Recent content by Gonadius

  1. G

    UnderRail released on Steam and GOG

    I got it in a bundle months back. May even play it one day.
  2. G

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    So your argument boils down to 'When Obsidian did it, it was alright'? Bullshit by one company is equal to bullshit from another. No exceptions.
  3. G

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    The Survivalist that everyone raves about in the Honest Hearts DLC has been lying on an exposed hilltop quite happily for over a century...
  4. G

    Fallout 4 1.2 patch is live on Steam

    You could have said the same about the release of Fallout 2. I'm still grumpy about having to restart when I had the memory error from visiting too many locations, and the game crashing every time you try to go somewhere now. Sure it was patched, but saves weren't compatible... Not to mention...
  5. G

    Fallout 4 review roundup #2

    I'm finding the game to be a lot of fun, but it is badly flawed... That said, currently, I'm having a lot more fun than I had with any other game in the series other than F2 (I started with a few hours of F2, then put it to one side to complete the original, then went back to F2), but that...
  6. G

    The Age of Decadence sells ten thousand copies in the first week

    I lost interest in this game a decade or so back. I'll play it eventually, but not till I can pick it up for peanuts. Still, I'm glad its doing well.
  7. G

    Fallout 4 has now gone gold

    Those are probably empty cases that were ready weeks ago.
  8. G

    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    Yeah... No. My first game in the series was Fallout 2 which I picked up more-or-less on release via a mail-order company, followed by F1 a week or so later. F2 I can name and describe 30-40 characters in the manner asked. F1... Lots of caricatures and stereotype NPC's, but not much depth...
  9. G

    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    I half attempted this with Fallout 1, and pretty much drew a blank.
  10. G

    PC Systems Requirements

    I doubt I'll be able to run it, as my PC has gone 8 years without an upgrade. Still, it ran Skyrim so I'll still give it a go, and if it doesn't work... No great loss.
  11. G

    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    In the order I played them in: I loved Fallout 2, thought Fallout 1 was great, thought Tactics was good, but flawed, initially found Fallout 3 to be annoying, but after my second or third attempt to get into the game found it to be fun but shallow, and thought New Vegas was great. Regarding...
  12. G

    Fallout Shelter out now on Android

    I've been playing it quite it bit via Bluestacks, and am having fun... Mostly. It does force you to pay attention whilst its running though, else you can easily lose most your 'dwellers' to what would otherwise be a simple problem. Stands to reason though, as its meant to be something you...
  13. G

    Fallout Anthology announced for PC

    You could pretty much have said the same about buying a digital copy off GOG or Steam before the rights switched to Bethesda - You were giving money to Herve Caen.
  14. G

    Bethesda cannot produce any more Pip-Boys

    Perhaps. But at least we're getting newsposts now.
  15. G

    Fallout Anthology announced for PC

    Why? The same reason people like art.