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    I saw you had a warning that was still active (visible) from two years ago. I got rid of it. You are a good goy.
    Maybe the real failure to log in for a month was the friends we made along the way
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    I made friends with a squirrel outside who I fed and then promptly watched destroy the patio mesh.

    This means war
    I almost ran over a dumb squirrel yesterday. I stopped for him though. They appear to have taken over the trees by an abandoned house nearby.
    I always stop for them but fuck they are retarded creatures. My grandfather used to love feeding them, they’d sit on his lap and everything.

    I suppose that after being an immigrant and then proceeding to serve in both Korea and Nam (two awful military clusterfucks), feeding the animals made him feel a bit better. He was a good man.

    But yeah, I can’t hate squirrels because they remind me of Olivíer.
    It’s only after making my pfp image meme that I wonder what actually qualifies as a homosexual noise
    That’s not very neighborly
    Not very nice at all. He sounds like a gay basher.
    “A gay man with a stethoscope touched my peepee under the guise of a ‘routine checkup’ and now I hate faggots”
    -Aurelius I guess
    Losing a veteran merc in Battle Brothers makes the same in XCOM feel even worse. Mostly because BB mercs face far more danger and die more.
    Don’t even try to bull shit us brother HH
    Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother
    william dempsey
    william dempsey
    Aha I thought you meant Helly Hansen
    The feeling of making breakfast only to find you’re out of potatoes to homefry is a unique form of frustration.
    I feel flattered my liege. Purely by random universal coincidental floss. I mentioned Tyranny to citizen. I have a serious question. Without shelling out lots of money what uploading site is ok ? PS Imgur rejected my video saying it was above the couple of minutes it allows.
    Depends on if you wanna go alt-outlets or regular, if you don’t care than tbh YouTube is the most easily accessible for most audiences
    william dempsey
    william dempsey
    Cheers Arthur. You may have noticed I have uploaded many of MY videos lol. I had a quick look at Imgur it said uploads < 1 gig. no problem so I signed up. Tried to upload a video that after 8- 9 years YT pulled saying it spread hate lool fucking joke. Anyay uploading to Imgur I get a message " Heck we can't have videos longer than 1 minute ffs
    Crime is out of control in NY, looks like they need Giuliani back to whip out his subpeonis.
    Hard to do police work when white on minority crime is all people care about. I can think of a few other things like the cops should risk their lives to protect others but they don't because most are cowards that got picked on in school.
    Crime is an issue that tends to be overlooked these days unless it involves white on minority crime, as you mentioned.

    It’s hard to find solutions when the only ones either side offers are police state or muh racism
    " Lifes a bitch and then you die " Clint Eastwood. " The brain is a Pandora's box ... " Yuri from Red Alert. The rest was my own thoughts on Anarchism, Trotskyism and indeed the Nietzsche kindov. Only fucking about I think you have a good sense of houmous.
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    Reactions: KingArthur
    I try to. I appreciate you man, you’re fun.

    Cheers, man from across the pond (assumedly, I think you mentioned being English once).

    EDIT: your profile literally says from Liverpool LMAO I’m a goddamned idiot
    Punishing an unruly heir or a disloyal vassal in CK2 by sending them to China as a eunuch is the most satisfying experience I’ve ever had.
    Yeha but how much DLC did you have to buy to do that?
    Literally just the Jade Dragon DLC if you wanna send eunuchs to Shina
    @eissa the ugly PFPs are worse in CK1, hideous even
    Doomsday Clock is the only decent thing modern DC has produced. Fight me
    Isn't that the one wjere they ruin Watchmen?
    No HBO did that.
    Ahem, you mistake DC for Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Wait what, it wasn't even nudged during the nuke threat inherent in Ukraine?
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    Reactions: eissa
    Rome Total War Remastered is such a clusterfuck in terms of quality holy shit. Every 10 minutes the mouse stops working; then it freezes.
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