Aurelius Of Phoenix

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  • Gonna do an xcom: EW ironman run, hopefully it goes well.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    End of 2nd turn move last guy, reveal floater pod and stalker pod, reaction, enemy turn, crit my heavy goes down, strangle my guy on roof, send sniper to get strangler *miss*, pop smoke on heavy, next turn enemies move up, floaters scrape support 2 DMG.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Send support to stabilize, no cover because floaters destroyed a whole wall, sniper crits with a pistol, stalker lets go, soldier who got strangled can't hit shit so throw grenade at a floater who got behind the sniper, despite being highlighted in the arc the grenade does NO DAMAGE. Next turn support gets double teamed and goes down, floater one taps soldier on the roof, sniper gets strangled.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Thoroughly emasculated.
    Anyone else hate e-celebs who use animated avatars, it's a filter for me. Too many people use shitty animated versions of themselves.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    V-tubers are gay, I'm talking about people with like a calarts profile pic on youtube. Markiplier, and others.
    I dunno. Guru Larry uses a cartoon avatar because his real face could burn the nose hairs off a dead nun.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Why is he in the comments of almost every video?
    The only side that ever 'wins' is the side of the elite who wear the masks of ideology to further their own goals, neither commies or Caps.
    I will battle the Lobster of Chaos and will slay it with the aid of benzos and my $500 rug, then have dreams of cannibalizing my cousin.
    'BRO, don't you get it? He's a sad clown! He spews out heckin' sweet quips while eatin' pizza and stuff, but it's really existential, DUDE!'
    Tin Foil Hat is on. The Black Solstice is near, and I've eaten all the chicken as a precaution.
    The Great Conjunction will make for great viewing. Look to the south west I think it is shortly after sunset.
    That CGI in the finale for The Mandalorian was all over the place, and fuck you for not including Katarn. All of Dark Forces is fucked now.
    Dark Forces was already fucked with Rogue One and giving Kyle Katarrn's job to Jan Ors, I mean, Jyn Erso.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Yeah, but now they've even taken the dark troopers from him. Hope the Boba show is better because the Mandalorian has been pretty mediocore.
    I'm gonna make an attempt to consume more anime to be more kawaii and in with my over-prescribed and wacky/random peer group.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Yeah, been meaning to get around to that. I stopped watching anime for a while because it tends to get stale real quick. Shitty slice of life, isekai, and shonen shit don't really interest me outside of a few outliers. I'm really just getting into the older stuff and despite some pacing and consistency with the animation there's some pretty good stuff.
    Finished the original Macross series and it was good, but Hikaru needs to pick a bitch and stick with her. What a cocksucker.
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