Recent content by Dracon M'Alkir

  1. D

    Hard Reset (Wooz's game) revealed

    Just grabbed it on the Steam Sale for $4.00 -- and I have to say, I am extremely impressed by the engine, art direction, and fluidity. The polish reminds me of nothing other than ID Software. For an independent gaming company, this is tremendous. I think someone said it before, the engine...
  2. D

    No Mutants Allowed Let's Play: Wasteland

    :salute: Optimalus :rip: He did his duty. Then was subsequently shot by BBs. I also vote for whoever is next in the queue. The other characters are memorable enough, esp. Moxie. :) Isn't that right, cutestuff? :|
  3. D

    No Mutants Allowed Let's Play: Wasteland

    This is turning out to be vividly entertaining! Also another vote for infanticide, with fire. Also, :rofl: @ Czaress' quote
  4. D

    More Crying Horn APA mk II fanart

    Oh man, oh MAN. Huge fan of the MK.II, as visible on my sig, for basically forever. That flames shot is worthy enough of being the cover of like, a Fallout 2 expansion pack or something.
  5. D

    Dragon's Dogma

    The first thing I was immediately reminded of was Risen, and Dark Souls. I'd give it a spin if it was out for PC, but other than that; console RPGs irk me. I can't get over the whole "this thumb-stick IS your mouse!" element.
  6. D

    No Mutants Allowed Let's Play: Wasteland

    *clappa clap clap clap* :clap: What a start! :D I will let the forum members decide where the party should go next, but by the looks of things, if Highpool has outstanding debts to the "Rail Guys" (sp?) assuming they're not going to want to just part with an engine for the water...
  7. D

    No Mutants Allowed Let's Play: Wasteland

    This is going to be so awesome.
  8. D

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    I lol'd because I didn't even notice the change at first. :clap:
  9. D

    No Mutants Allowed Let's Play: Wasteland

    //////////////////////////////////////////// Ranger Filecard 0000.76A8F#DELTA //////////////////////////////////////////// Birthname: Alexander Vassili Neftzovich Country of Origin: Former Soviet Union Former Employment: KGB Retainer Codename: "Optimalus" Specialization: Special Ops...
  10. D

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Team Fortress 2, waiting for Deus Ex 3. It'll probably suck.
  11. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Indeed Fo1 install screen, 9/10
  12. D

    Fallout: New Vegas Old World Blues Reviews Round-up #3

    I'm going to have to agree with Duck and Cover's review. It felt like one, really long Fallout 2 Special Encounter. The humor was fantastic, and is definitely 'burst-out-loud' worthy.
  13. D

    Linux Graphical Environments

    Dude. Just get Ubuntu (GNOME) for a Mac like interface, or Kubuntu (KDE) for a Windows-like interface. Ubuntu does an amazing job of bundling all of the great 'common-use' apps in one easy-to-use package. You can even boot the OS straight from the CD to test it.
  14. D

    Planescape: Torment

    A choice between "I'm hungry", and "I love you"... Hmmmmmm... Oh man this is hard.. decisions.. decisions... :lol:
  15. D

    Planescape: Torment

    Ah. You see, I was running the game, completely patched, with all of the cut in-dev content restored. You gain 2,000,000 XP from the Bronze Sphere. When I said "keep the bronze sphere", some players may not have returned to Pharod's Keep after his death to collect the sphere. I almost got rid...