troubled characterization, but applied to teenagers which makes a lot of the come off as overtly serious and whining.
Persona 4 and 5 did a better job juggling the anime non sense, the calendar progression and the balance between Comedy and seriousness.
I hear Tactics Ogre is also pretty good on the strategy genre but I haven't played them.
I don't get how you can call Stardew Valley amd Pokemon as of the same genre, or even Monster Rancher and stardewvalley. Stardew Valley isn't even Japanese so you are now prpjecting irrational hatred everywhere.
This is the first time I've seen anyone use this to refer to Dark Souls and Stardew Valley.I found their stories trite, idiotic, and infantile, their gameplay bare and basic.
Soulsborne is a Japanese ARPG series. JARPG. Does that not fit? A ARPG is still a bloody RPG.
All I'm seeing is 'oh that's not a JRPG, oh that's not, oh that's not'. What is this, the no-true-scotsman of JRPGs? What is a 'real' JRPG then? Persona? I'm not giving the whole field another chance. I played a lot of them on the PC and GBA and I didn't like any of them. That's all there is to it. If that includes nearly every game from Japan, then so be it. Didn't like FF or FE or NMH or MR or AW or AC or Soulsborne or Yakuza. I found their stories trite, idiotic, and infantile, their gameplay bare and basic, and their style grating on the eyes. If that's a product of their game industry culture or my own biases, or more likely just the two clashing, then so be it.
And Walp. "every monster rancher and derivatives (Stardew Valley, ugh)". Is not Stardew Valley toted around as being some Unofficial Sequel to the Monster Rancher Series? Still was bored as absolute fuck playing that grindfest.
You just gave me a dumb thread idea.I used to love playing Shining Force, a Tactical RPG on the Sega Mega Drive (or Sega Genesis for some), when I was young.
That's me. Giving dumb thread ideas all the time.You just gave me a dumb thread idea.
I used to love playing Shining Force, a Tactical RPG on the Sega Mega Drive (or Sega Genesis for some), when I was young.
That game actually looks nice.A Codexer who was once a member of CIA made an SRPG, and turns out it came out nearly a month ago even though as Early Access.
Just putting this out there for you guys
Earthbound and Mother 3 are unplayable. AWESOME chars and story. Awful AWFUL combat. Jesus, is so bad. I just..I can't.
Earthbound and Mother 3 are unplayable. AWESOME chars and story. Awful AWFUL combat. Jesus, is so bad. I just..I can't.