Recent content by Knight In Leather Armor

  1. Knight In Leather Armor

    Wasteland 1 30th Anniversary Edition remaster

    The original was fun, but very difficult to play. I’m really looking forward to this, especially since it’s free on gamepass.
  2. Knight In Leather Armor


  3. Knight In Leather Armor

    Which ethnic and cultural groups have had it the worst on Earth?

    Probably the Middle East. If you believe the Bible, the Middle East has been in a constant state of discord since pretty much the beginning of time. If you don’t believe the Bible.. well.. the Middle East is still always at war.
  4. Knight In Leather Armor

    So what’s the status on Wasteland 3?

    Have we gotten any news or anything on it? The crowdfunding page went silent a bit ago. Is there any new updates for 2018?
  5. Knight In Leather Armor

    Most Hated Fallout Character

    How has nobody mentioned Jack Cabot? FUCK. THIS. GUY. Fuck everybody associated with his quest, seriously! As soon as I see that one ghoul that gives you the quest in whatever town you're in I disable his essentially and kill the fucker, then go to Jack's house and kill him too. What the hell...
  6. Knight In Leather Armor

    Is anybody good with computers? I need help with a virus.

    I'm not good with computers, how do I do that? I was going to try and use a USB to install malwarebytes.
  7. Knight In Leather Armor

    Is anybody good with computers? I need help with a virus.

    Didn't really know where to put this here, but I've been trying to get help as best I could. So it started about two years ago when I bought Fallout New Vegas on my laptop(I know, not even a gaming laptop. I still kept a pretty good frame rate with mods though.) and a while later my computer...
  8. Knight In Leather Armor

    Any Kekistani diaspora here?

    From what I understand "kek" is basically "lol" but without the stigma towards it due being insanely overused.
  9. Knight In Leather Armor

    Are The Unofficial Patches Worth It?

    All of the Unofficial Patches are required for most mods, and they're insanely good and don't take up much space, so yes, they're worth it.
  10. Knight In Leather Armor

    How will it end?

    Fallout 4 Remastered HD 7k Legendary Game of the Year Edition for the Xbox XxX and the PlayStation50.
  11. Knight In Leather Armor

    Any Kekistani diaspora here?

    Bleh, forced memes. It was funny for like a day after Sargon of Cuckahd joked about it.
  12. Knight In Leather Armor

    How often you have to deal with apologists?

    There's one guy on r/Fallout over on Reddit that made a thread complaining about people hating on Fallout 4, so this is one of the only times I've dealt with apologists.