Recent content by Black Feather

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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread
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    Your GOTY 2011 (poll added)

    Re: Your GOTY 2011 It was really neat but suffers from the same problems as other virtual movies. Skyrim for me.
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Just grind up on the non-leveling unnamed Animals and Bandits ... and with the magic you can level up without killing, in fact i always loved that about TES. Nope. The system looks dumbed down at first glance, but actually you have to specialize your character through perks, which is imho a...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Strictly speaking of lore, there are various sub-species of both Khajit and Argonians And Argonians can change their gender
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I played a Nord the first time because the main quest is rather heroic, but goddamn i can't get over how awesome they made Argonians look this time around, they look like evolved Velociraptors :lol: Gonna play an Argonian philosopher-mage in my second game :lol:
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    -Rigid civic system which reminds me of some MMO RPG. I don't want a friggin skill tree in a game like civ, thanks very much. Besides, i like to be a despotic tyrant in medieval, genocide mudraces in industrial, and embrace human rights in modern times ... like real life. -The diplomacy AI was...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Meh, there are dozens of arguments which i won't write down again. The game is just shit, get over it.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Stack of dooms are no excuse to play that horrible piece of shit (civ V) - you can turn them off in every major mod.
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Pretty much sums up my feeling towards Skyrim. There are of course many things that they've done wrong again (Zodiac Signs? Regenerating health?) but i think the game has soul, this i couldn't say of Oblivion. I have always played Nord in TES games and read all books about them, and i have to...
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    It's a quote from Lord Summerisle (christopher lee) in the movie "the wicker man" (the original, not the remake). Given that nearly every Agalloch song has quotes of the movie in it i suggest you watch it...
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    Norwegian Massacre

    He won't. In norwegian jails you get a single room for yourself and even a computer. And the maximum sentence is 21 years, after that they will give him a new identity and a cozy new house on the beach. (like Arnfinn Nesset)
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    Norwegian Massacre

    Just imagine the scenario, you're on a tiny forested island with serialkiller wearing a sniperrifle. Nightmare fuel. If you're a regular person you just panick and run, hide...those who jumped into the water were actually the smartest.
  13. B

    What would make Fallout 4 a really good game??

    Yep and it was linked to the Vault experiments, a huge and rememberable plot-twist. Leave the enclave alone, man! :x